Signed by Cowboys Cowboys Hiring Brian Schottenheimer as HC

I'm actually in disbelief, we followed up the worst off-season I've ever been apart of and within a year it might already move down to second worst.
What kind of loser is gonna want to work under the guy formerly known as Brian, the career assistant?
He ain’t Brian no more - he’s the HC of the Dallas Cowboys- Jerry just can’t help himself. We will see but I see his buddy is the next DC, Friends and Family still in full force at the star
I guess my new favorite team will just be rooting for whatever team plays the Egirls for a few years.
This line cracks me up:

"Brian Schottenheimer is known as a career assistant," Jones told ESPN. "He ain't Brian no more. He is now known as the head coach of the Dallas Cowboys."

That’s akin to saying “I don’t care that everyone thinks you’re dumb. I still love you.”
It's absolutely insane that that is the best they came up with.
For the 102nd time, does not matter who is coach of this team, with non mobile Dakota Prescott behind center, we have zero chance of going anywhere! You can post whatever you want about the coach, AGAIN, it does not matter folks.
Great choice.

He seems to be a guy that is willing to take a whole lot of humiliation at the hands of his owner, and being ok with the players having no respect for him because Jerry is the true coach.

Perfect qualifications... just as good as MM
He is trying to force Dak to make a trade request.
Dak likes and endorsed BS, the HC is a result of Dak contract, can’t just hear BS bsing Jerry, Dak is a top 3 QB and I can get more out of him. In the end it’s a change for good or bad and we will have to wait and see how it plays out. 25 years of learning and 2 under MM learning how to it wrong should help
Well, I'm out, and I know that a lot of fans in my area said the same thing. This isn't the Dallas Cowboys anymore, this is just a billionaire's plaything. If you keep going along with it they will just keep laughing all the way to the bank. Until people stop going to games, stop watching games, and stop buying merchandise the Jones' literally don't care.

So, are you going to continue to be a fool for the Jones family or do we use the only power that we have, as hard as it may be, to do away with anything that brings the Cowboys money until the Jones family takes a backseat? Short-term pain for long-term gain.
I don't know what will be said in the press conference but I do know that Stephen will giggle.

He's like Jerry's Ed McMahon.
He checked all the boxes, he’s knows Dak, he has the pedigree ah ur ur ur ur I couldn’t be happier for the Dallas ur Cowboys are their fans. This is a talented roster and we are expecting big things in the future.
Now you don’t have to watch
So as an outsider, will you trade for Dak (we'll sort out his NTC).
Dak's extension and Schott's internal promotion just exacerbates this insular viewpoint.... interesting that you mention 'genes' because one of the biggest problems is that the gene pool is diluted due to continual 'love of our own'.
This just smacks of the ultimate rinse and repeat....made so much more infuriating because:
a) we had the chance to draw a line after the 2023 season, see out 2024 (where we reset) and re-evaluate.
b) there were many innovative/interesting you coaches with successful CV's available....and we go for the late night announcement of an insider. That doesn't give any encouragement....from the media seeking Jerry.
Maybe not. I realize I'm arguing against myself, sorry.

Explanation: Just went to go look at the ESPN stats for rating (the old fashioned metric, not saying perfect, but a quick reference). And I expected to see Dak somewhere in the 10ish region (maybe a little up or down). But he was actually 33rd (including some backups) and 28th (or so) if you factor out backups with low sample size (e.g. Marriotta who actually leads the list). (sort by rtg, last column, and then manually count)

So, maybe I was living in the past. If he really is 28th or so, then I doubt he has much market value as a starter. Was this year an off year (anomaly) or the regression expected from Father Time or a down year from being nicked up that he will come back from.

Donno exactly...don't follow your team that well. If one thinks he's done, then move on. If not, then hang in there and expect a rebound.

