Cowherd: This is what Dallas was last year. What happens when game is tight?

Its the media's job to stir the pot. For the record this wasnt what it was like last year the Cowboys lost their first game handily to the Bucs. Big test coming up with the 49ers.
He's partly right. But the same team he discounted against "other skilled fighters" destroyed the Brady Bucs and played even to SF on the road in the playoffs.

It was on Dak we did not reach the NFCC game. Yes.

But this team is markedly better on D than even last year's team. Wayyyy better.

And Big Mac is now calling excellent complementary football plays and playing to the Defense.

Kicking short field goals when he knows points will be @ a premium for opponents lacks drama but will win @ least 10 more games this season.

It's early, but this is the most dangerous Cowboys team since 2016, and the stench of Garrett has finally aired from the locker room.

The league is on notice. We'll see if Micah & this "Silver Bullet" Defense can go the distance.
The guy talks out of his rear end. Last week he said Dallas will be measured by how they play against the Jetts. This week, blames the Jets more than credits the Cowboys. I normall like watching his show, but he is becoming a clown in his views, not just Dallas. Where he is right, we play like this at times, and will be measured against top teams, aka the upcoming 9ers game. If we play like crap against them, will he and everybody be congratulated for being right all along?
This is not even close. Your evaluation skills took a nap during this evaluation.
Night and day difference from last year. You want last year, go check the Chargers :lmao2: :flagwave: :dance:
Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, that was going to be my line!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last year was a ton of points and yards and a tired D that was too gassed late in games. This year, not happening.
He has a point only if you ignore a ton of new factors.
Which are those factors?
id like to know becuae I have have so many excuses and things the past 25 yeras.

At this point... ALL we aspire is to win a LONE SUPERBOWL just like the bucs did early in the 2000's.
With a QB like DAK and this clown of an owner and gm, we wont ever be dominant again
This team seems different this year. Seems like #4 is being managed better so props to our head coach. We got something with this group of players and coaches. Go Cowboys!
Don't be so positive, you're gonna tick off Pappy! Lol
Which are those factors?
id like to know becuae I have have so many excuses and things the past 25 yeras.

At this point... ALL we aspire is to win a LONE SUPERBOWL just like the bucs did early in the 2000's.
With a QB like DAK and this clown of an owner and gm, we wont ever be dominant again
We have a completely different O scheme, decent backup OL's, a DLine that keeps coming at you in waves complete w/ 2 NT's, 4 S's who can play, and scads of talent.

Did you truly not notice how much better this O fits Dak?
Exactly! This defense is special right now. My only complaint yesterday was why is Parsons in the game in the 4th quarter with that lead.
Who's going to tell him he's coming out of the game? I'm not familiar with Parsons' contract but some of these guys have stat bonuses to hit and there is no better time to get a sack, for example, than when you know the other team is definitely going to throw.

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