Dak's advancement


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once again, its everybody else and the butler's fault, but not Dak
It seems this is the outcome that the Dak lovers always come to. Dak is great and when they lose it's everyone else's fault, D play, running game, WR, drops, you name it the losses are everyone else's fault, playoff losses caused by rest of team not super QB. Win Dak is really great, single handily won the game. Play off win Dak is great won the game single handily. They are 100% right Dak is the only great player Dallas has, why not just go ahead and pay him 40 million a year he's that great according to some here so only scrubs are needed elsewhere. Sad thing is unless a miracle happens (I don't believe in miracles) it will just be more of the same, mediocrity. All kidding aside love to see him become a great QB but do not believe that will ever happen as to this point he is no better that a bottom level starter.
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This FO is going a fine job and know exactly what they are doing.

You're blind if you can't see the tangible improvements in the last 3 years.

Dak is easily worth top 10 money and he will lead the team to their next SB win soon.

I expect the winning trend of the last 3 years to only get better.

Don't celebrate with this team when it happens if you disagree with what I just wrote.

People like you have been "celebrating " this mediocrity for 23 years and making excuse after excuse in blind fandom

But if at some point they happen to win something people who disagree with you shouldn't celebrate ?



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before they traded for cooper dak and his team was 3 and 5 and pretty much done
Good news: Cooper will be on the team moving forward and Dak was a stud with Cooper.

3 winning seasons in 3 years as a starter. Dak’s our guy, like it or not.


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Tom Brady player well. Of course he did. The argument was never if Brady was a good QB or not. I already said I think he is the best ever.

Troy Brown went to a pro bowl that season. Btw. He was a far better player than any receiver the cowboys had last year, before Cooper.

The argument was whether QB’s carried teams or not.

The patriots won the Super Bowl that year because of their defense. Not their offense. Their offense was efficient and didn’t turn the ball over. Their defense forced turnovers and kept the other team from scoring a lot of points, particularly in the playoffs. That’s how they won that championship. They didn’t win it based off stellar QB play.

Look at the numbers for Tom Brady that season. Pedestrian at best. I realize throwing the ball wasn’t as easy back then as it was now. But come on.

Brady threw for 2843 yards. 63% completion percentage. 18 td’s and 12 ints. 6.9 ypa. Now you have to adjust the numbers to match what they would look like nowadays. But even then, that wasn’t a great season by any means.

Brady was not performing at an MVP level or anywhere close to it at that point in his career. Brady just played efficient football and made timely plays when the team needed him to the most. The defense was the key to those teams winning a title.

Mind you, we are also talking about TOM BRADY. The best quarterback in NFL history. Of course Dak isn’t as good as him. If every team got rid of their QB because they weren’t as good as Tom Brady, every team in the league except the patriots would be looking for a new QB every off season. Which is another reason your argument is weak.

You can’t base your personnel decisions off whether the player is as good as THE BEST EVER at their position. We will probably never ever see a cowboys QB as good as Brady in our lifetimes.
the question is did Brady help Brown get to the probowl? it seems like Brady does that with a lot of WR he plays with. they are nobody's before, become great in NE and then become nobody's again when they leave..... Brady elevated Brown. not the otherway around....

it seems likie you just confirmed that Cooper elevated Dak and that's the argument.

with that said, that year, NE was 6th in scoring defense. 2018, dallas was 6th in scoring defense.

and this year Dak was pedestrian, so was last year and the year before. Brady elevated his game in post season. did it when it counted. made plays when it counted....Dak didn't. hasn't...

and yes we are talking about Tom Brady, because the original poster responding to my comments asked for examples of QBs that had success in their 2nd and 3rd year and I gave him a few examples....

and the point is Dak is no Brady, or Wilson, or Rodgers, or Brees, or Rivers and about 10 more...Dak is average and Dak lovers INSIST on comparing him to the elites....well here was a comparison were Dak failed compared to an elite....

no one says Dak is bad. the point is Dak is average QB. and a bus driver and there is nothing wrong with that. Denver won a superbow with an Average Peyton Manning, but build a team around him to maximize their chances of winning. they didn't break the bank on Manning because they knew if they did, they couldn't get him the type of support he needed to win a superbowl. and that's the point, we go and spend 25/year on Dak, then Dak won't have the coopers, the TEs and the great OL he needs to succeed and Dak lovers will complain Dak isn't succeeding because he doesn't get the top 5 players he needs around him.


