It’s a given that romo for most of early years didn’t have a good oline at all, as I stated in my comments his last couple years he finally had a decent oline. We can argue certain oline in the middle of those years “may” have been decent or whatever, but there was a very considerable difference in protection from pre2012-13 than post.
I guess this conversation apparently got a little carried away with the whole Cole vs Pepsi err I mean Romo vs Dak. For me and despite my opinion that Romo was better, I actually see a whole lot of similarities eternally the two. They both command there position, they both scramble and run the ball when they need to, they both are better passers on the run, they both are better designed for the west coast style offense (and this is where Dak is gonna have an advantage seeing that is the style we are finally starting to run), both struggled with deep ball.
I do think up to this point (seeing that Dak and Romo have about same amount of years as starter) that Romo was a better qb based on his qualities, but Dak is getting better and has time and a team around him to help him do that.
Not sure what all the animosity is toward Dak, that is not me, but I remember Romo got that as well. Dak can prove everyone wrong and he has the team and the talent to do so.
Do I think he will? It has been nearly 30 years so I gave up on thinking ahead about this team’s possibilities along time ago and I am better for it, so when and if it happens then I will answer that. I just try enjoy the game week by week.