Video: Cowherd: Dallas will become better after EzE


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For someone who cries about winning, yet you want to get rid of all the

Because most championship teams don’t pay RBs big money and mediocre QBs elite QB money if theyve never won


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Because most championship teams don’t pay RBs big money and mediocre QBs elite QB money if theyve never won

And nost team that rid themselves of their best or better players never win


Regular Joe....
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Well, Pats have gotten rid of talent for years and they have been pretty successful. I mean, obviously there are different ways to do everything. I don't think that you marry yourself to players who are not cornerstones of the franchise. I think you go out of your way to try and keep those guys but guys who are good but are not those guys who are foundation pieces, you move them if you have to.



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wow Cowerd is funding the salary cap I DONT HAVE THE TIME AND IM PAYING YOU LOL

whos I ?? who the F are you you? a 4th tier non athletic spare who now wants to speak on a RUMOR with no validity and Zeke got jobbed in 17 unlike Hill who should have been suspended but did not hows that on Zeke, hes not TO or DEZ, nothing in the locker room or against coaches, nothing..its league wide stars are being followed around 24/7 and media is LOOKING hard for anything to criticize and talk about it..

is the DC will decide to pay or not , not you Cowherd..tool!

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII number of Is in this rant..who is I, you arent the team homie ..ugh

I dont have time to listen to CC jag commentator..

CT Dal Fan

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Cowherd is really convincing when he speaks, but nobody talks out of both sides of his mouth better.

In 2016 he was building up Dak as the greatest QB ever and a year later he's tearing him to pieces. Cowherd simply "seizes the moment" and plays up to whatever popular opinion is at the time.

If Zeke holds out and the Cowboys start losing games, he'll want us to forget all about this.


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Well, Pats have gotten rid of talent for years and they have been pretty successful. I mean, obviously there are different ways to do everything. I don't think that you marry yourself to players who are not cornerstones of the franchise. I think you go out of your way to try and keep those guys but guys who are good but are not those guys who are foundation pieces, you move them if you have to.


Brady? Gronk? Elderman? They don't move their best.


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wow Cowerd is funding the salary cap I DONT HAVE THE TIME AND IM PAYING YOU LOL

whos I ?? who the F are you you? a 4th tier non athletic spare who now wants to speak on a RUMOR with no validity and Zeke got jobbed in 17 unlike Hill who should have been suspended but did not hows that on Zeke, hes not TO or DEZ, nothing in the locker room or against coaches, nothing..its league wide stars are being followed around 24/7 and media is LOOKING hard for anything to criticize and talk about it..

is the DC will decide to pay or not , not you Cowherd..tool!

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII number of Is in this rant..who is I, you arent the team homie ..ugh

I dont have time to listen to CC jag commentator..
You OK? Need a Xanax?


Cowboys Diehard
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You cant help but think with all the media noise talking about RB position being devalued and how Dallas just ran Murray into the ground that Zeke could become disgruntled. Right now Zeke has a little over 2.5 seasons of wear and tear on him. I would rather see his contract extended 2 or 3 more years and him get 15 mil a year than to have him come back and be unhappy and just go through the motions and then hold out next year. Barring injury he should have another 4 good years in him. But the Cowboys need to get another RB involved just enough so you dont run your best guy into the ground before the playoffs start.

I'll be curious to see what Mike Weber and Tony Pollard have to offer in terms of possibly being the other RBs that's available to back up Zeke. They can't be expected to be as dynamic as Zeke, himself, but if they're as talented as advertised, they should be helpful, despite being rookies. In any event, it's the easiest position for rookies to get indoctrinated into. We should get to see how that goes, given time for it to be tested.
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You OK? Need a Xanax?
Rant for rant, hes tool commenting on nothing more then a rumor AND making it seems Zeke is somehow a TO type that disrupts the locker room and the players does not , hes team guy and from what I can see players luv him, unlike most who bailed on DEZ because Dez was like a TO..he was distraction , Zeke IMO really had no business being the story in 17 and should not have been suspended ie HILL and hill was worse.

this is rumor and too much talk here and in the media about zeke MIGHT holdout.. he might **** a brick too, what color wa sit on the 5pm newscast...


Regular Joe....
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Brady? Gronk? Elderman? They don't move their best.

Brady, no, everybody else is expendable. I mean, just look at their history. Ty Law, Willie McGinest, Adam Vinitieri, Danny Amendola, Vince Wilfork, Troy Brown, Richard Seymour, Dion Branch, Logan Mankins, Curtis Martin, I mean, the list goes on. Pats have allowed a lot of really great, great players to walk over the years. Players way better then Gronk or Edleman.


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They do if they insist on top dollar. Welker, Asante Samuel, Seymour, Flowers, Chandler Jones, Jamie Collins

But they kept their best, and if Brady wanted top dollar they'd pay it.


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Brady, no, everybody else is expendable. I mean, just look at their history. Ty Law, Willie McGinest, Adam Vinitieri, Danny Amendola, Vince Wilfork, Troy Brown, Richard Seymour, Dion Branch, Logan Mankins, Curtis Martin, I mean, the list goes on. Pats have allowed a lot of really great, great players to walk over the years. Players way better then Gronk or Edleman.

Most of these guys were moved later in their career, no way Those guys get moved you in their careers, you realize Zeke is only going into his 4th year.


Regular Joe....
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Most of these guys were moved later in their career, no way Those guys get moved you in their careers, you realize Zeke is only going into his 4th year.

LOL... Zeke is not going into his 5th year, he's going into his 4th year so the team has two years left on his contract. Curtis Martin was, IMO, the best RB the Patriots ever had. He was going into his 4th season when he joined the Jets. I mean, it happens, Pats don't allow things to influence them. They usually make good business decisions.


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But they kept their best, and if Brady wanted top dollar they'd pay it.
They don't/didn't, and Brady was majorly POed when they let Welker walk.

Now, they did pay Mankins and Wilfork for a bit, but they absolutely refused to sign them to capstrapping contracts. Those type contracts are what keep a team from winning.

The DLaw contract scares me.