Game Day Cowboys vs Green Bay Post Game Thread


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None taken, you have a lot of good questions. No team is perfect, and I think with some good offseason moves and Romo back, we can fix enough of them to be a lot closer to last years 12-4 team than this version. We have the chance to stick a JJ Watt or Fletcher Cox type guy on our team at a low cost - that's huge. This was one of Dez's worst games. He will be fine.

I do think Romo has a good chance to make it through the season even a year older, and we have enough cap room to spend a bit more on a backup, we know its a necessity.

Today was a frustrating game for sure. But even with a horrendous offense, a QB who was aiming and lacked any confidence, and yet again losing on turnovers, we had numerous chances in the second half to make a drive to tie the game. I just think it's a better plan than tearing the whole team/coaching staff down, drafting a QB high and starting w a new HC. Next year has a good probability of being good, and thats how I prefer to reason it.

Thanks! I agree with most of what you said other then Romo making it through an entire season. I just have a bad feeling his career is one big hit from being over, the body can only take so much.

I don't despise Garrett like most here do but I do think there are much better options for a head coach. Having said that, I agree, I don't think bringing in a new coach next year is the right move. IF big if, Romo does stay healthy, I think possibly learning a new system would be a bigger obstacle and hinderance than overcoming the current coaching shortfalls.


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....especially the part where they escort you off the field into the locker room.....he would have headset, tablet, and any opportunity to remain on sidelines removed immediately.

The team's only true hope this team had once Tony went down, was for a vicious sideline tackle that took out BOTH Garrett and Linehan for the season


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They had this week to put some different plays and looks on offense and look at our game plan today. Absolutely horrible, we have the dumbest coaches in the league. Garrett and Linehan should be fired on the spot.

Yes getting pretty hard to defend our offensive coaches in paticular. I wonder if any have watched the all 22 film to see how much is on poor qb play and how much is on scheme??


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Has any teamever gone a whole season without having an interception by a cornerback? It looks like this team might be the first.

Every pick we have had (couple by Heath in Tampa game and one in first Giants game I believe to Wilcox) came from tipped balls from receivers. The other came when Bradford pretty much threw it into Lee's stomach in the endzone and the ball happened to stick to him. I may be wrong, but I think that was it when it comes to picks other than the McClain pick six...not a single clear cut pick where the db jumped the route or battled the WR for the ball and came away with it. Pretty pathetic.

Then for a while after the Philly game we didn't have a single turnover...the last one was the fumble by Bradford where he mistimed the snap and the ball happened to land in the linemans feet. We don't cause any turnovers, they just sometimes happen to bounce to us.


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Making a profit on his business does not mean making a profit ranks higher in his priority list than winning does.
I never said he was running a charity and suddenly a stupid man.

This isn't rocket surgery.

Ok. So his biggest priority is winning yet he has some of the most expensive tickets, said he would fire himself as GM and refuses to bring in the right personnel to make this a winning organization?

He's delusional but he's also not stupid. I have a hard time believing his number one priority is winning and not just making money and always being in the spot light with almost every decision makes.


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Yes getting pretty hard to defend our offensive coaches in paticular. I wonder if any have watched the all 22 film to see how much is on poor qb play and how much is on scheme??

Watch Green Bay's final 3 games they are going to struggle. We make the competion always look good. Put our offensive players in any other system and watch them flourish.


Junior College Transfer
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Hey Gimme I'm going to be late for that meeting at town hall in Farmers Branch, can you save me a seat ?????????????

Quite, lad. On the agenda is street lights and free haircuts for the women. Don't be late, lad!

Yakuza Rich

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I really hate our safeties (outside of Byron Jones).

How Jerry can sit there with a straight face and tell the world that Barry Church is getting better every year is astonishing. And the sad thing is that Church is galaxies better than JJ Wilcox who looks like the second coming of Tony Dixon. I'm even clamoring for the days of Keith Davis.

Our corners have not had 1 INT all year long and the sad thing is that I think it is more imperative to fix the safeties than the corners at this point in time.

We also need to fix the MLB position because McClain is not reliable.

Cassel was abysmal. Dez had the worst game I've ever seen from him. But, at least Dez has made plays for this team. I can't say the same for Church or Wilcox. And I don't know how Wilcox stays on the team after this week and how Jerome Henderson has a job. How does a guy like Wilcox look worse than he did as a rookie when he only had 1 year of safety play under his belt? Bad position coaching is the only answer I can come up with.

Kudos to the O-Line and D-Line and Sean Lee playing with some heart and energy out there. They kept the game close for the first 55 minutes. The rest aren't even worth mentioning.
