***Cowboys Chris (aka Quarterback Coach) Mega Thread***

RainMan;2500232 said:
I'm surprised that, through all of this, Werder never just walked over and tried to tell Chris his side of the story. Not in a confrontational way, but in a genuine sense. Nothing about who his sources are, but just a conversation about what his job is, why he can't reveal his sources, etc.

Everyone else in the prior video walked over but him. Is he afraid? Chris doesn't seem like he's threatening physical violence in any of this stuff. I don't know Chris personally, but I bet it'd make for a more peaceful environment and at least give Chris an ounce of respect for the guy.

I think the fact all of Werder's "handlers" came over last time -- one shouting and raving, nonetheless -- only added fuel to the fire.

Just my two cents.

Yeah, they shouldn't have come over. I didn't even hear the shouting when watching Werder's report. Their sound equipment is phenomenonal in that it can mask outside noise.

But why would Werder approach Chris?

Chris doesn't register even a speck on Werder's radar. He's there to do his job not engage a heckler.
WG5516;2500287 said:
This is too much. I know Ed has to be thinking, how the heck did he find me again?

For real! He's got to be getting in his head. First CC find him behind the trees. Then he gets a perfect seat in the stands where Werder sets up. Hahahahahaha!:lmao2:
AKATheRake;2500280 said:
LOL, no prob! Just keep CC focused and don't let him ease up on Werder.:p: Chris has an angle on Werder. I'm dying to see how Werder counters or if he just outright backs off on his garbage reports. The media has hurt this team and hurting this team hurts our chances at the SB.

I don't think that CC will be talking to Werder any time soon. His point was made plus CC lives far from Dallas... GO COWBOYS!!!
AKATheRake;2500280 said:
LOL, no prob! Just keep CC focused and don't let him ease up on Werder.:p: Chris has an angle on Werder. I'm dying to see how Werder counters or if he just outright backs off on his garbage reports. The media has hurt this team and hurting this team hurts our chances at the SB.

If Werder's reporting has hurt this team (or media reports about this have hurt this team), they weren't tough enough to get to a Super Bowl, much less win it.

Good teams (no, GREAT teams) use the Us vs. Them mentality to their advantage. It's just an added incentive to go out and take care of business.

The only thing this team should be thinking about is how to get better, how to win and using whatever motivation they need to amp their game to another level.
TimeKeeper;2499907 said:
Regarding the video he said something to the effect of "don't become that fan".

Backing up Werder of course, he said that the Plax story started with un-named sources too. And that the Enron scandal would have never broken if not for un-named sources. :rolleyes:
the difference between Plax and Enron and the Cowboys is that there's a frickin' bullet in Plax's leg...PROOF. There was apaper trail with Enron...PROOF. WIth the Cowboys...just the word of "unnamed sources" and that's it. No PROOF.

If I'm a sports reporter I'm demanding that Werder devluge his sources b/c he's killing what little integrity sports reporters had before this mess
tyke1doe;2500296 said:
If Werder's reporting has hurt this team (or media reports about this have hurt this team), they weren't tough enough to get to a Super Bowl, much less win it.

Good teams (no, GREAT teams) use the Us vs. Them mentality to their advantage. It's just an added incentive to go out and take care of business.

The only thing this team should be thinking about is how to get better, how to win and using whatever motivation they need to amp their game to another level.

I agree.
What's so funny about this is that CC actually thinks Werder can hear him. :laugh1:
theebs;2500252 said:
You are very naive.

I have said this many times on here and even shown proof with pictures. I go to every home game, and every week I go down and take pictures and mingle around by the cowboys tunnell.

So I will say this one more time and be done with this moronic argument that has occupied and held hostage football and cowboys news.

The players and coaches on this team all like ed werder. They talk to him on the field during warmups every week. And you know who spends the most time talking to Ed Werder, Brian stewart. Every week I see witten, both garretts, wes phillips, newman, romo, bradie, ware,carpenter and jerry on the field in warmups and they all talk to him. And they are all smiling and so is he.

