Video: Cowherd: Dallas will become better after EzE


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if you put Zeke in San Fran, Seattle, or even the Raiders, they would be instant contenders,period. His durability is his number 1 trait in my opinion. I recall he took a wicked hit to the knee last year and it bent guys may remember the game...dunno who the opponent was, I forget. The point is, the guy just is tough and doesn't get hurt, EVER. He is a rare every down back. The teams I mentioned have 1 thing in Common...high caliber coaching,ownership,QB. Its time for Dallas to **** or get off the pot. TIME IS NOW. NO MORE EXCUSES for mediocrity. We have the pieces, now win.IF NOT..sign the players, and can Garrett.

I doubt the Cowboys would trade him before this season but after the season it wouldn’t surprise me if they got a Odell Beckham offer.


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And that's stupid. In

That's ridiculous. RB is not the easiest position especially when you have a back that can do it all, blitz pick /recognition, protecting QB, recieving, reading Oline, running with power and speed to read the edge,

It’s the easiest position in football to replace. Not ridiculous at all.


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I doubt the Cowboys would trade him before this season but after the season it wouldn’t surprise me if they got a Odell Beckham offer.
if someone offered several 1st rounders for Zeke..I think then,ONLY then, would I consider it. If Duke Johnson or Chubb is part of the deal and lets say our trade partner was the Browns...I would jump all over that.


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I said the narrative about loving Romo is overplayed.

I have criticized Romo in the past when I saw fit. My old tag name was actually banned because of a drunken rage I was in and the names I called Romo.

Believe this my criticism of Dak are because of his own merits.

Call me Delusional but I believe all the praise for the Cowboys belong squarely on Zeke's shoulders. This includes all the accomplishments of Dak, yes Dak is clutch in the end of games but that's because Zeke is in the backfield and teams are scared and panicked

So if you read me criticizing Dak its because he deserves it and if you never see me give him credit it is because he is a product of Zeke. ( And Dak's inability to exploit 9 man fronts is a hinderence to Zeke)
I wasn’t necessarily directing my comments directly at you. So if you read that my bad . I agree thT he could do a better job at exploiting stacked boxes this we agree on

What I’m still skeptical about is whether it’s a product of Linehan , crappy receivers or injuries and newcomers in the line

This year should give us a better read


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I said the narrative about loving Romo is overplayed.

I have criticized Romo in the past when I saw fit. My old tag name was actually banned because of a drunken rage I was in and the names I called Romo.

Believe this my criticism of Dak are because of his own merits.

Call me Delusional but I believe all the praise for the Cowboys belong squarely on Zeke's shoulders. This includes all the accomplishments of Dak, yes Dak is clutch in the end of games but that's because Zeke is in the backfield and teams are scared and panicked

So if you read me criticizing Dak its because he deserves it and if you never see me give him credit it is because he is a product of Zeke. ( And Dak's inability to exploit 9 man fronts is a hinderence to Zeke)
Yes you could equate some of Dak' s success to Zeke, but to say all of it is due to Zeke is ridiculous. Most quarterbacks has success due to good runningbacks.


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It’s the easiest position in football to replace. Not ridiculous at all.
in Linehans offense, Zeke was really important. He isn't now...BUT what I love about Zeke is his durability. The dude never comes off the field. If you let him walk or trade him, you gonna have to use a stable of backs...THEN hope its enough to manufacture a run game. Don't forget how elite he is at pass blocking...


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Nick Chubb or Duke Johnson in a Dallas Uni would be the only way I trade Zeke...


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That doesn't apply to elite RBs.
If you have one you keep him.
He can play at a high level for at least four to five more years. His numbers compare to LT and AP after their first three years and they both had just about as many touches/catches as Zeke does.


1st Round Pick
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in Linehans offense, Zeke was really important. He isn't now...BUT what I love about Zeke is his durability. The dude never comes off the field. If you let him walk or trade him, you gonna have to use a stable of backs...THEN hope its enough to manufacture a run game. Don't forget how elite he is at pass blocking...

Just draft another guy and give him volume and they’ll produce.

Garrett coaching the team really hurts us in the department of not needing talent at every position so just get rid of him too.


