Game Day Cowboys vs Green Bay Post Game Thread


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I'm astonished that it took this long for many people to see that Garrett was riding Tony Romo and his connections within this organization to shift blame anywhere, but himself.

These issues we are seeing are the same exact ones when Wade was here and Garrett had absolute control of this offense.

Right. Take away 12-4 with a Romo healthy and leading and all the same issues we had the first .500 years are the same. We have a HC that can't adjust when things aren't perfect. He is a mouthpiece that spews cliches and has nothing to back it. I mean your 4-8 and can go all out that was the gameplan on offense?

Yakuza Rich

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Wilcox is yet another player converted to safety and has ZERO instincts for the position. His tackling angles are almost comical, and he got trucked by Cobb on the Starks TD run.

Church is Killa Davis Lite. He can tackle and support the run, but just not built to play in the passing game.

The CBs catch a lot of flack. and some warranted, but they have terrible support behind them.

Church couldn't tackle a one legged man with an inner ear fluid disorder today. He should be playing Danny McCray's position....a special teams ace that rarely sees the field outside of in the box on nickel or dime packages. Instead, we have McCray in that position and he never sees the field because he shouldn't ever see it. And Church starts.

Good lord, gives me a headache just thinking about it.



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Ok. So his biggest priority is winning yet he has some of the most expensive tickets, said he would fire himself as GM and refuses to bring in the right personnel to make this a winning organization?

He's delusional but he's also not stupid. I have a hard time believing his number one priority is winning and not just making money and always being in the spot light with almost every decision makes.

He absolutely wants to be in the spotlight. I agree that he wants the credit when (if) we win.
Of course he likes making money. Jerry loves being the owner and GM of the Cowboys.
Why do you think he refuses to bring in another GM? It's certainly nothing to do with money.

Jerry loves the spotlight. He has an ego like most rich people. However part of that spotlight brings much criticism as well. Jerry is a fan. He always has been and at times he has acted like too much like a fan.

The Natural

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Jerry thinks it's 1995 and you can still trot out marginal talent at safety and be 'fine.'

I didn't expect big plays from the safeties today because Rodgers is great and they keep the passes in GB short. But, I do expect guys like Church and Wilcox to make tackles. At least Church makes an effort to tackle the guy whereas Wilcox backups when the ball carrier is RUNNING TOWARDS HIM. Wilcox isn't anywhere near being a 'downhill player.' You would think that would be coached into him by now.


The safety we've been dying for since Woodson is an unrestricted free agent this summer


Get your checkbook ready Jerruh


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Jason Garrett to me is an opportunist that is more interesting in preserving his image than improving his coaching skills. That was evident in how the FO handled Dan Reeves and Bill Callahan, two experiences veteran coaches that could have clearly provided a valuable learning experience to Garrett.

Yakuza Rich

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The safety we've been dying for since Woodson is an unrestricted free agent this summer


Get your checkbook ready Jerruh

I'll believe it when I see it. Especially with Marinelli as the D-Coordinator. And I doubt the Chiefs will let him go because somebody like Andy Reid actually values the safety position.



Original Fan
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I'm really coming around to the idea that our losses have been due to the lack of offensive and defensive game planning. I don't think we overrated our talent (although there is room for improvement at certain positions) but I do believe we are behind the curve with our strats on both sides of the ball. Other teams are doing more with less as a result of scheme. As someone stated in another thread our strats require our players to be a superior player with the "beat the guy in front of you" mentality l which is not realistic in today's NFL. Today's NFL requires more strategic planning and gimmicks to succeed. It makes sense because card games such as Magic the gathering and hearthstone are similar to the NFL because it's a copy cat kind of game such as the NFL. The teams that are good (as well as decks used for the above card games) succeed because they are not doing what everyone else does and tries to innovate to be ahead of everyone else.


We lose due to lack of game planning and the plays we run plan on both sides of the ball. Not talent.

And the Cowboy legacy is innovation, deception - started with Landry.


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Bunch of reasons this team continues to stink:

1)No tackles that can anchor regularly kills them when they NEED stops late in games. You can't expect 285lb lineman to hold up an entire game.

2)Dreadful offensive game plan

3)No wr's that can separate

4)Coach is allergic to risk

5)Putrid offensive game plan

6)Can't get turnovers

7)No idea how to use Whitehead and Escobar

8)Offense gameplan is drawn up by a five year old with crayon

9)Offense needs more speed

10)Gameplan is nauseating, think I mught have mentioned that????


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Jerry better do it quick and make a run at Sean Payton, because we got the OL in place and the talent with Dez to win with Romo. There is no better opportunity than right now. Jerry wil become a hero in a single move the very moment makes the move.

Otherwise, we are looking at conservative football with Garrett once Romo is gone, trying to keep games close.


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So how much leash does garrett have left bc the team looks uninterested in the game

I didn't see that until the end really, effort seem to be there but they are very poorly coached. I'm shocked they haven't thrown in the towel.


The Dog that Saved Charleston
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We'd pick #6 if the season ended today.


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Why are we drafting TEs regularly that high up if we don't even use them in the game plan or when we do, to primarily block?

Our coach has no idea what he is doing.. He's in it for the ride..


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Jerry better do it quick and make a run at Sean Payton, because we got the OL in place and the talent with Dez to win with Romo. There is no better opportunity than right now. Jerry wil become a hero in a single move the very moment makes the move.

Otherwise, we are looking at conservative football with Garrett once Romo is gone, trying to keep games close.

Payton would be a definite upgrade, but then again, any head coach in the league would be.