Cowboys Joes Analysis of Game


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cowboyjoe;4148434 said:
Except for the golf tournaments and dating actresses.

So you mean the things Aikman did in the 90's that you criticized Romo for doing and saying he was not a leader and cared more about Golf than Football.


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cowboyjoe;4148341 said:
Again, was peyton manning elite before he won his first superbowl?
Was eli manning before he won his first superbowl?
Eli's not elite.
Was troy aikman considered the great qb he was, before he won his first superbowl?
Was roger staubach considered the great qb he was before he won his first superbowl.

Romo is elite now, has it taken awhile yes. But remember Peyton Manning, Eli Manning, Roger Staubach, Terry Bradshaw, Tom Brady, they werent considered elite till they won their first superbowl.
This is such a simple way of looking at things. The truth is that the Super Bowl win doesn't make you great. 99% of the time you have to be great BEFORE you win a Super Bowl. The list of mediocre QBs who have won a Super Bowl is short, and of those mediocre QBs who have won a Super Bowl, they didn't become great because of the win. They are still thought of as mediocre.

All a Super Bowl does for a great QB is evidence his greatness.

Which QB is the greatest? Dan Marino or Trent Dilfer?


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zrinkill;4148572 said:
So you mean the things Aikman did in the 90's that you criticized Romo for doing and saying he was not a leader and cared more about Golf than Football.

It's amazing to me Romo had a smirk after the Jets game and did not care and just a week later he became elite, lol.

I guess maybe a chemical reaction took place when his rib went through his lung creating a more serious and determined Romo than the week before???

This Joe guy sure makes for an entertaining read. It's not worth wishing Romo has a bad game to see what Joe says then, but it's damn close, lol.


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Really is it too much to ask for him to shave and wear his cap right.I mean say what you will about Kitna but he's a real man and a leader.He probably has his shortcomings but when you see him he has that no bs look.Sorry but I am sick of the stubble and cap on backwards.Troy Aikman was a great qb and years later I am still in awe of him.He has this aura of confidence and he looks like he cares what the leader of the Cowboys looks like.


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BARRYRAY;4148765 said:
Really is it too much to ask for him to shave and wear his cap right.I mean say what you will about Kitna but he's a real man and a leader.He probably has his shortcomings but when you see him he has that no bs look.Sorry but I am sick of the stubble and cap on backwards.Troy Aikman was a great qb and years later I am still in awe of him.He has this aura of confidence and he looks like he cares what the leader of the Cowboys looks like.

You should quit watching and throw away all your Cowboy gear. Go find a team that has real men playing. You know, those no bs looking, clean cut, forward cap wearing type you like.


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BARRYRAY;4148765 said:
I mean say what you will about Kitna but he's a real man and a leader.He probably has his shortcomings but when you see him he has that no bs look.Sorry but I am sick of the stubble and cap on backwards.Troy Aikman was a great qb and years later I am still in awe of him.He has this aura of confidence and he looks like he cares what the leader of the Cowboys looks like.




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BARRYRAY;4148765 said:
Really is it too much to ask for him to shave and wear his cap right.I mean say what you will about Kitna but he's a real man and a leader.He probably has his shortcomings but when you see him he has that no bs look.Sorry but I am sick of the stubble and cap on backwards.Troy Aikman was a great qb and years later I am still in awe of him.He has this aura of confidence and he looks like he cares what the leader of the Cowboys looks like.
A real man? Did you really just say that? You can't be a real man and be unshaven or wear a cap backwards? What if you play with a broken rib and punctured lung? Does that help?


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BARRYRAY;4148765 said:
Really is it too much to ask for him to shave and wear his cap right.I mean say what you will about Kitna but he's a real man and a leader.He probably has his shortcomings but when you see him he has that no bs look.Sorry but I am sick of the stubble and cap on backwards.Troy Aikman was a great qb and years later I am still in awe of him.He has this aura of confidence and he looks like he cares what the leader of the Cowboys looks like.

I present to you the real look of leadership:



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cowboyjoe;4145545 said:
So, Romo has evolved and taken those baby steps that I have preached about over and over. Just like you said Hos, more players must step up to, but players will do that even more, when they see your star leader, the QB lead too.

Joe, did you email Jerry about Romo needing to be a leader? It seems like a huge coincidence that he has turned the corner now after you've been preaching all this time, and I figured maybe Jerry finally listened to you.


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zrinkill;4148572 said:
So you mean the things Aikman did in the 90's that you criticized Romo for doing and saying he was not a leader and cared more about Golf than Football.

