Twitter: Dak Says Collins Is Playing RT and Steele Is Play LT Sunday


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That's my thought.
possible as a Joe realist LOL we wont them all maybe he predicts a let down..

might rather have wake up call now to smack them in the face and to do it against an afc team..


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The way the season is going, I got faith in the coaches and players on the Oline. And probably with no
drop off, plus possibility of improvement. Don't think they're done tinkering, the smell of playoffs lingers
and the right combinations is a must. Boys got talent and the coaches are going to make use of it!

Confidence, baby!


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The way I read it, today is today, tomorrow is tomorrow and then, we'll really find out Sunday.

This team is beginning to sandbag with the best.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Yea, because when you talk to these guys, they listen to your WORDS.
Hey, didnt big Mike have a talk tot eh team right before they broke for the bye week? Didnt big Mike tell them to not do anything stupid, if you need rides make sure you call for one? You know, talk to them all like men, not middle schoolers. Then less than 24 hrs later we had one of those same "Men," get popped for a DUI?
I honestly don't know what your point is. Kazee played Sunday, at his usual position. There wasn't, to my knowledge, some bizarre and convoluted "message-sending" change to his on-field role as a consequence of his actions. Whatever consequences there were, whatever messages they sent to him, they handled it off the field.

Why did Collins not play last week? I don't know. Most likely because they weren't confident he was ready to step right in after several weeks off. Possibly because they wanted to roll with what was working. And yes, maybe because they didn't feel like the NFL's punishment was sufficient, in which case I'm sure they told him exactly what they were going to do and why. And maybe they intended to hold him out longer but their hand is being forced by Tyron's injury.

But it's absurd to think that they're sitting there going, "We're going to start him...but at RIGHT tackle, mwaa-haa-haa, his usual position! That'll show him!"


Captain Catfish
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Yep. Sucks for some to hear but it is what it is lol.

I would've too. But this staff......I don't know if its a matter of them wanting players to play where they want or what. But one thing that's become predictable is that the offensive linemen aren't going to change spots. Conner is going to stick to playing guard.....Biadiz is going to stick to starting center...Martin will be the right guard.....they don't seem to be interested in shuffling the line or getting the best 5 linemen out there.

I'm right there with you. Its a huge concern to me. Maybe they feel like it will always be a concern but man.....and I'm just a fan but on the outside looking in its looking like they've made the left side weak and inexperienced. To me the most logical thing would've been to put Collins over there.

Oh I think Tyron retires in Dallas. Whenever he wants to its up to him. But it would not shock me at all that if this team looked at a tackle in next years draft especially in round 1. I think if Steele can play that position that would shore some things up for them.

Yep the staff has made sure Steele has looked good. I don't know wha they plan on doing on that left side I guess a lot of tight end help?
You are an elite multi tasker.