***Cowboys Chris (aka Quarterback Coach) Mega Thread***

tyke1doe;2500219 said:
This guy is getting more than his 15 minutes of fame.

Up next: Jay Leno, Conan O'Brien or David Letterman. :laugh1:

Hahahaha! Yup. I even showed the others in my house the video the night him and Dallas22 posted it. They were cracking up especially after they heard Chris' version first and then ESPN with Chris in the background muffled out but still calling Werde a Hack! Hahahaha, that would be awesome if he'd get on a show like that!

I think Chris just found a new market niche and his true calling in life. Chris could become the Cowboy fan version of punked, lol!
Dallas22;2500197 said:

Not as good as the original but entertaining and to the point... I heard from an "anonymous source" that there a video interview about the be released on the CNS (Cowboys Network Syndicate) website from the airport right before leaving Dallas... also, there might be some video with him getting ruffed up by security and that ESPN wanted him arrested or something like that... again, these are anonymous sources so who knows :rolleyes:
thisisepic;2500235 said:
It's a bit on the immature side to be honest.

Well, let's be honest here. Fans heckle players of the opposing team all the time -- and sometimes even the players on their own team.

Seeing a fan stand up in a stadium and heckle someone isn't exactly stop-the-presses behavior.
RainMan;2500244 said:
Well, let's be honest here. Fans heckle players of the opposing team all the time -- and sometimes even the players on their own team.

Seeing a fan stand up in a stadium and heckle someone isn't exactly stop-the-presses behavior.

Yeah I know, I'm one of those people though where stuff like that doesn't get to me as bad as others I suppose.
Yakuza Rich;2500196 said:
Well, it's not that. It's the fact that the authorities got involved with those incidents. So there weren't really anonymous sources when the sources were the authorities.

And Cowturd doesn't answer all those times before that Mr. Blue Suit has been dead wrong on the Cowboys and Owens when he had "anonymous sources." Still waiting for Mr. Blue Suit and his apologists to answer that one.

But, don't be that radio host.


You are very naive.

I have said this many times on here and even shown proof with pictures. I go to every home game, and every week I go down and take pictures and mingle around by the cowboys tunnell.

So I will say this one more time and be done with this moronic argument that has occupied and held hostage football and cowboys news.

The players and coaches on this team all like ed werder. They talk to him on the field during warmups every week. And you know who spends the most time talking to Ed Werder, Brian stewart. Every week I see witten, both garretts, wes phillips, newman, romo, bradie, ware,carpenter and jerry on the field in warmups and they all talk to him. And they are all smiling and so is he.

He has been around this team for all of these guys careers 24-7. There were never once problems with ed werder reporting from Dallas until 81 showed up.

I believe werder has a ton of sources in Dallas because I see him talking to people in every level of this organization every game. I have never seen one player or coach blow him off. And again Brian stewart comes out very early and jogs around the field about 4 or 5 times before every game and he always stops and has lengthy discussions with Ed Werder.

And a side note, Not one person would talk to him sunday night. Ed stopped brian stewart sunday to talk and Myself and doctor 32 were right there and we basically saw brian stewart turn his hands up and say I cant. Ed had a look of disbelief on his face. Not one player talked to him. at one point werder went and stood on the 20 yard line while romo and witten were getting loose and they wouldnt even look at him.

The whole situation is sad.

Does ESPN have an agenda, absolutely. Does Ed Werder take orders and press issues with 81, absolutely.

Does ED Werder have good access to the cowboys organization, yes better than any other reporter. Does Ed have a ton of cowboys sources, absolutely yes.

Is owens guilty of everything he is charged with, absolutely not. Is He completely innocent absolutely not.

I think it is very childish of this organization to not let their guys talk sunday night to ed. I think owens is extremely childish and always has been. HIs immaturity has led to all this nonsense. Werder was taking candy from a baby.

Now because the head coach was joking about it after the game sunday, which I find extremely arrogant and short sighted and because owens is going to continue to use ed's name and whine this will never go away.

