Dak’s dog could receive death penalty

Had to have our dog put to sleep when I was a kid. He bit the mailman. It's a sucky thing. He was just protective and didnt know him. But he got out of the backyard that day.
I've had 6 pits over the last 30 years and raised them from pups until the past from age related issues. Never had one attack a person or animal cats included. The key is socializing them as puppys and never stop training them.

I agree its not a breed just anyone should have. A lot of people are lazy pet owners and get one because they think they look cool. They are a lot of work.
We decided to try to recue on a couple of years ago. It was only a year old so we figured it could still be trained. That dog would go after any animal it could. We kept him on a leash and he would go into a rage when he saw a cat and i would have to use all my strengh to hold onto him. We had to take him back to the shelter. If those dogs aren't responsibly trained from the very start of their life. They are a lost cause.
Any properly trained dogs can be dangerous, not just pit bulls.

The reason there are a lot of pit attacks is because they are the most abused dogs in the world, and insanely overpopulated. I would not be surprised if Prescott's dog is a shelter dog that was abused like many other pit bulls.

Statistically, Chihuahuas, Dachshunds, Chow Chows, Doberman Pinschers, Dalmatians, Rottweilers, Jack Russell Terriers, and German Shepherds are more likely to carry "aggressive" traits than pit bulls, on an individual basis. But when a Chihuahua bites someone, it obviously isn't going to do the damage of a giant, strong-jawed pitbull.
I wonder if they include police dogs in their statistics. That would raise the count considerably for German Shepherds. Though I have to admit, I think I've been attacked by more GSDs than any other breed....or maybe I just remember them more, because they're bigger and more intimidating than most.
I really don't see Dak's dog being put down. For one, the lady never should've tried to intervene, and she should be trained how to behave around dogs. For another thing, this is presumably a first offense, and they'll probably give Dak the opportunity to rehabilitate the dog, or have him build a more secure enclosure.

If neither of those conditions occurs, he'll probably be allowed to send him to a more rural home.
Same here and I see people defending pit bulls all the time but there is a very good reason why they're the most often mentioned in attacks.

Any animal is the responsibility of the owner, in this case it is Prescott's fault for his dog getting out and unfortunately, the dog might have to pay for that. I have friends that own two pit bulls and they said they're really sweet but the biggest hassle of owning them is making sure they don't get the chance to get in trouble. They're not really sure how they'd respond to stimuli and they don't have kids. They wouldn't have them around kids. I still don't know why they chose that breed with so many others, they always put them up when they have company.

They are most often mentioned because the media loves to reinforce narratives.

It's similar to how a high percentage of NFL rumors mention the Cowboys.

I've researched this topic and there a many dog bite or dog attack stories in the media, but the breed is rarely mentioned unless it's a Pitbull.

The available statistics don't support Pitbulls as being the most likely to bite or attack people.
I love my pits.

They were bred to fight other dogs, not humans.
If the internet had been around in 1973 this same thread would likely have existed with German Shepherds as the subject instead of Pits.

1983, Dobermans.

1993 Rotties.

Pretty much any large breed dog which is intelligent and bred for a specific purpose as a working dog is going to need to be handled with care. Pits are just the current popular breed.

If also like to know the details of the bite. Was it a super aggressive attempt at a take down or a hey get away from me snap.

I know there is no excuse for any such thing but the details do matter as to the fate of the dog.
People are very uninformed.

Any large dog can be dangerous.

In the eighties people were most afraid of Dobermans.

At another point the public fear was focused on Rottweilers.

For a couple of years the public focus was on the Cane Corso because of a well publicized attack.

The The Little Rascals TV show from back in the thirties had a Pitbull as the dog that hung out with the group of kids. Nobody feared them then.

The fear started when Hoodrats and Hillbillies started forcing them to fight.

They are NOT naturally inclined to seek a fight and are definitely not naturally inclined to attack people.

Obviously, like any dog if they experienced abuse, they could have developed aggressive behavior.

Are NOT naturally aggressive.
They do NOT have locking jaws.
They do NOT have the highest bite force.

They DO have a never-give-up nature.
They DO have a high tolerance to pain.

They are 19th in terms of bite force at 235 psi. Labs are 20th at 230 psi. Shepards, Rottweilers and Dobermans all have a higher bite force with Rottweilers at 328 psi vs 235 for Pitt Bulls.

The breed with the highest bite force (Kangal) is rated at 743 psi.

For Pit Bulls that have not been abused, the never-give-up nature most often means they won't let go of a toy.

The reason people started breading them to fight is NOT because of an aggressive nature or super bite force, but because they won't quit regardless of how much pain is inflicted on them.




It's a personal choice. I don't want them around my family.
I really don't see Dak's dog being put down. For one, the lady never should've tried to intervene, and she should be trained how to behave around dogs. For another thing, this is presumably a first offense, and they'll probably give Dak the opportunity to rehabilitate the dog, or have him build a more secure enclosure.

If neither of those conditions occurs, he'll probably be allowed to send him to a more rural home.

Texas will put the lady into the "the customer is always right" category, and put the dog to sleep.
They are most often mentioned because the media loves to reinforce narratives.

It's similar to how a high percentage of NFL rumors mention the Cowboys.

I've researched this topic and there a many dog bite or dog attack stories in the media, but the breed is rarely mentioned unless it's a Pitbull.

