Game Day Cowboys vs Green Bay Post Game Thread


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I'm astonished that it took this long for many people to see that Garrett was riding Tony Romo and his connections within this organization to shift blame anywhere, but himself.

These issues we are seeing are the same exact ones when Wade was here and Garrett had absolute control of this offense.


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I really hate our safeties (outside of Byron Jones).

How Jerry can sit there with a straight face and tell the world that Barry Church is getting better every year is astonishing. And the sad thing is that Church is galaxies better than JJ Wilcox who looks like the second coming of Tony Dixon. I'm even clamoring for the days of Keith Davis.

Our corners have not had 1 INT all year long and the sad thing is that I think it is more imperative to fix the safeties than the corners at this point in time.

We also need to fix the MLB position because McClain is not reliable.

Cassel was abysmal. Dez had the worst game I've ever seen from him. But, at least Dez has made plays for this team. I can't say the same for Church or Wilcox. And I don't know how Wilcox stays on the team after this week and how Jerome Henderson has a job. How does a guy like Wilcox look worse than he did as a rookie when he only had 1 year of safety play under his belt? Bad position coaching is the only answer I can come up with.

Kudos to the O-Line and D-Line and Sean Lee playing with some heart and energy out there. They kept the game close for the first 55 minutes. The rest aren't even worth mentioning.


I can't like this post enough. I've hated our safeties for years, and all of the projects we keep trotting out there because Jerry got burned by Roy are killing us.


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They had this week to put some different plays and looks on offense and look at our game plan today. Absolutely horrible, we have the dumbest coaches in the league. Garrett and Linehan should be fired on the spot.

And the O Line played well for the most part.

Bad QB, Dez stunk, and Linehan/Garrett nary a clue.


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Stop with the Dez Bryant hate. I could do a better job than Cassell at getting him the ball. If Tony or any competent quarterback was in there he'd be making plays. This season is a throw away simply because of the Romo injuries. If Romo stays healthy we'd be locking up some field advantage by now. **** happens. Get ready for next year.

We don't use Dez properly.. That being said my trash can was more effective in this game than him.


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Its going to be an interesting off season. Important one. The front office has to determine what they are going to do with the coaching staff and QB position. Defense still not getting pressure and the Secondary just cant get a int to save their lives.

Yakuza Rich

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I can't like this post enough. I've hated our safeties for years, and all of the projects we keep trotting out there because Jerry got burned by Roy are killing us.

Jerry thinks it's 1995 and you can still trot out marginal talent at safety and be 'fine.'

I didn't expect big plays from the safeties today because Rodgers is great and they keep the passes in GB short. But, I do expect guys like Church and Wilcox to make tackles. At least Church makes an effort to tackle the guy whereas Wilcox backups when the ball carrier is RUNNING TOWARDS HIM. Wilcox isn't anywhere near being a 'downhill player.' You would think that would be coached into him by now.



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We are in year nine of opposing teams know what we are going do. The only difference in the last couple years was the run game and that's because Callahan scrapped the old garbage and instituted a new running game and whole new OL line with its blocking schemes..

Garrett hasn't added anything. Look at his passing game.. It's the same trash we've run for years. Our newest route was the drag route to Dez, during the year Cally had some control and was a beast play for Dez, but even that's essentially gone now..


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Jerry thinks it's 1995 and you can still trot out marginal talent at safety and be 'fine.'

I didn't expect big plays from the safeties today because Rodgers is great and they keep the passes in GB short. But, I do expect guys like Church and Wilcox to make tackles. At least Church makes an effort to tackle the guy whereas Wilcox backups when the ball carrier is RUNNING TOWARDS HIM. Wilcox isn't anywhere near being a 'downhill player.' You would think that would be coached into him by now.


Wilcox is yet another player converted to safety and has ZERO instincts for the position. His tackling angles are almost comical, and he got trucked by Cobb on the Starks TD run.

Church is Killa Davis Lite. He can tackle and support the run, but just not built to play in the passing game.

The CBs catch a lot of flack. and some warranted, but they have terrible support behind them.


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Last one being released! Get your official JG Cowboy shirt just in time for Christmas!


Oh shucks. I was hoping to see the big set of Clappy Hands on the back! :)