Dak: Our team culture is great


Well-Known Member
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Good. I’m glad it upset you.
Yeah! I was so upset I spit up my mango, and avocado juice while dipping my steamed shrimp in horseradish sauce. I was never the same after I heard that.

Thats sarcasm. btw
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There are no Dak haters just Cowboy lovers!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Just shut the heck up! Frikkin hater. First thing g I see ever morning is a guy that doesn't even like the Cowboys and is a self professed Texan fan come in here to take his morning dump on Dak. This is a game and fans like you try to take any little bit of fun we have away.

So the weirder the guy with an obsession for Dak. At least you finally admitted it, you have an obsession with Dak, your words!
What would humanity do without folks like yourself? :muttley:
The dump on Dak part is pure gold!!!!


Well-Known Member
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This just became another dump on Dak thread.
Same old stuff.
Well dude, what do you expect?
This thread is a direct response to a guy who seems
to be incapable of reading the room.
But he sure can count his money though.
The whole thing will need to implode for some to see it.
And some can already see it coming.


Well-Known Member
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People (myself included) don't understand what a "good culture" is in the NFL

Does good culture mean choir boys or does it mean to have a team of guys that hate losing?

From my perspective, our current culture is terrible because it's based on entitlement and country club culture where winning SBs is seen as not necessary.

From Dak to Parsons, it is clearly evident that these players aren't competitive. They are friends with other players and aren't visibly angry after losses

We all know that one guy in our personal lives that is competitive. Wether it's in the work place or a sibling or close friend, we know people like that.

This team lacks people like that and the moment someone with that mentality arrives here, he will be shipped out because Dak (our team culture setter) wants players to be friends and not talk about each other or criticize.

Our culture is Dak Prescott. We will never be a winning franchise because of it untill he leaves.

Never seen a Hall of Fame QB not be a bully type and the reason is because those guys KNEW they were the best player in their team.

Guys like Brock Purdy trying to be a bully would be laughed out of town because they are not that guy. Same as Dak

I think our players "like" Dak in the way you like your younger brother but I guarantee no one in the team sees him as the Alpha dog.

Our culture is what it is. Country club where you show up and get paid


Cowboys Diehard
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The prime requisite for any team to achieve elite status is for that team to be blessed with excellent managerial skills and leadership.

Sadly, the Dallas Cowboys lack that advantage. The Cowboys front office, composed of Jerry and Stephen Jones, don't fill that need.
It's just that simple!!! :banghead:
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There are no Dak haters just Cowboy lovers!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
For all the Dak lovers that this is dedicated for...............