Did Aikman demand experise from players in practices and on field? Yes he did, moreso than romo in tony's first 5 years in pros.

Did Aikman chew players out on the field of play? And when pray tell did romo say, i dont feel like you have to chew players out, but persay on sidelines etc... However, romo changed that view last monday night didnt he?

When did aikman win his first NFC championship, 92-93, which was 4-5 years right. Lets see, romo has been here since 2003, played since 2006, but no nfc championship or super bowl right? But I am already conceding romo as elite this year but not before because no nfc championship or superbowl won yet.

What sayest thou now zrinkill? :)


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peplaw06;4148679 said:
Yes Eli's not elite.YesYes.

This is such a simple way of looking at things. The truth is that the Super Bowl win doesn't make you great. 99% of the time you have to be great BEFORE you win a Super Bowl. The list of mediocre QBs who have won a Super Bowl is short, and of those mediocre QBs who have won a Super Bowl, they didn't become great because of the win. They are still thought of as mediocre.

All a Super Bowl does for a great QB is evidence his greatness.

Which QB is the greatest? Dan Marino or Trent Dilfer?

In my estimation, Dilfer, why? Who won a superbowl? And what is the goal of the QB to win a superbowl, period. Nothing else matters. Aikman could have shattered Marino's records if he wanted to. Marino had superior players around him too, but didnt win the big one, why?

Just because you have stats means squat. How about jim kelly, he went to 4 superbowls, but did he win. No, I rest my case. Kelly and Marino were very good qbs, but not elite.


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Hostile;4149078 said:
Goodbye credibility.

Again, I miswrote that,

Comparing Marino and Difler, which is the elite qb? Dilfer, why who won a superbowl? Dilfer. Did Marino ever win a superbowl? What is being considered and the ultimate reward for being in the nfl, winning a superbowl.

Marino is a great qb, but not elite. However, I am putting Romo there in elite status because I feel romo will win 2 to 4 superbowls for the cowboys before he retires.

Just like Marino, Jim Kelly is a great qb, but not elite. There is a difference in my book, to be elite, you have to win superbowls or your going to. I feel Romo will win superbowls for the Dallas Cowboys. Am I going out on a limb here?

Yes and no, because I feel romo is a championship elite type qb, that will win superbowls.

Just like comparing roger staubach and don meredith. Roger was a elite qb, he won superbowls and lost some but got there and won. Dandy Don was a great qb, but not elite because Meredith didnt win any superbowls for the cowboys.

What was one thing that Tex Schramn kept telling Dandy Don Hos?

Remember, I wish you would grow up, something like that.

Romo has finally grown up and hit elite status, and either this year, LORD willing or next year, romo will take us to the promised land.


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cowboyjoe;4148322 said:
Romo has changed, and grew as a player, thus is why I have said all along, romo needed just to take a few more baby steps, not big steps but little baby steps.

No matter what you say, you cant hide the fact some things romo has said on leadership in the past. All the rah rah stuff isnt needed, didnt have to jump onto a player on field of play, but on sidelines. Didnt feel this was his team till 2 years after T O had left. These are all steps, baby steps that romo has taken in last few years, that I have harped on, over and over. Now, with romo growing up, being more of a leader in offseason, chewing out players, not being nonchalant or laid back sometimes like wade was. Want me to go on, romo is now taking on some of personality of head coach Jason Garrett, which an old saying is that the team takes on the personality of the head coach.

Then, playing with pain, its not so much the pain, but how romo played, and his teammates saw that on field of play, and have more respect for him, (at least some players do, not sure about Ogletree for example or Costa whatever the snap problem is for example). That plays huge dividends for your team when the whole team believes in your star elite qb. Remember, wasnt too long ago a player on the team was saying Kitna should get ample playing time as well as Romo, etc... All that has changed now for the good and commarde of the team.

Even other players are stepping up after seeing romo gut it out, like Dez, Felix, to name a few, heck, even spencer finally stepped up at the end of the game.

I'll cut to the chase for you here, Joe. Veterans, who have shared the heat, are quick to come to the concept of esprit de corp. That is shared when injury and demand are all on the spot, then and there. It's not an aspect that a quality person developed even with years of experience has quick reference to. It is something that is forged during fire, and creates steel in effect. It all involves respect and deep set emotions.

A soldier, even if gifted and dedicated, takes much longer to gain this perspective than someone with less talent but forged by fire, and pain.

