Dak’s dog could receive death penalty

If the internet had been around in 1973 this same thread would likely have existed with German Shepherds as the subject instead of Pits.

1983, Dobermans.

1993 Rotties.

Pretty much any large breed dog which is intelligent and bred for a specific purpose as a working dog is going to need to be handled with care. Pits are just the current popular breed.

If also like to know the details of the bite. Was it a super aggressive attempt at a take down or a hey get away from me snap.

I know there is no excuse for any such thing but the details do matter as to the fate of the dog.
Glad I was never in that position because I wouldn't hesitate. I like dogs a hell of a lot more than most people and anyone that would shoot one, I'd send to hell pronto pronto. Probably wrong by some people's standards but those are the people I don't like anyway.
Big Copy on that,Coach.


I can be man's best friend too. HSSSSSS!

Oh dont let the whiskers fool you. These fury fuzzy little freinds are known to get down and dirty also.

They deserve equal the punishment pending the crime committed.

I'm a death by over consumption of friskies kinda guy myself but whatever......................................!!!
About 12 years ago I went ice fishing with my friend. She brought her twoish year old female lab and I brought my same aged Male German Shepherd. Both dogs got along fine with other dogs but that lab didn't like my boy at all. We knew the deal and kept a close watch on them with the hope they'd get used to each other.

Well that didn't go to well and they ended up getting into it a bit. Against my loudly expressed advice she waded right in to "save" her dog and her own dog bit her good right on the thigh.

It was just a scuffle and I'd a just let them work it out.
If the internet had been around in 1973 this same thread would likely have existed with German Shepherds as the subject instead of Pits.

1983, Dobermans.

1993 Rotties.

Pretty much any large breed dog which is intelligent and bred for a specific purpose as a working dog is going to need to be handled with care. Pits are just the current popular breed.

If also like to know the details of the bite. Was it a super aggressive attempt at a take down or a hey get away from me snap.

I know there is no excuse for any such thing but the details do matter as to the fate of the dog.
Agree, the only report said she tried to separate the dogs and that tells me she's a fellow dog lover making a really bad decision. I've got two Havanese. 15 and 13 lbs and when they snap at each other, I do not put my hand between them.

If she was trying to separate them, both could have easily seen her as the aggressor and have been more in defensive posture. I do how they find a better resolution than putting the dog down and that may mean Dak moving outside the city to keep his dog. Hell, he'll be able to start his own city with that signing bonus, Dakville, TX.
SoupcanSam hates Dak so anything Dak-Related he will find a way to blame Dak on. You are right though. They have minds of their own and training can only go so far.

So you disagree that the dog should be properly trained and that the owner takes no responsibility?
These stats are misleading. Its not just the bite that is the issue.
Pit bulls are unlike most 'aggressive' breeds. Even dogs that are bred to fight that are not pit bulls. The pit bull is different in they will fight to the death. Even with a leg bitten off they will continue to go for the kill. Most fighting breeds stop when the dog they are fighting is no longer able to stand. Not pits. They keep coming.

I dont blame them for being them. But I also dont feel that most people should be allowed to own an animal that carries this level of danger.

btw...I am clearly a huge dog lover and very knowledgeable about most breeds.

I feel for Dak in this case as well. A tragedy all around.
VERY misleading.

Like shooting a bb gun or a 12 gauge
Pit Bulls aren't much different than wolves. They're unpredictable, no matter how they're raised.

If you're not the owner, and you see one loose, you likely have a problem.

They should be illegal. They can kill a child in a drop of a hat.

Unfortunately, packs of them that roam free in South Dallas.
I recall a lady getting killed and eaten a few years ago by dogs in south Dallas….not sure they were Pits though, but still.
Knowing this, why exactly do you own a pitbull?

Don't get me wrong, I have friends that own them and swear by them. Happy, fun, playoff dogs.
I also have a friend who had a "oh so nice Pit" that bit half the hand off of his niece...out of nowhere. At least it wasn't her face. Still, that family has never been the same.

Because amstaff's are awesome family pets. but this isn't about being a pit bull. under the city regulations any dog can be dealt with the same way. Heck Dak's pit didn't intend to bit that dumb lady but that's what happens when you interrupt a dog fight and neither dog is yours.
I've never understood why anyone would want a pit bull as a pet, when there are so many wonderful breeds that are bred to make ideal companion animals.

you never will untill you own one. One of the best dogs i've ever owned next to my cane corso.
Knowing this, why exactly do you own a pitbull?

Don't get me wrong, I have friends that own them and swear by them. Happy, fun, playoff dogs.
I also have a friend who had a "oh so nice Pit" that bit half the hand off of his niece...out of nowhere. At least it wasn't her face. Still, that family has never been the same.
Long story. I adopted him at the Austin Humane Society after they had him for an entire year. I adopted him the day after Christmas 12 years ago.
About 12 years ago I went ice fishing with my friend. She brought her twoish year old female lab and I brought my same aged Male German Shepherd. Both dogs got along fine with other dogs but that lab didn't like my boy at all. We knew the deal and kept a close watch on them with the hope they'd get used to each other.

Well that didn't go to well and they ended up getting into it a bit. Against my loudly expressed advice she waded right in to "save" her dog and her own dog bit her good right on the thigh.

It was just a scuffle and I'd a just let them work it out.
A lot of owners don't know this but if you're ever out with your dog and it gets into a fight with another dog, you never try to separate them at the head or get between them. Grab the aggressor dog by the back legs and start pulling backwards like it's a wheelbarrow. This of course works a lot better if someone is there to grab the other dog in the same manner.
So you disagree that the dog should be properly trained and that the owner takes no responsibility?

I'm not saying that, but you're acting like this is 100% Dak's fault. Not the neighbors fault for intervening in the first place, not the Dog's fault, who could've been properly trained by was set off by something or someone. What about the representative at his home? Dak wasn't even in the house at the time. You can place some of it on him sure, but to hold him 100% accountable to the event is ridiculous.

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