Cowboys to Resign B Butler today

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"Well, if's he's so great...then why's he available?" - Mickey Spags

The question was posed as who would "They" cut. Obvious answer is Hurns. Who would I cut? The answer is still Hurns. I don't understand why we brought him in. We had a serious need for: Speed/Route running/#1 WR. We brought in a #2 WR that has none of that and has durability issues.

Deonte Thompson has shown more in our offense (despite missing time in TC, unlike Hurns), cost less and is the K/R.

But keep the "Invasion of the Body Snatcher" instead? T Will literally offers nothing to this team.


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I think Deonte Thompson can as well, that is basically why he was signed.

There was chatter on twitter that this move is happening because a suspension is coming. I wonder if its TWill because they are going to put Thompson in the Y role (which he has done for the last six quarters) and then Butler in those specialty sets for go routes.
T-Will, Gregory who knows about the suspension. I do not see what the hurry is to sign butler. I mean if you want a dynamic WR not named Dez as FA I would have waited for Gordon. I mean if Gregory is not a circus than Gordon must not be one also.


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Guess that means no Gordon.

Stupid front office.

The team that trades for Gordon will Gordon. What part of the past four years of his story don’t you get?


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The team that trades for Gordon will Gordon. What part of the past four years of his story don’t you get?

And Gregory didn't play for a long time either and yet here he is playing again.

The kid's talent is well worth the risk. Especially for a team that doesn't have a legit #1 WR type (or TE) on it.


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Guys there are reports Terrance Williams will be suspended for a week or 2. Brice is just going to hold his spot for the time being. Thompson's roster spot is safe.


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He is nearly as fast as Tavon... We know Dak can throw Go routes... I am assuming that is what he is for. Plus like 817 above said... I think Williams is getting suspended for a game or something.


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Do we really need another guy who can't stay on the field right now?

I want Gordon, but I don't want Gordon... because I hate thinking of it being a waste of time adding a player into the game plan, that more then likely will get in trouble again. Think about it, he can't stay out of trouble in Cleveland... Get him in the Dallas area, and what do you think will happen? lol


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The article says all our WRs are "complementary pieces" but apparently the answer is Brice Butler, who has never learned more than one route and who was just cut by the Cardinals.

Sure, why not.

It would be interesting to see who they cut to bring him back? Thompson to get the 4th round pick back maybe? Of course Thompson seems to have found a bit of a groove with Dak.


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I want Gordon, but I don't want Gordon... because I hate thinking of it being a waste of time adding a player into the game plan, that more then likely will get in trouble again. Think about it, he can't stay out of trouble in Cleveland... Get him in the Dallas area, and what do you think will happen? lol
That's kind of how I feel about it. I mean Jerry has gone to great lengths to provide the mental health support structures here so that we can take on guys like Gordon, but I mean how many of those guys can we have at once. And not to say that Gordon and Dez are comparable, but if we never got real value of out of Dez with Dak throwing why would we get value out of Gordon?


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I think Twill is on his way out. What are his stats this year? I'm thinking 1 or 2 catches. Doesn't sound like he is part of the plan moving forward. Butler is a small bridge until some of the young guys figure out how to play this game. If its not Twill then is one of our non-performing TE's. That could be a simple as putting 3 names in a hat and pick a loser.


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That's kind of how I feel about it. I mean Jerry has gone to great lengths to provide the mental health support structures here so that we can take on guys like Gordon, but I mean how many of those guys can we have at once. And not to say that Gordon and Dez are comparable, but if we never got real value of out of Dez with Dak throwing why would we get value out of Gordon?

Only thing I can think of are the Go routes... But Butler doesn't carry the baggage of Gordon, and he is just as fast as Gordon, so my opinion is they got Butler for go routes. I am just surprised they are signing Butler after some of the things he said lol.