He has been around this team for all of these guys careers 24-7. There were never once problems with ed werder reporting from Dallas until 81 showed up.

I believe werder has a ton of sources in Dallas because I see him talking to people in every level of this organization every game. I have never seen one player or coach blow him off. And again Brian stewart comes out very early and jogs around the field about 4 or 5 times before every game and he always stops and has lengthy discussions with Ed Werder.

And a side note, Not one person would talk to him sunday night. Ed stopped brian stewart sunday to talk and Myself and doctor 32 were right there and we basically saw brian stewart turn his hands up and say I cant. Ed had a look of disbelief on his face. Not one player talked to him. at one point werder went and stood on the 20 yard line while romo and witten were getting loose and they wouldnt even look at him.

The whole situation is sad.

Does ESPN have an agenda, absolutely. Does Ed Werder take orders and press issues with 81, absolutely.

Does ED Werder have good access to the cowboys organization, yes better than any other reporter. Does Ed have a ton of cowboys sources, absolutely yes.

Is owens guilty of everything he is charged with, absolutely not. Is He completely innocent absolutely not.

I think it is very childish of this organization to not let their guys talk sunday night to ed. I think owens is extremely childish and always has been. HIs immaturity has led to all this nonsense. Werder was taking candy from a baby.

Now because the head coach was joking about it after the game sunday, which I find extremely arrogant and short sighted and because owens is going to continue to use ed's name and whine this will never go away.

And if we lose one of these two games, especially that philly game, this will be all we here about all offseason and because of wade phillips schizo reactions to this he has set himself up for a tremendous backlash.

again though, 99% of the fans of this team are naive about the team and its relationship with werder, only owens dislikes him. The rest of the players, coaches and the owner talk to him at length on the field and in the locker room I am sure.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
AKATheRake;2500268 said:
Hahahaha! He's haunting Werder. Werder feels like the foortball paparazzi is after him. Then T.O calls him out after the game. I'm waiting to see if Werder spreads more garbage. Chris don't let up on this Hack!

Maybe Werder is getting a little taste of his own medicine. Werder himself is no better than paparazzi.
tyke1doe;2500302 said:
What's so funny about this is that CC actually thinks Werder can hear him. :laugh1:
Werder actually did hear him... called security over to talk to him... I heard, from anonymous sources, that ESPN wanted him arrested as well... Werder & ESPN heard him FOR SURE
tyke1doe;2500296 said:
If Werder's reporting has hurt this team (or media reports about this have hurt this team), they weren't tough enough to get to a Super Bowl, much less win it.

Good teams (no, GREAT teams) use the Us vs. Them mentality to their advantage. It's just an added incentive to go out and take care of business.

The only thing this team should be thinking about is how to get better, how to win and using whatever motivation they need to amp their game to another level.

Oh no doubt! Totally agreed! But it also helps the players to see their fans are fired up and willing to stand up to this crap especially when the coaches or the organization isn't. The question is, how much of this gets to the players and the coaches? Plus it's funny and everything CC has said on all of his videos, this includes CC Yelling Parts 1 - 5, we have all discussed on this board and the majority have agreed. Just feels good someones voice gets at them, that's all.
RoadRunner;2500312 said:
Maybe Werder is getting a little taste of his own medicine. Werder himself is no better than paparazzi.

Exactly! That's why it's so awesome.
trueblue1687;2499911 said:
Of course the obvious discrepancy w/ the Plax v. TO stories is that Plaxico's incident was validated by a police investigation while Werder's TO story is still being validated with assumptions and lots of ifs and buts.

Not only that, but nothing involving any sort of police report regarding TO.
Inspired by CowboyChris & Yakuza Rich...


EPL0c0;2500297 said:
If I'm a sports reporter I'm demanding that Werder devluge his sources b/c he's killing what little integrity sports reporters had before this mess

First, one sports reporter can not demand that another sports reporter devulge his sources.

Second, you probably meant "editor," and no editor is going to make his reporter reveal his sources publicly. Maybe that editor will ask the reporter to reveal the source to him - for accountability's sake. But no editor or reporter who understands the business of journalism would reveal his source publicly. Reporters, in many cases, go to jail protecting their sources.

