Cowboys to Resign B Butler today


It's all in the reflexes
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But keep the "Invasion of the Body Snatcher" instead? T Will literally offers nothing to this team.
Hurns has better hands than TWillm but is quite the body catcher himself. Neither are great route runners, but I'd give TWill a mark up on speed and durability. They're both WR3's. Cut them both, doesn't matter to me. I'd rather keep Thompson and pick up an inconsistent but a better intermediate/deep threat WR in Butler. We have enough possession WR's/TEs on this team to last a lifetime.

I smell the end of Terrance Williams.

Or a tight end.

Not lying, I was almost going to state the same and thought about Jarwin but thought I would get mocked so I dropped it. He, the coaches' vision for him in this offense and the reality simply aren't meshing at all. I hate to say it, but Rico is the better option on the field vs. Jarwin/Schultz.
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Only thing I can think of are the Go routes... But Butler doesn't carry the baggage of Gordon, and he is just as fast as Gordon, so my opinion is they got Butler for go routes. I am just surprised they are signing Butler after some of the things he said lol.
Yeah and go routes is what the offense is relying on to keep defenses from clogging the middle of the field. Explains the Bulter signing completely if we sign him.


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Do we really need another guy who can't stay on the field right now?

Take a chance on a guy with his skill set, a skill set that no WR currently on our roster possesses?

Absolutely. What's the worst thing that happens? He plays sparingly or never? Great, we simply have the WR corps we started the season with.

People are acting like Gordon would be the only WR on our team and if he was suspended we'd have to run the ball 80 times a game.


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Butler does add another deep threat, but what did Hurns do to be the odd guy out? I was looking to see a TE hit the bricks.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
This reeks of desperation showing that the F.O. has no idea what they are doing in regards to the passing game. Oops! We messed up revamping the WR's, so lets bring them all back :rolleyes:

They can sell me on this only if TWill is cut. Fine if they want to swap them out but in no way do I want to see the same crew from last season minus Dez.

We need a big play WR and Butler is not the answer.....


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Guess that means no Gordon.

Stupid front office.
Why would you want a player who’s been a headache his entire career and now even more of a PITA? We have enough of those types. Gregory could be gone any day, Irvin is still suspended, Rico had his incident. Who knows what Williams is facing. Sure, lets trade for the biggest headache next to Dez Bryant. SMH.


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Why would you want a player who’s been a headache his entire career and now even more of a PITA? We have enough of those types. Gregory could be gone any day, Irvin is still suspended, Rico had his incident. Who knows what Williams is facing. Sure, lets trade for the biggest headache next to Dez Bryant. SMH.

1) Because there is no downside to bringing Gordon in, especially if its a late round pick with conditions to become say a 4th rounder.

2) He'd clearly be the most talented WR we have. He's a #1 elite level kind of WR, something we just don't have. How often do you get a chance to add a guy who could be a legit stud WR for cheap?

3) Worst case scenario, you trade a 5th or 6th round pick for him, he busts out and you just end up with the same WR corps you thought was good enough when the season began. Brice freaking Butler is a JAG. He's not solving anything.

So yeah, given the situation the Cowboys are in, Gordon is really a no brainer IMO (unless of course some team is dumb enough to want to give up like a 3rd or 2nd rounder for him....... then I'd pass.)

People need to stop acting like bringing a guy like Gordon in somehow changes the entire team chemistry, they have upheaval in the clubhouse and the team just falls apart at the seams.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
This reeks of desperation showing that the F.O. has no idea what they are doing in regards to the passing game. Oops! We messed up revamping the WR's, so lets bring them all back :rolleyes:

They can sell me on this only if TWill is cut. Fine if they want to swap them out but in no way do I want to see the same crew from last season minus Dez.

We need a big play WR and Butler is not the answer.....

Resigning Butler constitutes bringing them all back?

I can't even fathom the suggestion that signing Brice Butler is a desperation move. Maybe there is some realization that he has an element the receiving group is lacking, or maybe there is some other reason, but how can anyone actually believe that even if the Cowboys were desperate that they would consider Butler the solution?


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Dear lord I dont care for Josh but if its between him and Brice its Gordon all the way no comparison in talent, It also depends on what it costs i wouldnt give more then a 5th or a 6th that could be a 5th

The Natural

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I think Twill is on his way out. What are his stats this year? I'm thinking 1 or 2 catches. Doesn't sound like he is part of the plan moving forward. Butler is a small bridge until some of the young guys figure out how to play this game. If its not Twill then is one of our non-performing TE's. That could be a simple as putting 3 names in a hat and pick a loser.
We could say the same for everybody else. Hurns is at 2 catches for the year, Gallup is at 2 catches for the year, same for Austin. When the QB can only throw for 165 yards a game the receivers' numbers are going to look abysmal


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Resigning Butler constitutes bringing them all back?

I can't even fathom the suggestion that signing Brice Butler is a desperation move. Maybe there is some realization that he has an element the receiving group is lacking, or maybe there is some other reason, but how can anyone actually believe that even if the Cowboys were desperate that they would consider Butler the solution?

What element is lacking though? Austin is a deep guy. Thompson also has some speed. So what exactly do they need Butler for?

What Butler ever a good blocking WR? Our WR blocking has been suspect at times thus far.

This smells like a typical Stephen, low cost, low risk move. Basically an "ehh" move. Like they made a move, just to make a move.


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Skip said today that 11 teams are reaching out to Cleveland and DC isn't one of them.. this sucks


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
What element is lacking though? Austin is a deep guy. Thompson also has some speed. So what exactly do they need Butler for?

What Butler ever a good blocking WR? Our WR blocking has been suspect at times thus far.

This smells like a typical Stephen, low cost, low risk move. Basically an "ehh" move. Like they made a move, just to make a move.

I don't know, size maybe. He has 7" on Austin, so, maybe the size/speed combo is something they think would be a benefit.