Cowboys Fans in Dallas SUCK

glorydaysrback;1636864 said:
when i go to fed ex field the ENTIRE stadium has an F the cowboys chant and that is something I was hoping we would get going last night.

Well, that would certainly be a little odd at Texas Stadium
Jersey;1637124 said:
Living here in NJ, and having been to Texas Stadium and others here in the norhteast I can tell you that the noise is soft compared to others. I guess its more of a college & highschool state than pro. Up here you put EVERYTHING into the pro game. When I watch the games on TV it seems the noise at Texas Stadium is led by Rowdies antics than whats going on down on the field. Pretty Weeeny !!!
Heck, the Cowboys fans that attend their away games are MUCH more avid than the softies at TS.
That's why I firmly believe that the true, REAL Cowboys fans live outside of Texas. After all, THAT'S why we are America's Team.

again. You are generalizing. Real true cowboys fans live outside of texas?

So what am I, I guess I am a softie know nothing who goes to the games for the pretzels.
theWave21;1637105 said:
Well you can take your "gentlemen's" approach to the other team but it isn't helping your team at all! Ever hear of the 12th man? I'm not a fan of harrassing other fans, but a loud crowd is a must! I watched the game on TV and could tell the place was quiet. I watch football all day long and it's the only game where you don't really hear crowd noise! I'm sure other teams love coming to Dallas to play. It's like a home away from home.

wow you learned all that on tv huh? Amazing.

Some of you guys believe everything you hear and are making generalizations that are not true.
theebs;1637197 said:
again. You are generalizing. Real true cowboys fans live outside of texas?

So what am I, I guess I am a softie know nothing who goes to the games for the pretzels.

If you understand he is generalizing, and realize that what he is saying does not apply to you, is there any reason to get upset? In a general sense, the criticism of Dallas crowds is correct.
superpunk;1637203 said:
If you understand he is generalizing, and realize that what he is saying does not apply to you, is there any reason to get upset? In a general sense, the criticism of Dallas crowds is correct.

not getting upset. Trying to figure out how somebody who comes to one game, or just watches on tv has the crowd so figured out.

I have been in a lot of stadiums. The loudest happen to be rich stadium in buffalo before the renovation. That place was extremely loud when they had 82000 in there. Pretty good environment.

I have been to the vet, meadowlands, cleveland and the carrier dome many times.

Texas stadiums crowds are good. The only time they are not is for noon games. People around here go to church no matter what and they come to noon games late. Those games have late crowds and therefore quiter games.

The stadium was good sunday night. It will get better as the year goes. There were virtually no giants fans in the building sunday. The 4th qtr was not as loud as the first mostly because alot of people were exhausted because the humidity was so bad.

Just saying, making a thread saying fans in Dallas suck, is silly. I am from the northeast and have been to many yanks-sox games since the early 80s in boston and in ny and its the same thing. Sometimes the crowds are great, sometimes not.
superpunk;1637203 said:
If you understand he is generalizing, and realize that what he is saying does not apply to you, is there any reason to get upset? In a general sense, the criticism of Dallas crowds is correct.
Well generally speaking, all a person can do is their part. When I'm at a game, I'm loud, chanting, whatever....even the lame wave they like to do. But I'm not going to bash folks who don't and I don't think others should either.

And really, as far as the game the other night, everytime you even thought about being excited, the defense ended up giving up a score. A little hard to maintain joy, ya know.
I've only been to Texam Stadium once but it doesn't seem like we're the most hostile environment. In all fairness though, The Giants offense took our crowd out of the game to say the least. They consistently ripped our D and converted on 3rd down. That kinda takes the bite out of the crowd.
GimmeTheBall!;1636889 said:
Well, youse guise from the north got it straight, you betcha.
Ah cahn rememba those bee-U-Tee-Full pizza pies up deah. Tha best. Tha best ah tell ya!
Yo, everything is bettah in the north. Da food, da peoples da fans.
Lucky we have you to tell us the right way to doose things. Hey, watch it dayah! I'm writtin' heah, I'm wirttin' heah!! Don't push youse guise!!!

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Big Dakota;1636852 said:
I've gone to games in Minnesota and you can't hear yourself in the Met Dome it's so crazy loud.

Minn has been caught numerous times playing crowd noise through those huge speakers on the field during the game.
Yeagermeister;1637233 said:
Minn has been caught numerous times playing crowd noise through those huge speakers on the field during the game.

You say that like it's a bad thing ... :laugh2: :lmao2:
Dallas East;1636871 said:
People don't know what real crowd noise is until they have watched a football game at Tiger Stadium in Baton Rouge.

Kyle field In college station would have to be the loudest stadium I've been to.
A few years back when Tech was playing there Guinness book was there to record the record breaking decibel level.

