Game Day Cowboys vs Green Bay Post Game Thread


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This team was looking for a SB and always thought they were close. They really thought they had everything in place, but just needed that impact player on defense in Hardy. That's why they never made an offensive philosophy change and simply brought in Linehan while training Garrett's offense.

The problem is, the loss of Romo showed that he was masking the coaching incompetence that much and this dreaded offense puts way too much pressure on the defense, even with a guy like Hardy.

This defense folds whether Hardy is here or Ware, at the top of his game, was here..

Garrett has got to go..


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Payton would be a definite upgrade, but then again, any head coach in the league would be.

I want to see Romo finally get to play in an offense he deserves. He's been carrying the trash for years and has broken clavicles and messed up back to show for it.

Jerry is responsible for it in the end, because of his drunken infatuation with Red Ginger.


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Matt Casell looked rough today and that a reflection on the poor offensive system in place. He doesn't have the Jedi powers that Romo does to make plays outside of the broken system.

The packers blitzed him and the offensive staff had no answer or adjustment.

Likewise, the defensive staff was vastly out coached by Greenbay who adjusted to running when they saw the Dallas defense in nickel.

Staff culture is flawed. Everyone else can win with a back up but this staff.


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a high school senior could play qb better than matt cassel and a good high school coach could out coach garrett
If Tony ran the offense that they make Cassell run it, or if Tom Brady ran this offense, or Montana ran this offense the way it was called and coached, they would fail also. It's 1980's high school football. More complex schemes are ran at every high school in the south on Friday nights..:


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The funny thing is, the Cowboys FO probably thinks they hold the wildcard on Hardy. Why would he want to play in this trash?

This guy is tuning himself up after one season and the media is silent in him now. And people see he's a disrupting force and a legit team will pay him the big bucks.


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I really hate our safeties (outside of Byron Jones).

How Jerry can sit there with a straight face and tell the world that Barry Church is getting better every year is astonishing. And the sad thing is that Church is galaxies better than JJ Wilcox who looks like the second coming of Tony Dixon. I'm even clamoring for the days of Keith Davis.

Our corners have not had 1 INT all year long and the sad thing is that I think it is more imperative to fix the safeties than the corners at this point in time.

We also need to fix the MLB position because McClain is not reliable.

Cassel was abysmal. Dez had the worst game I've ever seen from him. But, at least Dez has made plays for this team. I can't say the same for Church or Wilcox. And I don't know how Wilcox stays on the team after this week and how Jerome Henderson has a job. How does a guy like Wilcox look worse than he did as a rookie when he only had 1 year of safety play under his belt? Bad position coaching is the only answer I can come up with.

Kudos to the O-Line and D-Line and Sean Lee playing with some heart and energy out there. They kept the game close for the first 55 minutes. The rest aren't even worth mentioning.


Unfortunately this team seems committed to subpar players as long as they are a leader and committed to the process.


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Hopefully Garrett is starting to give Jerry as much heartburn as the Johnny Walker based on his comments last week. Maybe just maybe he is sobering up enough to see our sad situation.


Wide Right
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I had the misfortune of attending the game and I gotta say, seeing Cassel live was much much worse than I expected. There were guys open ALL DAY.

The other thing that stood out for me was the absolute trash we have at both safety positions. I know they look bad on TV, but actually watching them play live really brought it home for me how bad Church and Wilcox are. Watching Wilcox celebrate like he scored a pick six in a SB on a play where he was beaten badly only to have Rodgers miss the wide open WR was pathetic.

Defense didn't play all that great, but played good enough to win had we any resemblance of an offense. They were gassed in the 4th.


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Coaches definitely deserve some of the blame.
I am particularly tired of the 3rd and one big boy fun bunch sets. It would really be nice if the safety and corners were occupied and couldn't come crashing down.
Players deserve blame as well.
After all the ineptitude that lead to a 14/0 Green Bay lead, we had climbed back to 14-7.
We Get a three and out on defense and open up with a play action to dez on first down. Inexplicable drop and the drive dies.
Punt it back to gb and get them in a 3rd and about 8. Flush rodgers out of the pocket with some pressure and Crawford has him dead to right well short of the first down. Rodgers BREAKS the tackle and gets the first down. What glimmer of hope we had to seize momentum died on that play.
Two players that we extended and counted on to make plays, failed in key moments of this game.
There were other plays and other players, but these are the kind of plays that win or lose games. And the kind we haven't been making all yr.


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Jerry better do it quick and make a run at Sean Payton, because we got the OL in place and the talent with Dez to win with Romo. There is no better opportunity than right now. Jerry wil become a hero in a single move the very moment makes the move.

Otherwise, we are looking at conservative football with Garrett once Romo is gone, trying to keep games close.

Our O line in place? I think our O line is one aspect of this team that has been given a free pass and doesn't deserve it. Are they good? slightly above average? yes. Elite? lol If Romo was out there tonight he would have never made it through the 1st half.

Dez and talent shouldn't be used in the same sentence. Dez is a border line has been.

I like Romo but I'm not in love with him like most people here. I know I'll get flamed for this but oh well. We would have won more games with Romo, no doubt, but here's some breaking news...he's not invincible, he can't fix this entire team, he makes mistakes and he has a history of choking in big games.

Everyone talked about how great this team would have been if we had a healthy Romo and Dez all season. We had a healthy Romo and Dez against the Giants in the first game and if it weren't for the Giants last ranked pass defense and incompetence with time management we would have lost. We had both of them for part of the Eagles game and didn't exactly light them up. We had them together vs Tampa and that wasn't impressive, luckily Tampa has one of the worst rush defenses which clearly showed. We had them together against Carolina and for some reason everyone has amnesia from that game and forgets about Romo's 3 int game (2 pick 6's).

Does that really seem like a team with all the pieces in place and ready to make some magical run in the playoffs, even with Romo? Not to me it doesn't. Let's keep it real, with or without Romo this team is average to slightly above average AT BEST.

The Natural

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I had the misfortune of attending the game and I gotta say, seeing Cassel live was much much worse than I expected. There were guys open ALL DAY.

The other thing that stood out for me was the absolute trash we have at both safety positions. I know they look bad on TV, but actually watching them play live really brought it home for me how bad Church and Wilcox are. Watching Wilcox celebrate like he scored a pick six in a SB on a play where he was beaten badly only to have Rodgers miss the wide open WR was pathetic.

Defense didn't play all that great, but played good enough to win had we any resemblance of an offense. They were gassed in the 4th.

Its too bad you cant get a refund for that garbage