Dak second to only Rodgers in 100+ QBR/games played


Salary Cap Analyst
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Dez is open by 10 yards.

Here is Dez "open by 10 yards" as Dak releases the ball --


Where should Dak place the ball, exactly? The 12-yard line? The 20-yard line? Just how slow is Dez, anyway?

Only a bad throw keeps that play from being a TD.

It wouldn't have been a "bad" throw (maybe 6 inches too far on a ball that traveled almost 50 yards in the air) if Dez was slightly faster.

Dak was doing nothing that game and the passer rating is misleading.

Take away that play, and his passer rating for the rest of the game is 96.0. Just terrible.


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If a 100 passer rating doesn't mean anything anymore, how about 120? Dak has eight of those -- tied for second behind Tom Brady in the past two years.

If a 120 rating doesn't mean anything anymore, how about 130? Dak has five in the past two years -- again tied for second behind Brady. (Dak had three of them last season alone -- tied for the most in the league.)

If a 130 rating doesn't mean anything anymore, how about 140? Dak has three of those in the past two years -- again, tied for the most in the league.

What's next? Only 150 or better is impressive? Well, that's Dak's passer rating in overtime.

It's no wonder the haters cling to total passing yards as the most important way to measure a quarterback.
Damn slaughtered em


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Here is Dez "open by 10 yards" as Dak releases the ball --


Where should Dak place the ball, exactly? The 12-yard line? The 20-yard line? Just how slow is Dez, anyway?

It wouldn't have been a "bad" throw (maybe 6 inches too far on a ball that traveled almost 50 yards in the air) if Dez was slightly faster.

Take away that play, and his passer rating for the rest of the game is 96.0. Just terrible.
I like this guy


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Bait for the DHC. :popcorn:

Nah... when you look at the chart, it proves how meaningless it is... I am glad none of these guys that write these articles are computer programmers... we would still be in the dark ages.

I know... let's compare 32 games as the starter, to Rodgers 142 or Brady's 251. We won't even compare how many passes were actually thrown, etc... I can throw 1 pass, have 1 completion and have a high rating!

Has nothing to do with hating on Dak, it is just that stupid of a comparison, that they mention under the chart.

Technically, all the QBs suck in the NFL... because last season a Punter, and a WR had the best passer ratings. I didn't see Brady, Brees, Rodgers or any of them get a rating like punter Pat O'Donnell or Mohammad Sanu (both have a passer rating of 158.3, so eat that Drew Brees!)... Heck, actually Sam Bradford is the best of the QBs. His rating last season was 124.4

Frankly I want to see what Chris Jones can do at QB...


I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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Here is Dez "open by 10 yards" as Dak releases the ball --


Where should Dak place the ball, exactly? The 12-yard line? The 20-yard line? Just how slow is Dez, anyway?

It wouldn't have been a "bad" throw (maybe 6 inches too far on a ball that traveled almost 50 yards in the air) if Dez was slightly faster.

Take away that play, and his passer rating for the rest of the game is 96.0. Just terrible.
That 'frozen Moment' in time just from looking at that freeze on the play, really makes me wanna say: " The World is Yours, Tony Montana",,,,o_O:cool:o_O



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No one know what comprises QBR. People who tout stats they do not understand should be ignored.

I agree, but the original post was about the number of 100+ passer rating games, not ESPN’s made up QBR stat.

It also doesn’t show the other end of the spectrum...the number of sub 70 passer rating games.

It paints a picture that when the Cowboys have Zeke going, Dak can run an effective play-action passing attack. But it also shows he struggles when the running game is not as effective. Defenses don’t fear/respect the Cowboys passing game nearly as much.


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Again, not his best play. Stop calling it that.

Dez is open by 10 yards. Only a bad throw keeps that play from being a TD.

Making the read to throw to the #1 WR who is open by 10 yards?

Who is penalizing Dak? It was a poor throw. Period. If you consider a poor throw his best play, then you are confirming it was not a good game.

Dak was doing nothing that game and the passer rating is misleading. It happens, especially with bus drivers.

It was clearly his best play from a statistical standpoint.

Last time, any argument made that removes a persons best play to evaluate their overall statistics, is stupid.

All of a sudden we are penalizing the QB because a receiver managed to get wide open...... Stupid.


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I agree, but the original post was about the number of 100+ passer rating games, not ESPN’s made up QBR stat.

It also doesn’t show the other end of the spectrum...the number of sub 70 passer rating games.

It paints a picture that when the Cowboys have Zeke going, Dak can run an effective play-action passing attack. But it also shows he struggles when the running game is not as effective. Defenses don’t fear/respect the Cowboys passing game nearly as much.

One big stat left out is he was a 2nd year player. Yes he has work to do but making mistakes for a 2nd year QB is not earth shattering. I loved having Romo but my god he made mistakes as any other QB. I know some have their feeling hurt because Dallas went to with Prescott over Romo but then that is not the fault of Prescott. The kid is heading into year 3 not year 12.


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Here is Dez "open by 10 yards" as Dak releases the ball --


Where should Dak place the ball, exactly? The 12-yard line? The 20-yard line? Just how slow is Dez, anyway?

It wouldn't have been a "bad" throw (maybe 6 inches too far on a ball that traveled almost 50 yards in the air) if Dez was slightly faster.

Take away that play, and his passer rating for the rest of the game is 96.0. Just terrible.


Yes. Let’s subtract that play from Dak because he clearly had nothing to do with the success of that play.


In all seriousness, great post Adam.


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Guess what else happened in the second half of the season. No Zeke and no pass protection. I wonder if that factored into his decline? Probably not though, second year QBs are supposed to make play after play with pressure in their face to receivers who struggle to beat 1v1. 14 sacks in the three games immediately following Zeke and Ty's departure sounds like the coaches made all the adjustments they could and Dak still couldn't find a way to get the ball to a guy who can't catch with his hands and another guy who can only run 2 routes. When defenses adapted to Dak's strengths it should've been on him to make a new game plan and adjust for these changes, not the coaches. He should throw for 400 yards and no picks every game regardless of his O-line play and lack of adequate WR play. But if the O-line is playing well and receivers get open, it's because he had all day to throw dink and dunk passes to wide open guys. I'm with the Dak haters now, they are too logical in their evaluation of Dak to argue with.

**A whole lot of sarcasm for those who don't catch it. Just like every other non-top 5 qb, the guy needs players around him. How did Derek Carr play in 2016 vs 2017? Well his O-line played worse, his rushing attack wasn't the same, and other than a handful of games Cooper and Crabtree were spotty at best. But he throws the ball a little prettier and he looks a little different than Dak so his "regression" isn't attributed to him but to the o-line, receivers, poor D, and bad coaching. When teams as a whole get worse typically the QB plays worse too unless they are Brady/Rodgers/Brees. Looks like the Raiders regressed as a whole from 2016 to 2017, but for some reason fans aren't calling for a new QB in the bay. Go figure.
How did Wentz play when his starting LT went down for the season, His starting RB as well. I wonder how his stats looked???????


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Here is Dez "open by 10 yards" as Dak releases the ball --


Where should Dak place the ball, exactly? The 12-yard line? The 20-yard line? Just how slow is Dez, anyway?

It wouldn't have been a "bad" throw (maybe 6 inches too far on a ball that traveled almost 50 yards in the air) if Dez was slightly faster.

Take away that play, and his passer rating for the rest of the game is 96.0. Just terrible.

I expect better from you Adam. This is subpar all the way. If Dez was faster? Really?