Dak’s dog could receive death penalty

Any properly trained dogs can be dangerous, not just pit bulls.

The reason there are a lot of pit attacks is because they are the most abused dogs in the world, and insanely overpopulated. I would not be surprised if Prescott's dog is a shelter dog that was abused like many other pit bulls.

Statistically, Chihuahuas, Dachshunds, Chow Chows, Doberman Pinschers, Dalmatians, Rottweilers, Jack Russell Terriers, and German Shepherds are more likely to carry "aggressive" traits than pit bulls, on an individual basis. But when a Chihuahua bites someone, it obviously isn't going to do the damage of a giant, strong-jawed pitbull.
She must not be terribly bright.
Might not have much to do with it, her emotions could have taken over. It was probably a pretty scary scene for her and if she'd had the time to think it all through, might not have tried to intervene. I think I could say that about a lot of human actions.

What will be interesting to see is if she comes to the aid of the dog and doesn't want it destroyed. Pretty obvious to me she was trying to protect one or both of the dogs from getting hurt.

I don't care what the breed is, getting in the middle of a dogfight alone is a bad idea. These dogs were in a frenzy and it didn't start out to attack her, she invaded it's space and they should consider that for the dog's sake. This was not an unprovoked attack.
I got bit by a Doberman last year. Luckily the owner stepped in. That was not a fun day. Things happen. The problem with pits, as much as they are like any other dog, they are so strong when they do attack and they have such a "finish it" attitude (I had one, RIP Cupcake). It takes a responsible owner to care for them, they are not for everyone. And you should NEVER, absolutely NEVER, leave children alone with any medium to large dog. I don't care if it's a lab, bulldog, or shephard, you're acting highly irresponsible if you do so.
I'm not saying that, but you're acting like this is 100% Dak's fault. Not the neighbors fault for intervening in the first place, not the Dog's fault, who could've been properly trained by was set off by something or someone. What about the representative at his home? Dak wasn't even in the house at the time. You can place some of it on him sure, but to hold him 100% accountable to the event is ridiculous.

Dak is 100% accountable. If the location the dog was in were properly secured by the owner(Dak) then non of this goes down.

Not only was the dog in an unsecured area but Dak left the house and dogs as is.

It's his fault. Period.

And I'm not just saying that because he is an overrated inaccurate waterhead.
A lot of owners don't know this but if you're ever out with your dog and it gets into a fight with another dog, you never try to separate them at the head or get between them. Grab the aggressor dog by the back legs and start pulling backwards like it's a wheelbarrow. This of course works a lot better if someone is there to grab the other dog in the same manner.
lol... imagining both dogs being in that position and being like "well, now that we're here... wheelbarrow race anyone?"
Pit Bulls aren't much different than wolves. They're unpredictable, no matter how they're raised.

If you're not the owner, and you see one loose, you likely have a problem.

They should be illegal. They can kill a child in a drop of a hat.

Unfortunately, packs of them that roam free in South Dallas.

Difference is wolf dogs don’t kill children, and are notoriously protective of them. Pit bulls are even worse than wolves in that regard.
A couple of years ago here in town a 5 year old girl had half her face chewed off after growing up with the dog since birth.

When I was doing my student rotations at a children's hospital we had a small child (either 5 years or 8 years old) brought in after a pit bull attack. It was bad. Got his cheek and around his mouth. Part of his lip was missing right under his nose. Also, the only time I have ever personally seen the word "degloved", used in a patient's chart. If you could imagine what kind of injury would give a person real Joker scars like Heath Ledger had, it would probably be close to what I saw.
Society has failed.. If you get bit by a dog thru a fence and blame the dog, u are extra special....
Statistically the breed that has bitten the most people is the Golden Retriever.

Note: That's based on stats from about 5 years ago.
I always find humorous when people try to equate pitbulls with a relatively docile dog like a Golden Retriever.

A properly trained GR with a good owner will almost never turn on a child or any human. Any GR that attacks are either not trained at all, were mistreated as a puppy or have terrible owners. Or all of the above. Pitbulls are very different. Even well trained and loved pitbulls can turn on a dime seemingly without notice. We have read examples in this very thread.

Well trained and loved Golden Retrievers simply do not behave in this manner.

My black lab wouldn't hurt a fly. When my nieces and nephews come to visit, it's not to visit me or my wife. It's to come play with my dog. Lol. They run around downstairs alone and I don't have a worry in the world that my dog would ever do anything to hurt them. I don't believe pitbull could say the same thing.
Lethality is not to be handed out to everyone in society.

I love dogs. Had three of them so far, and I just put down my birthday present, Eunice, of 16 yrs, just two months ago. It's painful to do it every time.

I applaud Corso in saving his dog. Every animal needs to be loved, and every human being needs an opportunity to love another, human or animal, and learn to express their humanity in a positive way.

But with that said I am very fearful of Pitbulls, Rottweilers, German Shepherds, Akitas, Shar Pei's and Dobermans. I'm not the owner for them and they are not the breed for me or anywhere near me.

As I said lethality is not to granted to just anyone in society.

Dak and his current profession is not a good mix with a dog of that breed. It's a statement of immaturity in my opinion knowing from my own personal experience the commitment you have to make to keep a dog in good mental and physical health. A pitbull needs a committed and active owner in my opinion - like almost every other dog breed.

When my wife and I started having dogs she made a commitment to stay home as a Mom. To not only our children, but to our commitment to the dog and its well being.

We have had two lovely Springer Spaniels and one Heinz 57 mutt. I would never trade those days with them for anything.
A couple of years ago here in town a 5 year old girl had half her face chewed off after growing up with the dog since birth.

Her mother was downstairs doing laundry when the dog flipped out. Nobody ever figured out why.

Those dogs are just too unpredictable. No owner can watch any dog 24/7/365.

People are very uninformed.

Any large dog can be dangerous.

In the eighties people were most afraid of Dobermans.

At another point the public fear was focused on Rottweilers.

For a couple of years the public focus was on the Cane Corso because of a well publicized attack.

The The Little Rascals TV show from back in the thirties had a Pitbull as the dog that hung out with the group of kids. Nobody feared them then.

The fear started when Hoodrats and Hillbillies started forcing them to fight.

They are NOT naturally inclined to seek a fight and are definitely not naturally inclined to attack people.

Obviously, like any dog if they experienced abuse, they could have developed aggressive behavior.

Are NOT naturally aggressive.
They do NOT have locking jaws.
They do NOT have the highest bite force.

They DO have a never-give-up nature.
They DO have a high tolerance to pain.

They are 19th in terms of bite force at 235 psi. Labs are 20th at 230 psi. Shepards, Rottweilers and Dobermans all have a higher bite force with Rottweilers at 328 psi vs 235 for Pitt Bulls.

The breed with the highest bite force (Kangal) is rated at 743 psi.

For Pit Bulls that have not been abused, the never-give-up nature most often means they won't let go of a toy.

The reason people started breading them to fight is NOT because of an aggressive nature or super bite force, but because they won't quit regardless of how much pain is inflicted on them.

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