Video: Dak had most drops in league


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I think half the debate of this thread is they often do count bad throws. I've posted links in the thread showing the cowboys being counted as having anywhere from 26 drops to 51 drops in 2019. A lot of this is subjective until we get a firm definition of what a drop is, which is probably even more complicated that determining what a catch is.


The receivers definitely had moments where they flatly dropped the balls. That said, Dak definitely threw some bad passes (typically on shallow crossing routes with low or behind receivers).

The notion of “well, if a receiver gets his hands on the ball it should be a catch” is way too simplified. Poor throws raise the degree of difficulty catching the pass.


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The receivers definitely had moments where they flatly dropped the balls. That said, Dak definitely threw some bad passes (typically on shallow crossing routes with low or behind receivers).

The notion of “well, if a receiver gets his hands on the ball it should be a catch” is way too simplified. Poor throws raise the degree of difficulty catching the pass.

I can't remember what game it was but it was a key game where Dak had Gallup open and threw it high and it almost got picked. Ball grazed his hands and the Dak nutjobs kept referring to that as a catchable ball because it his his hands. It's a preposterous rationale to just say if it hits the hands, it's a good ball.


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The receivers definitely had moments where they flatly dropped the balls. That said, Dak definitely threw some bad passes (typically on shallow crossing routes with low or behind receivers).

The notion of “well, if a receiver gets his hands on the ball it should be a catch” is way too simplified. Poor throws raise the degree of difficulty catching the pass.
It does but if you don't have to fully extend and you get two hands on the football....a professional NFL player should get that. High school football players are able to catch passes slightly behind them or slightly lower than their catch radius.

It should be taken into context the throw but at best I saw probably 2 suspect throws that you could argue the receiver couldn't catch out of these 51.


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I'm pulling for Dak bigtime.
I'm pretty sure the uncommonly high "drops" and "tight windows" stats go hand in hand.

QBs that often/sometimes don't throw it until the player is already open often have higher than average numbers in this regard.
It doesn't mean there weren't some terrible drops, but the issue is far more complex than some of these silly metrics make them out to be. Timing is a big deal.


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Damn where the Dak haters? He’s gonna improve so much this year with a decent coaching staff I can’t wait.
The previous coaching staff didn’t coach him to throw behind , over , under or too far in front of WRs. They didn’t teach him poor pocket presence or to hold on to the ball too long. I could go on and on , but the point remains that Dak screwed up in his own, not because of coaching. MM is not going to make him into Joe Montana.


Fattening up
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Dak’s WRs dropped a ton it balls on him last season. Whether you agree with this tally or have a different method, unless you want to pretend that he’s the only QB who sometimes throws an off-target pass, its irrefutable.

Unless anyone has actual evidence Dak throws more off-target passes than other starting QBs in some reviewable context, that argument is purely academic. It’d be cool to see, if anybody had any proof of it though.


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I agree with that all day. I find fault in Daks game, but outside of the top 4/5 QBs in 2019 you really didnt see consistent QB play. Dak is easily top 10 right now.
And that's what it come down too. Its so lazy to say "Oh he's not top 10"....but if you look at the list of quarterbacks.....I can probably name 3 for sure that are better and a few others who are at least debatable.


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If you don't have Dak as at top 10 QB you are out of touch with the NFL and the quarterback position.
Oh yes, this always proves a point. If a poster disagrees with you, they are out of touch or don’t know football. It seems like all the Dak supporters has to tell themselves this to validate their opinion with the 50% of the fan base that wants Dak gone.


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Some of those drops were tough catches to make with ball placement or in traffic, while others are inexcusable on the receivers part. 5 of those drops looked to be in games and points in games that could have improved the Cowboys chances to win that game vs a loss. The rest we're mostly against the Giants or Dolphins so ultimately didn't matter much.


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Oh yes, this always proves a point. If a poster disagrees with you, they are out of touch or don’t know football. It seems like all the Dak supporters has to tell themselves this to validate their opinion with the 50% of the fan base that wants Dak gone.

Its true. There are guys who are critical on this site of Dak. But they give constructive criticism. Then there are those who constantly spread the same lazy opinion of people who are out of touch with the NFL do. Its easy to sit here and say he's not top 12 based on passed years. But last year even if you want knock Dak for not making the playoffs there were not 10 or 11 quarterbacks better. Just wasn't. So yeah if you are agree you are out of touch with the NFL and QB's in the NFL.


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Drops were an issue last year, and yes there were some obvious ones by receivers, but i would be curious to see what the rest of the list looked like for context. Does the average QB see 45 a year or 25 per year? Also what is being considered an accurate pass for this statistic?

I don't mean this to be anti Dak, i'm just not sure that he was a victim of his receiving corp.

You will have a much stronger argument if you delete the video. A lot of those 51 "accurate passes" caused receivers to leave their feet, change direction, and avoid defenders while attempting to catch.

I second this. If the video is demonstrating "accuracy"....then it and I completely disagree on the definition of that word.


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Some of those drops were tough catches to make with ball placement or in traffic, while others are inexcusable on the receivers part. 5 of those drops looked to be in games and points in games that could have improved the Cowboys chances to win that game vs a loss. The rest we're mostly against the Giants or Dolphins so ultimately didn't matter much.
This is true and I remember the Dolphins game....I think we ended up routing them but I wanted to say it took the 2nd half to do it. Those sloppy starts are apart of this. Not even just the drops but the team as a whole. Screwing up early in games and having to get themselves out of holes.


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The previous coaching staff didn’t coach him to throw behind , over , under or too far in front of WRs. They didn’t teach him poor pocket presence or to hold on to the ball too long. I could go on and on , but the point remains that Dak screwed up in his own, not because of coaching. MM is not going to make him into Joe Montana.

I like how people like you never have stats or facts or objective points. Just moronic highly bias ramblings. Never anything of substance.


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Right. Its amazing on this site a poster will post something positive in regards to Dak and the same individuals will do whatever they can to discredit it lol.

It's amazing that on this site someone will post something critical of Dak, and individuals w2ill do everything they can to discredit it.


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Dak’s WRs dropped a ton it balls on him last season. Whether you agree with this tally or have a different method, unless you want to pretend that he’s the only QB who sometimes throws an off-target pass, its irrefutable.

Unless anyone has actual evidence Dak throws more off-target passes than other starting QBs in some reviewable context, that argument is purely academic. It’d be cool to see, if anybody had any proof of it though.

I doubt even with decent "evidence" you would accept it. There'd always be a "but...".


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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On the heels of the thread where he was 2nd in the league in 3rd down completion % comes the lead the league in drops. If one of them is held onto...he is the cowboys all time single season passing leader. If they catch half of those drops...we are in the playoffs and win the division.


Although I agree that we had too many drops last year, I take issue with the word "accurate" used in the tweet. Some believe if a receiver gets a hand on a pass, he's supposed to catch it. I think that's an unfair way to judge receivers. They are trying to adjust their bodies and pull in any pass that's near them, even if it's a poor pass.Just because they manage to bat a ball doesn't mean that they should have caught it. Now again, there were many passes they should have caught; there were just others where Dak should have made a better pass and not put his receiver in a difficult situation.


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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Whether you leave your feet or not...if you have two hands on the have to consider that a drop.

It kind of depends. Are you talking about fully getting two hands on the ball or just touching the ball with two hands at some point? There were several passes last year where a receiver got one hand initially on the ball but not under control, then the other hand got there too late to close the deal. There were definitely some drops blamed on the receivers that were much more difficult catches than some seemed to realize.