The skillset of Tony Romo has been developed from when he entered a lower level college through Bill Parcells unto today. But his hand on the keel has been improved with what he has gained in respect and commitment to his own skills. That is what you termed. So be it, even if it is poorly received as a message by others.

A soldier will just smile, and know. As he won't violate that final line association of his own paid for guts, and love as well.


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cowboyjoe;4149096 said:
Again, I miswrote that,

Comparing Marino and Difler, which is the elite qb? Dilfer, why who won a superbowl? Dilfer. Did Marino ever win a superbowl? What is being considered and the ultimate reward for being in the nfl, winning a superbowl.

Marino is a great qb, but not elite. However, I am putting Romo there in elite status because I feel romo will win 2 to 4 superbowls for the cowboys before he retires.

Just like Marino, Jim Kelly is a great qb, but not elite. There is a difference in my book, to be elite, you have to win superbowls or your going to. I feel Romo will win superbowls for the Dallas Cowboys. Am I going out on a limb here?

Yes and no, because I feel romo is a championship elite type qb, that will win superbowls.

Just like comparing roger staubach and don meredith. Roger was a elite qb, he won superbowls and lost some but got there and won. Dandy Don was a great qb, but not elite because Meredith didnt win any superbowls for the cowboys.

What was one thing that Tex Schramn kept telling Dandy Don Hos?

Remember, I wish you would grow up, something like that.

Romo has finally grown up and hit elite status, and either this year, LORD willing or next year, romo will take us to the promised land.

You know, cowboyjoe, if I did not know you as I do, I would really think you are either drunk or on drugs...I'm serious!



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cowboyjoe;4149096 said:
Again, I miswrote that,

Comparing Marino and Difler, which is the elite qb? Dilfer, why who won a superbowl? Dilfer. Did Marino ever win a superbowl? What is being considered and the ultimate reward for being in the nfl, winning a superbowl.

Marino is a great qb, but not elite. However, I am putting Romo there in elite status because I feel romo will win 2 to 4 superbowls for the cowboys before he retires.

Just like Marino, Jim Kelly is a great qb, but not elite. There is a difference in my book, to be elite, you have to win superbowls or your going to. I feel Romo will win superbowls for the Dallas Cowboys. Am I going out on a limb here?

Yes and no, because I feel romo is a championship elite type qb, that will win superbowls.

Just like comparing roger staubach and don meredith. Roger was a elite qb, he won superbowls and lost some but got there and won. Dandy Don was a great qb, but not elite because Meredith didnt win any superbowls for the cowboys.

What was one thing that Tex Schramn kept telling Dandy Don Hos?

Remember, I wish you would grow up, something like that.

Romo has finally grown up and hit elite status, and either this year, LORD willing or next year, romo will take us to the promised land.
Dude come on. The only qualification to be "elite" as opposed to "great" is winning a Super Bowl? That creates all kinds of problems... not the least of which is that you have suddenly declared Romo as elite, even though he hasn't won a Super Bowl.

If he doesn't end up winning one, you would then have to change your mind and say he's not elite. Problem is, you've already said...

cowboyjoe;4148329 said:
No, once your an elite player in my book or thoughts your elite. And romo isnt doing it the cowboyjoe way, romo is doing it now, the cowboy way, the jason garrett way. Think about that for a minute. The cowboyway the cowboys did it in the early 90s.


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cowboyjoe;4149071 said:
And what is the goal of the QB to win a superbowl, period.
That's the goal of every NFL player.
Aikman could have shattered Marino's records if he wanted to.

He probably could have won 18 Super Bowls too if he wanted to. Troy Aikman could have gone undefeated, if he wanted to. He probably could have thrown it over them mountains too, if he wanted to.

Just because you have stats means squat. How about jim kelly, he went to 4 superbowls, but did he win. No, I rest my case. Kelly and Marino were very good qbs, but not elite.
They were both damn sure better QBs than Dilfer. Yet one is elite in your book and the others aren't.

Question for ya joe... How many elite QBs on your list of elite QBs have never won a Super Bowl?


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peplaw06;4149217 said:
Dude come on. The only qualification to be "elite" as opposed to "great" is winning a Super Bowl? That creates all kinds of problems... not the least of which is that you have suddenly declared Romo as elite, even though he hasn't won a Super Bowl.

If he doesn't end up winning one, you would then have to change your mind and say he's not elite. Problem is, you've already said...
The Prosecution rests.


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Hostile;4149239 said:
The Prosecution rests.

:) Wait a second, Hoss...the prosecution has to win popular elections, and that relies on mood of voters. That has implied ups and down. :star: