Twitter: Cowboys Tweets 5/23


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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White mike white mike white mike



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It really would be nice if he kept his mouth shut. Stashing players is technically not allowed. Him calling attention to it is not all that smart. But we already knew that about him.

There is nothing wrong with what they did. He went on IR with a major concussion. It’s up to the team who they pull off IR. Not every player that goes on IR has a season ending injury. They would only have an issue if he came out and said he never even had a concussion or any type of injury.


Salary Cap Analyst
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As for the postseason? There's far too small of a sample size for starters, but what there is isn't overly impressive:

Scoring 24 and 21 points isn't particularly impressive, especially considering the player talent the team had.

On the contrary, scoring 24 and 21 points is particularly impressive considering that we scored that much on only nine and eight offensive drives. Both of those were more points per possession (2.67 and 2.63) than we averaged during that regular season -- when we ranked second in the NFL at 2.62 points per possession.

The problem was that in our loss to Green Bay in those playoffs, our defense allowed 2.89 points per possession, which would have ranked dead last in the NFL by far.

Well, that was one of the problems, at least, along with the NFL's ridiculous catch rule.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
On the contrary, scoring 24 and 21 points is particularly impressive considering that we scored that much on only nine and eight offensive drives. Both of those were more points per possession (2.67 and 2.63) than we averaged during that regular season -- when we ranked second in the NFL at 2.62 points per possession.

The problem was that in our loss to Green Bay in those playoffs, our defense allowed 2.89 points per possession, which would have ranked dead last in the NFL by far.

Well, that was one of the problems, at least, along with the NFL's ridiculous catch rule.

Thanks for the insight.


What's it going to be then, eh?
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There is nothing wrong with what they did. He went on IR with a major concussion. It’s up to the team who they pull off IR. Not every player that goes on IR has a season ending injury. They would only have an issue if he came out and said he never even had a concussion or any type of injury.
I just think him shooting off his mouth about it is idiotic. This is more about my personal dislike for the player than anything else.

He is running around today talking about how he is just looking to get active for "somebody".

Honestly, I would boot him off the team right now. He has zero commitment to anyone other than himself.

It puts what appears to be an organizational distaste about him in perspective.


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It was predictable in 2014 & 2016 too.

Sometimes we just have better talent then other teams.

When you have an Oline that can just steam roll teams you can get away with basic football.

Incredible Oline play and a Wizard at QB that could extend plays are the only reason this offense has had any success.

We can't rely on just out rostering teams.

Also, it's just regular season success. We need more then a good regular season every now and again.

Dallas has nothing to show for all of those points scored.
Imagine Josh McDaniels as OC those two seasons. NO doubt we get 1 Super Bowl.


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I've seen too much film of Dak "going through his progressions" to think it's a strength. He will often be looking at a WR who is open and he should throw the ball, but he will hold onto it and go to his next progression. Then he will throw it to this person, who is less open and less likely to gain more yards. Or it will be a dump off. Or he will now be late getting the ball out (which sometimes he holds it too long just staring at the guy he ends up throwing to, resulting in the same), causing the pass to be defended. And sometimes he just holds it too long and he is sacked/fumbles.

He just doesn't see the field all that well, and can be a bit timid on cutting it loose. There's of course his mechanics, weak arm, and accuracy as well, but that's a different subject from his progressions.
How can you tell he's staring at a player? Because he looks in that direction? Do you have film on this? Cause I've watched a lot of film also. He missed some throws but nothing like you say. As a matter of fact...couldn't be nothing like you say cause his completion % was about 64%. And his yards per completion was pretty high too compared to other QBs. So, I'm curious to what you saw.


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Has a player been suspended for a car accident before? Or would they suspend him for public intoxication? Is there any cases where a player who wasn’t in the program who was suspended for suspected public intoxication? I can’t recall anyone off hand.


Chris in Arizona
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I could certainly see that.

I see too many "single points of failure" on this team. Points that don't happen with other teams.

The Vikings can lose their quarterback and star running back and yet still make it to the NFC Championship.

The Eagles can suffer through all of their losses and still win it all.

If this team loses Sean Lee, it's an excuse for losing to Green Bay and the Rams - one guy.

If they lose Tyron Smith, the whole offense collapses - one guy.

And then people want to pass off 2017's failed season because Elliott was suspended?

Nowhere do these excuses happen but in Dallas. Other teams overcome. Because their coaches make it happen.

We are player reliant.

This may be the best post I've ever seen on this board.


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Many players do this, as well as those seeking to be traded or a contract extension, such as the case of Earl Thomas.
Also Beckham in NY. I guess he has been a no show at their OTA's.
Beckham has been to every practice, right now it's the smart thing for him to do with the new coaching staff.