The available statistics don't support Pitbulls as being the most likely to bite or attack people.

Pitbull attacks resulting in death or serious injury FAR exceed other breeds.
You need to look at the stats, x
Texas will put the lady into the "the customer is always right" category, and put the dog to sleep.
I'm not a Texan, so I have no idea about their policies, but common sense (which the woman seems to lack) should prevail, hopefully it does.
I've researched this topic and there a many dog bite or dog attack stories in the media, but the breed is rarely mentioned unless it's a Pitbull.

Probably because Pitbull attacks can often lead to fatalities. You're playing around with the stats. Bottom line, Pitbulls are the most dangerous breed out there and they account for the largest percentage of fatalities. Couple that with the fact that they are less that 7% of the canine population but account for 65% of the fatalities. Chihuahuas may bite the most but they rarely lead to a fatality.
I've had 6 pits over the last 30 years and raised them from pups until the past from age related issues. Never had one attack a person or animal cats included. The key is socializing them as puppys and never stop training them.

I agree its not a breed just anyone should have. A lot of people are lazy pet owners and get one because they think they look cool. They are a lot of work.
We decided to try to recue on a couple of years ago. It was only a year old so we figured it could still be trained. That dog would go after any animal it could. We kept him on a leash and he would go into a rage when he saw a cat and i would have to use all my strengh to hold onto him. We had to take him back to the shelter. If those dogs aren't responsibly trained from the very start of their life. They are a lost cause.

Thats the truth right there. Bully breeds are very hard dogs to own if you are not experienced with them. That's all Bully breeds too not just pits. They also love to get into trouble when bored. Not dogs that just get left at home. THere is no bad dogs , just bad owners. Of course there is some that are just defects in the world .... but that can be seen way before it bites someone. Person interjecting herself also at fault ... Only do that when its a MUST like its attacking a person , or about to kill your own dog.

I wonder if they include police dogs in their statistics. That would raise the count considerably for German Shepherds. Though I have to admit, I think I've been attacked by more GSDs than any other breed....or maybe I just remember them more, because they're bigger and more intimidating than most.

The public changes its minds on dangerous things like animals all the time. German shepherds were once in the light, as well as , Dobermans and Rottweilers. Its all about what in fashion to blame at the time. When I was 4 I was bitten in the face by my Dads K9 " German Shepard" I had 54 stitches in my face and almost lost an eye. Most would say the scares are an improvement as it takes away from my face :D . THe dog was never put down and there was no report. My father wanted both and was pissed ..... The Police said the dogs value was too much and it outweighed my accident. My father quit the force after that
Thats the truth right there. Bully breeds are very hard dogs to own if you are not experienced with them. That's all Bully breeds too not just pits. They also love to get into trouble when bored. Not dogs that just get left at home. THere is no bad dogs , just bad owners. Of course there is some that are just defects in the world .... but that can be seen way before it bites someone. Person interjecting herself also at fault ... Only do that when its a MUST like its attacking a person , or about to kill your own dog.

The public changes its minds on dangerous things like animals all the time. German shepherds were once in the light, as well as , Dobermans and Rottweilers. Its all about what in fashion to blame at the time. When I was 4 I was bitten in the face by my Dads K9 " German Shepard" I had 54 stitches in my face and almost lost an eye. Most would say the scares are an improvement as it takes away from my face :D . THe dog was never put down and there was no report. My father wanted both and was pissed ..... The Police said the dogs value was too much and it outweighed my accident. My father quit the force after that
Your father should've sued the PD. At the very least, a dog who bites a child is not fit to be used as a police dog.

There was a pair of dobermans that lived near me and they attacked me once, but it was winter, and I was walking on the road alongside the lake, so I ran onto the ice, to one of those small patches of that snow that sticks to the ice, (if you're familiar with that condition). Each time the dogs ran at me, I could easily sidestep them, and they kept falling down, hurting themselves. After a minute or two, they gave up and went home. I was probably 10 at the time, so it was pretty lucky the lake was frozen.
As a pitbull owner, this is always my big fear. I take great pains so this kind of situation never arises, but nobody is perfect.

Pit-Bulls are the Devil's dog......there banned in Britain and should be banned in the US also......sooner or later there gonna bite someone.....love Dogs have a Dog would never consider a Pit-bull.....
Pit-Bulls are the Devil's dog......there banned in Britain and should be banned in the US also......sooner or later there gonna bite someone.....love Dogs have a Dog would never consider a Pit-bull.....
I have zero problem with your opinion and I understand.
My boy is amazing: I've had him for over a decade and I love him like a son. Never a problem and I will usher him gently into his Afterlife after having given him a Life he never expected.

And I may do it again. I always adopt and I generally like to adopt problem children.
I have zero problem with your opinion and I understand.
My boy is amazing: I've had him for over a decade and I love him like a son. Never a problem and I will usher him gently into his Afterlife after having given him a Life he never expected.

And I may do it again. I always adopt and I generally like to adopt problem children.
I would never have a Dog I couldn't trust around my children....either way to each his own bud GL....
Hopefully they let Dak's dog live. I don't own any animals but I hate to see them hurt or killed.

The woman is at fault here. Trying to break apart two fighting animals is as smart as trying to pull a rock out of a running lawn mower. You're gonna get hurt.

She should have called the local police and they would have sent animal control over to deal with the situation.