Twitter: Dak and Romo first three years as a starter


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My "correction" is simply that - this was a reach to "mirror". Romo in his first two seasons starting, he got to the playoffs.

Nothing here at all even helps either Romo or Dak - it's a silly, and frankly, smooth brain look on the NFL. This board has seriously gotten stupid the past couple years, this isn't newsworthy and it's barely conversation worthy.
The fact that they didn't specify starting years and just said first years irks me. It's just wrong to phrase it like they had both been in the league the same amount of time.


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I did find some thing intersecting when looking up the 1st 48 starts from both players.

The passing turnover differential (TD-int) was 42 for both players.

Romo passing yards per game was 266
Prescott's was 226
But of course, Prescott adds another 25 years or so per game rushing.
Dak rushed for WAY more TDs. Tony threw for WAY more TDs

Both had great QB ratings thru the 1st 48 games. 96 for Dak and about 95 for Tony....though adjusting for decade, Romo's would be about 104 apples vs apples

First 48 games TEAM wins and losses
Romo 33-15
Prescott 32-16

Anyway you slice it, it was good start for both players

Good post!


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I have no idea how he would have "produced" - I'm not the one who is comparing W/L records with Dak and Romo starting. Take it up with the person who tweeted this stupid crap.

I have no reason to compare Prescott and Romo, heck, they aren't even peers - I can get enough of a read on how Dak is doing by comparing him to other QBs that are playing with him NOW. Not how Romo or any other QB looked a decade ago. Dak fanboys always want to use data from 10-20 years ago. This tactic of putting down past QBs to elevate a current QB is dumb.
I didn't really see it as putting down Tony, but as a stat comparison. Either way i thought it was pretty interesting. There are always variables intertwined in a persons career.


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My "correction" is simply that - this was a reach to "mirror". Romo in his first two seasons starting, he got to the playoffs.

Nothing here at all even helps either Romo or Dak - it's a silly, and frankly, smooth brain look on the NFL. This board has seriously gotten stupid the past couple years, this isn't newsworthy and it's barely conversation worthy.
Everything on this board is conversation worthy if people are posting about it. If it's not conversation worthy to you then don't comment. jmho


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Everything on this board is conversation worthy if people are posting about it. If it's not conversation worthy to you then don't comment. jmho

No, all it's doing is pitting two players against each other with a smooth brain take. Again, we are already seeing this - it's just division. There is no substance to this take, none at all. Team record has nothing to do with individual performance.

It's still silly to compare raw statistics across eras between two players, but at least that is a more grounded discussion. And this same discussion has been had a million times on this board anyways.
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Vet Min Plus
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Dude, this is even mentioned by Aikman a couple times during games - Dak doesn't read the field fast. Which is why he doesn't notices players streaking down the sideline wide open.

What's "convenient" is completely leaving out context. Again, these comparisons are idiotic and continuing to place it on "scheme" is also convenient.

Oh, and that's not even what I consider a complete positive for Romo and Rodgers - it's a double edge sword that helped and hurt their teams.

Here’s what’s convenient:

Dak’s first three years are being compared to Romo’s first six years, out of context...

One guy got to “Study” the field from the sidelines for 3.5 years before ever playing...

You got egg on your left cheek pal...


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Here’s what’s convenient:

Dak’s first three years are being compared to Romo’s first six years, out of context...

One guy got to “Study” the field from the sidelines for 3.5 years before ever playing...

You got egg on your left cheek pal...

You do understand I wasn't the one who made the tweet? I am OUTRIGHT telling you, this comparison is silly. Now you're trying to turn this into me defending Romo.

You made the claim about "holding the ball too long" - I gave the different reasons between Dak and Romo/Rodgers. Wilson is another one that often extends the play waiting for the deep pass to open up. The difference here is, Wilson has one of the best deep balls in the league, Dak is not doing this.

All of this is can be a problem, Romo, Rodgers, and Wilson all take/took sacks because of this. But they also made big plays and extended drives as well. Dak has the ability to extend plays and has, but he's not as efficient doing it - his footwork and mechanics are not there, and Dak has admitted to this saying "My mind and feet aren't always in sync".


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My kingdom for the day we no longer have to deal with romo talk. I can ignore for sure it but why doesn't Staubach and aikman get as much bandwidth? 2 QB's that i considered as good and at times better. The love affair this fanbase has with him Ill never understand. Its not even that i dont like the guy cause I did it that Im so tired of hearing about a player that gave his all and folks act like no one else on his teams did.

If it wasnt for Tony this or if it wasnt for tony that. Geez what about the rest of the guys the ones blocking the ones catching etc. Oh ya footballs a team sport except during his era and Tony did it all. Its truly time to move on


Vet Min Plus
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You do understand I wasn't the one who made the tweet? I am OUTRIGHT telling you, this comparison is silly. Now you're trying to turn this into me defending Romo.

You made the claim about "holding the ball too long" - I gave the different reasons between Dak and Romo/Rodgers. Wilson is another one that often extends the play waiting for the deep pass to open up. The difference here is, Wilson has one of the best deep balls in the league, Dak is not doing this.

All of this is can be a problem, Romo, Rodgers, and Wilson all take/took sacks because of this. But they also made big plays and extended drives as well. Dak has the ability to extend plays and has, but he's not as efficient doing it - his footwork and mechanics are not there, and Dak has admitted to this saying "My mind and feet aren't always in sync".

Romo and Rodgers both sat on the pine for several years so they got the mental part of the game before touching the field.. It’s premature to be extremely critical of Dak this early into his career..

I agree he needs to work on his feet though, that’s a big issue...


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Romo and Rodgers both sat on the pine for several years so they got the mental part of the game before touching the field.. It’s premature to be extremely critical of Dak this early into his career..

I agree he needs to work on his feet though, that’s a big issue...

...and I don't care.

The simple fact is, Dak is starting right now - and right now, his has mechanic and footwork problems and doesn't read the field like Romo did. There's nothing we can do about Romo having years on the bench, it's irrelevant. We made Dak the starter, this is what we have to deal with.


Vet Min Plus
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...and I don't care.

The simple fact is, Dak is starting right now - and right now, his has mechanic and footwork problems and doesn't read the field like Romo did. There's nothing we can do about Romo having years on the bench, it's irrelevant. We made Dak the starter, this is what we have to deal with.

Facts are stubborn things...


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I know. Can't believe it took Romo 11 years to accomplish what Dak did in one.:lmao2:

We shouldn't have to build one up and tear the other down but that's the way it goes on here. I had many hours of anxiety and enjoyment watching Romo and same with Dak so far


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...and I don't care.

The simple fact is, Dak is starting right now - and right now, his has mechanic and footwork problems and doesn't read the field like Romo did. There's nothing we can do about Romo having years on the bench, it's irrelevant. We made Dak the starter, this is what we have to deal with.
Fair enough. If he gets his footwork under control, reads the D better/faster and anticipates routes coming open so he doesn't hold it as long he'll be golden.


The Labeled One
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So....If your going to assume that Dak is on the same career path as Romo...and that's going to continue in the same arc some breaking news for you.

Romo didn't win anything. And he wasn't good enough. :popcorn:

When push came to shove...Romo failed time and again. Somehow the bar has been lower around here for QB play. That needs to change.


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Romo and Rodgers both sat on the pine for several years so they got the mental part of the game before touching the field.. It’s premature to be extremely critical of Dak this early into his career..

I agree he needs to work on his feet though, that’s a big issue...
Tony coming out of Eastern Illinois instead of the SEC certainly was part of the reason he sat.
Also the fact that few coaches (other than maybe George Allen) have ever preferred old, veteran QBs more than Parcells.

Tony for sure wasn't ready his 1st year, but after that he may have grown into the position quite well. 3rd stringers get almost zero reps during the season, practice or real.
Ideally, he would've become the starter after 2 years sitting, and would've never been a special teams holder while starting. lol