Twitter: Dak has taken a step back in his return


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I don't think anyone expected him to play in the Hall of Fame game and probably no one expected him to throw today, but nothing generates panic better than "Dak takes a step back in his return"

The sky is falling :eek:

I agree, the sky is not falling. They're just resting that arm to be on the safe side.


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This is what bothers me in why they didn't change the title. MM never said he had a set back only that the team took a step back in viewing the situation. No use in rushing him back. There was no further injury, no set back. MM said that after the HOF game and after Saturday's price they will re-evaluate. Why the mods haven't changed the title is baffling.

I bet the mods didn't edit the title to get fans talking and to hurt the mouth breather groupie's feelings. Boy that bothers me too. Why do they have to make fun of our fragile quarterback? Haters, why can't they support the glassman?

America's Cowboy

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No wasn't a big Romo fan should never of gotten last extension, but you being a Dak apologist feel the need to disparage former DC QB's to the point of making up narratives that are just stupid to say the least, as for man crush we know who that is Nancy.
Making up narratives???

Do I need to post pictures and article links of Romo's past to prove what I'm saying is true??? Or are you still going to pout like a petulant child because you can't handle facts about your man-crush?


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I bet the mods didn't edit the title to get fans talking and to hurt the mouth breather groupie's feelings. Boy that bothers me too. Why do they have to make fun of our fragile quarterback? Haters, why can't they support the glassman?
I may be wrong but didn’t you want Stafford? It may not have been you so don’t crucify me if I’m wrong

America's Cowboy

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The real "fact" is that TR had a horrible defense and a patchwork O-line for most of his years under center here. He only had a workable running game a few years and once the front office finally got their stuff together and built a team that he could take to the Super Bowl his body let him down and and in walks #4 doing what he has done his whole career in HS, College and here. Stumble into a starting spot due to injury.

The other "fact" is people like yourself could not stand it that a player from a DIV III College was the QB of YOUR Dallas Cowboys. How could a guy who was not a Heisman Hopeful follow in the footsteps of Dandy Don, Roger Staubach and Troy Aikman? No freakin way!!!! So every time he tossed an int, every dropped pass, heck every fumbled punt, or missed tackle was his fault.....still is!!!!
Lmao...what a bunch of bunk and lies!!! NFL and franchise high 13 Pro Bowlers during that 2007 season (Romo's 2nd as a starter and 4th as a Cowboy) was not good enough for Tony Romo??? If I remember correctly, Romo's Oline ranks in 2006-2009 was ranked in the Top 12 every year. That's plenty of good enough!

The problem was Romo went Hollywood!!! The limelight as a starter in 2006 went to his head! Then add the choking decisions he made both on and off the field throughout his early years as a starter when his body was fully healthy before injuries started creeping in, well, there you go...the results happened because of all that.

But you go ahead and keep pouting while making excuses for your truly beloved Hollywood wannabe Chokemo.


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Making up narratives???

Do I need to post pictures and article links of Romo's past to prove what I'm saying is true??? Or are you still going to pout like a petulant child because you can't handle facts about your man-crush?
So going to Cabo with a beautiful women becomes the reason for the loss get real only a idiot would think that. I guess your man crush with Dak blinds you to all his off the field adventures. I guess you can’t read well also like I said wasn’t a big Romo fan but somehow you don’t get it. Have you asked Dak for a date yet? Man crush, you have it bad.


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Lmao...what a bunch of bunk and lies!!! NFL and franchise high 13 Pro Bowlers during that 2007 season (Romo's 2nd as a starter and 4th as a Cowboy) was not good enough for Tony Romo??? If I remember correctly, Romo's Oline ranks in 2006-2009 was ranked in the Top 12 every year. That's plenty of good enough!

The problem was Romo went Hollywood!!! The limelight as a starter in 2006 went to his head! Then add the choking decisions he made both on and off the field throughout his early years as a starter when his body was fully healthy before injuries started creeping in, well, there you go...the results happened because of all that.

But you go ahead and keep pouting while making excuses for your truly beloved Hollywood wannabe Chokemo.
Why do you masquerade around pretending to be a Cowboys fan when it's clear that you're just a Dak fan?

When you hate on former players who literally broke their backs for this team and try and tear them down for it just to prop up and defend Dak it's embarrassing and sad.

America's Cowboy

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So going to Cabo with a beautiful women becomes the reason for the loss get real only a idiot would think that. I guess your man crush with Dak blinds you to all his off the field adventures. I guess you can’t read well also like I said wasn’t a big Romo fan but somehow you don’t get it. Have you asked Dak for a date yet? Man crush, you have it bad.
So Troy Aikman, Michael Irvin and other Cowboys greats are idiots for saying as much about Romo and his Cabo trip during the playoffs?

Just shut up already and quit lying. You fool no one.


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MRI says a strain. Takes a few weeks . Ease back. No biggie. When is opening game. He needs some snaps in last few preseason games. Not panicking yet.

Much better to have this happen in camp than 1-2 weeks before the season. Increases the chances he'll be closer to 100% once the bullets start flying.