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Well, the premise of this post when started is that Colin Cowturd said the Cowboys would be better without Zeke . . . is this right?

And we know we could write this prediction in stone because this media personality has accomplished soooooo much in his NFL career by turning around non-contenders, moving teams up the next step of the ladder of contention, and finally coaching multiple SB winners. What a winner !

who made this turd the expert worthy of repeating?


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I wasn’t necessarily directing my comments directly at you. So if you read that my bad . I agree thT he could do a better job at exploiting stacked boxes this we agree on

What I’m still skeptical about is whether it’s a product of Linehan , crappy receivers or injuries and newcomers in the line

This year should give us a better read
I have been over critical of Dak but if he is able to exploit the stacked boxes I will be his biggest Fan. . . I believe Kitna and Moore do give him his best chance to succeed.

For the record I own a Dak Jersey.

I am hoping that he exploits the stacked boxes so that Zeke runs for 2000. . . I would love to see a Cowboy RB achieve that


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couldn't agree more. Colin is forgetting how great of a pass blocker Zeke is...better than most. He is a complete back.
The trade Zeke crowd just does not get it. The offense is built for Zeke. Actually I think Zeke would be a bigger loss then Dak. Plus paying 40 mill guaranteed over the next four years would not bankrupt us.


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Its much cheaper to just invest in the position every other draft, just take a RB in the draft, never use a 1st round pick, that was the first mistake, the second will be paying Zeke.
Never pay a RB a 2nd contract,, this isn't rocket science nor is it personal. Its basic business, basic salary cap economics.

Yep, RB's should be a rotation position. Every few years you take one in the 3rd or 4th round. Use em up, ship them out, never pay big money for them. Especially when you are so highly invested in the Oline. It just doesn't make good sense to pay both highly.

We have Dak and Cooper, Gallup and the passing came coming together now. That should be the focus.


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Yes you could equate some of Dak' s success to Zeke, but to say all of it is due to Zeke is ridiculous. Most quarterbacks has success due to good runningbacks.
It might sound unfair to Dak but its just because I love and Admire the power and strength of Zeke and I see how other teams respect him so much.

In the nineties I felt Farve would have been better with a RB and I felt Barry Sanders would have been better with a QB.

But it was the Cowboys who had both and I realize that is why we were the team of the 90's.
Zeke is the greatest RB to come into the league in 15 years and Dak can't even exploit that except for a winning Cowboys record.


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Yep. And he's on pace equal with other Hall of Fame RBs.
Everyone is big on volume with Zeke but fail to look at the fact that he has just as many touches as those Hall of Fame backs. Look, I get it. Running backs fall off at 30. I also get it, an elite RB hasn't won a Super Bowl in a long time (1999 to be exact). I think there are really two running backs since I consider HOF type: AP and LT. The Vikings gave Peterson a Super Bowl contender one year with Favre. Outside of that he never had a QB. Zeke has Dak-they both play well together. Unfortunately for LT the Chargers roster wasn't very good his first 4/5 years in the league. They also had Marty who can't win a playoff game. Really he only had one year as a Super Bowl contender. My point is there is a lot of talent around Zeke right now (Dak, O Line, defense) and he is too important for this team. There is a reason Dallas drafted him fourth overall and Stephen said he's the straw that stirs the drink. Sign him until the 2024 season (he will be 29 that year). If he starts falling off in 2022/2023 cut ties with him. He is way too good to let go. I think Zeke turns 24 next week. Still very young. Also-I would totally use his off the field issues against him in contract negotiations. Jerry always had his back.


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The trade Zeke crowd just does not get it. The offense is built for Zeke. Actually I think Zeke would be a bigger loss then Dak. Plus paying 40 mill guaranteed over the next four years would not bankrupt us.

Not anymore its not. Used to be when we had a rookie QB. Dak is coming of age with Cooper and Gallup. We have a OC that understands spread offenses. WE no longer have a defense we need to keep off the field.

Zeke was originally brought in to help out the defense and keep Romo upright. Not the case anymore. Time to move on. You will find out quite quickly how other good backs will thrive here if we ever get someone decent besides Zeke.


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Zeke is a knucklehead that plays the easiest position in football to replace.

If someone offers us some premium picks I’m fine with letting him go. Let someone else deal with him.
