Game Day Cowboys vs Green Bay Post Game Thread


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This man's first priority is to make money. His second is to keep this team in everyone's talk. Winning may or may not be after that. Don't be naive.

As a younger man he wants to make money 1st. As a very old man he wants to ride into the sunset of life with his goals accomplished. His financial goals are already more than accomplished.

A person can get to the point where money is not the driving force for them any longer. Take Trump for example. He doesn't want to be president to get richer. He wants to be president to feed his ego.
Jerry wants to feed his ego by being successful as an owner and GM. From a financial standpoint he has nothing left to prove to himself or anyone.

If you have ever know any very rich very old people you would realize that it's not just about the money. It's only about the money when the money is the only measuring stick they have to measure their success by. Jerry has super bowls as his motivator.


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Garrett just said in his presser we believe in Matt Cassel we believe he can win games for us. I know he's supposed to say that but he does really believe it. Please Jerry end this coaching 101 training clinic.


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We just need Moore Time.
Jimmy Johnson said stick a folk in the Cowboys and time to see if the Kid can play. He my be a deer in the headlights,
but this was painful to watch today.

PA Cowboy Fan

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Garrett just said in his presser we believe in Matt Cassel we believe he can win games for us. I know he's supposed to say that but he does really believe it. Please Jerry end this coaching 101 training clinic.

There is no reason to start Cassel anymore. It's time to start planning for next year.


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Stop with the Dez Bryant hate. I could do a better job than Cassell at getting him the ball. If Tony or any competent quarterback was in there he'd be making plays. This season is a throw away simply because of the Romo injuries. If Romo stays healthy we'd be locking up some field advantage by now. **** happens. Get ready for next year.

But he dropped so many passes today. Passes that we needed for him to catch.


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Leaving the game now. Was sick to my stomach in the first quarter when they trotted the jumbo packages out 3 times in 6 plays at critical points...all 3 failed miserably. I knew what they were going to do, the Packers knew, the fans knew, and I am sure everyone at home knew. Piss poor coaching as usual.

I am also sure Beasely is tired of running deep, being wide open, and not getting anything his way. After one, I noticed him shaking his head and throwing his hands up, as if to say, "Why bother?"

We cannot get rid of this offense and coaches soon enough.


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Garrett just said in his presser we believe in Matt Cassel we believe he can win games for us. I know he's supposed to say that but he does really believe it. Please Jerry end this coaching 101 training clinic.

No passing threat in the last two games.....last TDs....a cosmetic TD (Panthers) and a hail mary to Dez in triple coverage?


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Yeesh you guys are negative, glad you're not the GM. Though I don't love ours! But he is allowed to do whatever he wants.

I thought the defense has shown something the last couple games. With a top 5 or 10 pick on D, a new safety, Scandrick back, and a healthy Romo next year, I think we're looking at a good season next year unless disaster strikes like this one, but mean reversion hopefully takes care of this dumpster fire. We won't be this unlucky on turnovers either.

This one was a rough season so I understand the frustration, but there is no reason to start from square 1 as long as we have Romo.

I appreciate your optimism, I really do but Romo is not going to fix all the problems on this team. I actually think there are way too many problems to fix by the time Romo will retire or be injured for good. I hope I'm wrong but doubt it. Way too much hype surrounding this team.

Even a "healthy" Romo probably wouldn't have survived this game. Where was the pass protection by this "elite" O line? Where was the pass rush from one of the "elite" pass rushers in the game? Oh yeah, I forgot he did get a sack, first one in 5 games. Where was the run stop? What about the throws that Dez dropped? What about Witten alway running one yard short of the sticks? And then there's the coaching...

Sorry man, no personal offense. I'm just really po'd and ranting. I honestly thought our defense would be better, they showed up for one quarter.