That's like saying if you're a lawyer, you're going to make another lawyer violate attorney-client privilege.

There's a world that fans create, and then there's the real world.
theebs;2500252 said:
You are very naive.

I have said this many times on here and even shown proof with pictures. I go to every home game, and every week I go down and take pictures and mingle around by the cowboys tunnell.

So I will say this one more time and be done with this moronic argument that has occupied and held hostage football and cowboys news.

The players and coaches on this team all like ed werder. They talk to him on the field during warmups every week. And you know who spends the most time talking to Ed Werder, Brian stewart. Every week I see witten, both garretts, wes phillips, newman, romo, bradie, ware,carpenter and jerry on the field in warmups and they all talk to him. And they are all smiling and so is he.

He has been around this team for all of these guys careers 24-7. There were never once problems with ed werder reporting from Dallas until 81 showed up.

I believe werder has a ton of sources in Dallas because I see him talking to people in every level of this organization every game. I have never seen one player or coach blow him off. And again Brian stewart comes out very early and jogs around the field about 4 or 5 times before every game and he always stops and has lengthy discussions with Ed Werder.

And a side note, Not one person would talk to him sunday night. Ed stopped brian stewart sunday to talk and Myself and doctor 32 were right there and we basically saw brian stewart turn his hands up and say I cant. Ed had a look of disbelief on his face. Not one player talked to him. at one point werder went and stood on the 20 yard line while romo and witten were getting loose and they wouldnt even look at him.

The whole situation is sad.

Does ESPN have an agenda, absolutely. Does Ed Werder take orders and press issues with 81, absolutely.

Does ED Werder have good access to the cowboys organization, yes better than any other reporter. Does Ed have a ton of cowboys sources, absolutely yes.

Is owens guilty of everything he is charged with, absolutely not. Is He completely innocent absolutely not.

I think it is very childish of this organization to not let their guys talk sunday night to ed. I think owens is extremely childish and always has been. HIs immaturity has led to all this nonsense. Werder was taking candy from a baby.

Now because the head coach was joking about it after the game sunday, which I find extremely arrogant and short sighted and because owens is going to continue to use ed's name and whine this will never go away.

And if we lose one of these two games, especially that philly game, this will be all we here about all offseason and because of wade phillips schizo reactions to this he has set himself up for a tremendous backlash.

again though, 99% of the fans of this team are naive about the team and its relationship with werder, only owens dislikes him. The rest of the players, coaches and the owner talk to him at length on the field and in the locker room I am sure.

Maybe they did talk with him, but when he goes out and posts an article like his most recent one, knowing that it will cause turmoil and problems for the Cowboys, maybe some of those same people are more apt not to talk with him from now on.

If someone causes me problems, I wouldn't want anything to do with him either.

People may feel that Werder betrayed the level of trust he had with the team.
AKATheRake;2500317 said:
Plus it's funny and everything CC has said on all of his videos, this includes CC Yelling Parts 1 - 5, we have all discussed on this board and the majority have agreed. Just feels good someones voice gets at them, that's all.

Also remember, Cowboy Chris never said even 1 curse word... just making that point :laugh1:
Maikeru-sama;2499920 said:
I don't think he is trying to compare the latest fiasco regarding Terrell Owens to Enron. Instead, I think he is just pointing out that unnamed sources are a big part of reporting and have been used in the past to break some of the biggest stories.

Its still an apples and oranges fallacy as there is no valid reason for unnamed sources in mere football stories. Only cowards use those in something like this as nobody's life or property are on the line here. Nobody is going to get the Jimmy Hoffa treatment for something like this.

Not only that, but the TO/Romo/Witten deal isn't going to be involving police that can verify what happened, nor is it going to wind up in court where those anonymous sources could be called to testify, and if they refuse then any evidence regarding what they have to say will be thrown out as inadmissable.
I have no problems with Cowboy Chris and what he did. Reporters should be held accountable for the things they write.

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