I guess the same could be said of Kirk Cousins or even Aaaaaron Discount Double Check Rodgers. Are they going to have a better year next year, a little bit distant from injury? Or more downslope. Maybe even complicated by Dak having his injury late in the year, unlike Kirk/Aaron. (Actually I don't even know...was he nicked up before his season ending injury or fine and just not playing well?)

P.s. Need some cap relief also, but maybe that washes out if you trade him, donno. For the answer above, I was just ignoring the cap hit even, and just considering the player.
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Maybe not. I realize I'm arguing against myself, sorry.

Explanation: Just went to go look at the ESPN stats for rating (the old fashioned metric, not saying perfect, but a quick reference). And I expected to see Dak somewhere in the 10ish region (maybe a little up or down). But he was actually 33rd (including some backups) and 28th (or so) if you factor out backups with low sample size (e.g. Marriotta who actually leads the list). (sort by rtg, last column, and then manually count)

So, maybe I was living in the past. If he really is 28th or so, then I doubt he has much market value as a starter. Was this year an off year (anomaly) or the regression expected from Father Time or a down year from being nicked up that he will come back from.

Donno exactly...don't follow your team that well. If one thinks he's done, than move on. If not, then hang in there and expect a rebound.

I guess the same could be said of Kirk Cousins or even Aaaaaron Discount Double Check Rodgers. Are they going to have a better year next year, a little bit distant from injury? Or more downslope. Maybe even complicated by Dak having his injury late in the year, unlike Kirk/Aaron. (Actually I don't even know...was he nicked up before his season ending injury or fine and just not playing well?)
I look at 2023 as that was the most complete roster we've had in years, what with the addition of Gilmore, Cooks, Hankin and a fit Tyron... we aren't going to see that kind of roster, especially with Dak's CAP% (Micah's, CeeDee and Tyler Smith's).
Dak's 2024 stats, with a reduced roster was closer to the norm (add in the fact that those poor numbers were strengthened by his Giants stats). In some ways Dak was saved by the injury.
There is no real rebound as he's reliant on too much and his biggest Achilles Heel - inability to overcome a deficit (those teams with any decent defense can cover-2, and sure as eggs he'll close his eyes/or miss the post-snap moving Safety, as he can only focus on what he's looking at....another reason why he doesn't go through progressions, just stares down his 1st man).
He needs EVERYTHING to work, both sides of the ball. Just can't build a roster with his 60m AAV, the 40m restructured money in 4 years.
I’m not going to be critical of our new head coach until he has some games under his belt. Every other coach we’ve brought in regardless of stature has ultimately been a failure. This team has not met the opportunities with a successful result. We win a supposed “big” regular season game every once in a blue moon but it’s always fleeting and never translated into continued success.
I’m not going to be critical of our new head coach until he has some games under his belt. Every other coach we’ve brought in regardless of stature has ultimately been a failure. This team has not met the opportunities with a successful result. We win a supposed “big” regular season game every once in a blue moon but it’s always fleeting and never translated into continued success.
You don't need to be critical of Schotty to criticize the Joneses. They **** the bed on this one. That's not Schottenheimer's fault. They run the team and make these insane decisions.
The only think I do like is that we'll probably take the ball out of Dak"s hand and run more. Knowing Jerry though he's probably happy with our current rbs. And with all these young qbs coming up it won't make a difference
This team has too many holes and has an aging and regressing qb and now we have a hc that nobody wanted. Somebody who's been mediocre his whole career. We're the third best team in the division and its not going to get better anytime soon

Top 5 rushing Jets went to AFC championship game 2009 2010 with Schottenheimer as OC . He knows the value of a rushing attack helps your QB .
Wow, the Jones's really don't care about what happens on the field.
Guys at work keep trying to convert me to be a Chiefs fan - they are getting close. Been a Cowboys fan since early 70's - I swear 2024 was the absolute worst season I can remember, and very embarrassing as a Cowboys fan. You can't make this shyt up. The worse records in the past were mostly due to just having a poor roster on the field. This past year, we witnessed a totally discombobulated turd of management try to squeeze out sideways.

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