I'm not sure if they broke it or not but there is aways 90% participation by the fans. 95% were wearing maroon. And don't even try to sit down, these guys stand the entire game and if you don't... get ready for an ear full.

If you're on the upper deck get ready for a ride because it is swaying back in forth for most of the game.

I don't even like the aggies, but there fans are annoyingly loud and



I'm a Cowboy fan from Dallas that regularly addends games every year, and if you're trying to say I suck..... Well ... Lets just say you're not--for your sake.
cleverusername;1637249 said:
Kyle field In college station would have to be th loudest stadium I've been to.
A few years back when Tech was playing there Guinness book was there to record the record breaking decibel level.

I'm not sure if they broke it or not but there is aways 90% participation by the fans. 95% were wearing maroon. And don't even try to sit down, these guys stand the entire game and if you don't... get ready for an ear full.

If your on the upper deck get ready for a ride because it is swaying back in forth for most of the game.

I don't even like the aggies, but there fans are annoyingly loud and
That's just me boasting. ;) :)

cleverusername;1637249 said:


I'm a Cowboy fan from Dallas that regularly addends games every year, and if your trying to say I suck..... Well ... Lets just say your not--for your sake.
I never get tired of seeing that. :)

Was your comment intended for the thread's author or for me? Well, if it's intended for me, please, please, don't rat me out to the Sopranos! Please! :nervous:
DallasEast;1637260 said:
That's just me boasting. ;) :)

I never get tired of seeing that. :)

Was your comment intended for the thread's author or for me? Well, if it's intended for me, please, please, don't rat me out to the Sopranos! Please! :nervous:

No, it was not intended for you're. :D

Thanks for the correction, mom. I didn't realize you posted on this board.

Please send me some more of those oatmeal cookies. (don't put any of those damn raisins in there neither.)

Here's the badge you left over here the other day.

I really believe that two things have increased the boorish behavior at most venues.

First the internet. Stories of ill-treatment at the opposing team's stadium spread like wildfire on the internet whether they're almost always embellished or not. They treat us badly, we'll treat them badly.....

Second is the increase in ticket prices. Most would think this would improve the crowd behavior, getting a white collar and seemingly more well behaved crowd on hand but it doesn't. All that's really happened though is a more transient crowd. Instead of a couple of games a year, Joe twelve-pack can only afford one and ****** if he's only going to one game he's going to get liquored and enjoy himself, damn the consequences. Someone's more than willing to sell him a ticket because there's money to be made.

I hope the home of Cowboys never falls prey to the rabid jerkishness that's become the trademark of most stadiums in the north east.

I went to Notre Dame/Penn State and was appalled at the overall behavior in the stands. Language that would make a sailor blush chanted by parts of the crowd. I've always had positive experiences as a visitor to Beaver Stadium in the past and assumed that the home of a class act like Paterno would remain a bastion of civility. I was wrong.
cleverusername;1637285 said:
No, it was not intended for you're. :D

Thanks for the correction, mom. I didn't realize you posted on this board.

Please send me some more of those oatmeal cookies. (don't put any of those damn raisins in there neither.)

Here's the badge you left over here the other day.

You never answered the question. :)
StanleySpadowski;1637289 said:
I've always had positive experiences as a visitor to Beaver Stadium in the past and assumed that the home of a class act like Paterno would remain a bastion of civility. I was wrong.

You were wrong about Paterno being a class act too. It's easy to be a class act when you win, ... I have noticed Paterno's behavior occasionally when he loses, it's quite different.

For years WVU was a doormat to Penn St. and JoePa was always very gracious, but when we beat Penn St. a time or two he acted like a poor sport, a big baby, or a jaded Jr. High girl.
WV Cowboy;1637317 said:
You were wrong about Paterno being a class act too. It's easy to be a class act when you win, ... I have noticed Paterno's behavior occasionally when he loses, it's quite different.

For years WVU was a doormat to Penn St. and JoePa was always very gracious, but when we beat Penn St. a time or two he acted like a poor sport, a big baby, or a jaded Jr. High girl.

Woody Hayes God Bless him was quite mean spirited when he got older which I am told is a 180 from what he use to be...just something to think about...
That was one of the loudest television broadcasts I've heard from Texas stadium. It usually sounds like a funeral on tv...last night's game was far better than normal. I'd still like it to get louder, but I'm not holding my breath.
I never want the Dallas stadium to become like the old Vet or the Meadowlands. I prefer to be able to take my little brother to the game and not too much aggravation from drunk fools. Shutup and watch the game, cheer at the appopriate times. If another team's fans are in the stadium, realize they paid too and quit being ridiculous. A little friendly banter doesn't hurt, but people go too far.
Cowboys fans are at Texas stadium are known to be more reserved.. Nothing new, it's been discussed often.

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