And if we lose one of these two games, especially that philly game, this will be all we here about all offseason and because of wade phillips schizo reactions to this he has set himself up for a tremendous backlash.

again though, 99% of the fans of this team are naive about the team and its relationship with werder, only owens dislikes him. The rest of the players, coaches and the owner talk to him at length on the field and in the locker room I am sure.
Dallas22;2500122 said:
I thought I overheard someone on the field on Sunday night of the Giants-Cowboys game say that there MIGHT be new video footage of Cowboy Chris being released TODAY (Tuesday)... I heard that it there are AT LEAST 2 more videos coming out... I guess time will tell!

Well, since you're the camera man I'll take your word for it. I can't wait to see them either. Just wondering who you guys straightened out this time?

By the way, these guys help get our message out to the media and our team at times. So people please show these guys much love.
Dallas22;2500170 said:
He did get the see the game but I'll let him tell it... He is Quarterback Coach on here. Could be some video coming out real soon from this incident as well... that's just what I've heard.

What a perfect weekend... GO COWBOYS!!!

That's great to hear. This story should be good.
AKATheRake;2500253 said:
Well, since you're the camera man I'll take your word for it.

Hey, not me ---> anonymous sources

Thanks for the props though :D
Hahahaha! He's haunting Werder. Werder feels like the foortball paparazzi is after him. Then T.O calls him out after the game. I'm waiting to see if Werder spreads more garbage. Chris don't let up on this Hack!
Chocolate Lab;2497191 said:
I was just about to post that. Is that for real? Galloway sounded serious, but maybe not. That would be a huge shame to go all that way and then not get to watch the game.

Anyone heard from Chris and Dallas22 since the game?

Its one of the most embarrassing things I have ever seen as a fan. He should be ashamed of himself and all the people that bring attention to this should be embarrassed that they are making such a big deal out of it.

I saw that cowboy chris dude standing outside the main gate sunday night. Myself and doctor32 walked right by him. IF he got thrown out of the stadium for heckling werder again, he should be tarred and feathered.

All this nonsense to heckle a guy all the players and coaches like, Ed Werder. Unless your the president of the T.O. fan club I dont understand why anyone cares what werder said.

Not only should cowboy chris be ashamed of himself he should feel silly for not even understanding the situation.
Stephen A. Smith says that "there are a lot of players on TO's side", and some that aren't. He's obviously in TO's corner.

From what he said, I took it that this whole thing is not blown up at the media at all.

He said on a scale of 1 to 10, this situation is about a 5, with the one in Philly being a 10.

Said that many of the African-American players were offended that TO was booed.

Figures. It won't be long til someone from the lockerroom plays the race card.
Dallas22;2500264 said:
Hey, not me ---> anonymous sources

Thanks for the props though :D

LOL, no prob! Just keep CC focused and don't let him ease up on Werder.:p: Chris has an angle on Werder. I'm dying to see how Werder counters or if he just outright backs off on his garbage reports. The media has hurt this team and hurting this team hurts our chances at the SB.
theebs;2500269 said:
Its one of the most embarrassing things I have ever seen as a fan. He should be ashamed of himself and all the people that bring attention to this should be embarrassed that they are making such a big deal out of it.

I saw that cowboy chris dude standing outside the main gate sunday night. Myself and doctor32 walked right by him. IF he got thrown out of the stadium for heckling werder again, he should be tarred and feathered.

All this nonsense to heckle a guy all the players and coaches like, Ed Werder. Unless your the president of the T.O. fan club I dont understand why anyone cares what werder said.

Not only should cowboy chris be ashamed of himself he should feel silly for not even understanding the situation.

Get over yourself dude.
Cowturd is honestly just upset that some regular joe, who has no pull, was able to force ESPN to move their set up to somewhere else to avoid his heckling. That video was hilarious.
This is too much. I know Ed has to be thinking, how the heck did he find me again?

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