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the question is did Brady help Brown get to the probowl? it seems like Brady does that with a lot of WR he plays with. they are nobody's before, become great in NE and then become nobody's again when they leave..... Brady elevated Brown. not the otherway around....

it seems likie you just confirmed that Cooper elevated Dak and that's the argument.

with that said, that year, NE was 6th in scoring defense. 2018, dallas was 6th in scoring defense.

and this year Dak was pedestrian, so was last year and the year before. Brady elevated his game in post season. did it when it counted. made plays when it counted....Dak didn't. hasn't...

and yes we are talking about Tom Brady, because the original poster responding to my comments asked for examples of QBs that had success in their 2nd and 3rd year and I gave him a few examples....

and the point is Dak is no Brady, or Wilson, or Rodgers, or Brees, or Rivers and about 10 more...Dak is average and Dak lovers INSIST on comparing him to the elites....well here was a comparison were Dak failed compared to an elite....

no one says Dak is bad. the point is Dak is average QB. and a bus driver and there is nothing wrong with that. Denver won a superbow with an Average Peyton Manning, but build a team around him to maximize their chances of winning. they didn't break the bank on Manning because they knew if they did, they couldn't get him the type of support he needed to win a superbowl. and that's the point, we go and spend 25/year on Dak, then Dak won't have the coopers, the TEs and the great OL he needs to succeed and Dak lovers will complain Dak isn't succeeding because he doesn't get the top 5 players he needs around him.

No I asked you for a list of 3rd year QB’s who carried their team and you said Tom Brady.

I then showed you that Tom Brady wasn’t carrying jack squat at that time and was basically playing the same kind of ball that Dak was. Keep the turnovers low and play efficient.

DifferencE was Dak’s defense didn’t get turnovers and return kicks for touchdowns in the playoffs. Had the patriots defense given up 273 yards rushing in the playoffs, Brady would have been watching the super bowl on TV that year too.

The argument wasn’t Dak is average.

You said he doesn’t carry a team. I then told you that no young QB does carry a team. You couldn’t name a QB who does. Throwing out Brady’s name is utterly ridiculous for multiple reasons. 1. He didn’t carry his team when he was a young QB 2. No other QB in history can live up to his accomplishments.
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Thanks for finally admitting that QB’s don’t carry teams and that you were wrong.

Rememebr those 4 turnovers the patriots defense forced against the Steelers in Pittsburgh? I’m sure that helped them win that playoff game just a little bit..... most teams win games wher they force 4 turnovers.

Remember that Tom Brady Got hurt that game against the steelers? It was Drew Bledsoe who finished the game.

Remember that receiver Troy Brown you said was just ok in another post, who returned a punt for a touchdown against the Steelers?

Rememebr the returned blocked kick for a touchdown against the Steelers?

But by all means. Go ahead and tell me how much Brady had to do with that win.

I can quote a whole bunch of specific plays too....that Makes Dak look like craap....... but then Dak lovers insist on looking at over all stats, not individual plays.....

bottom line Brady led the team against the greatest show on turf to a superbowl victory. he was the QB of the team...if you insist on giving credit to Dak for wins, then you can't take it away from Brady and give it the defense, the WR, the situational plays....

bottom line. Dak without Zeke is 4-3 (including the all time great Giants win against a 5-11 team in a meaningless end of season game)...... this year we were 2-6 when zeke didn't perform well and 9-1 when he did. last year Dak was 3-3 without zeke. looks like Dak needs Zeke to succeed. not the otherway around.


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I can quote a whole bunch of specific plays too....that Makes Dak look like craap....... but then Dak lovers insist on looking at over all stats, not individual plays.....

bottom line Brady led the team against the greatest show on turf to a superbowl victory. he was the QB of the team...if you insist on giving credit to Dak for wins, then you can't take it away from Brady and give it the defense, the WR, the situational plays....

bottom line. Dak without Zeke is 4-3 (including the all time great Giants win against a 5-11 team in a meaningless end of season game)...... this year we were 2-6 when zeke didn't perform well and 9-1 when he did. last year Dak was 3-3 without zeke. looks like Dak needs Zeke to succeed. not the otherway around.

Bottom line, you were completely and utterly wrong about QB’s carrying their teams to super bowls and no young QB has ever done it. Not even the best QB ever Tom Brady did it.


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No I asked you for a list of 3rd year QB’s who carried their team and you said Tom Brady.

I then showed you that Tom Brady wasn’t carrying jack squat at that time and was basically playing the same kind of ball that Dak was. Keep the turnovers low and play efficient.

DifferencE was Dak’s defense didn’t get turnovers and return kicks for touchdowns in the playoffs. Had the patriots defense given up 273 yards rushing in the playoffs, Brady would have been watching the super bowl on TV that year too.

The argument wasn’t Dak is average.

You said he doesn’t carry a team. I then told you that no young QB does carry a team. You couldn’t name a QB who does. Throwing out Brady’s name is utterly ridiculous for multiple reasons. 1. He didn’t carry his team when he was a young QB 2. No other QB in history can live up to his accomplishments.
carried/elevated...you are hung up on the semantics...... brady elevated players around him. without brady they were 0-2......went 10-3 with him. Brady won a superbowl. Dak didn't. so not sure who is doing Jack Squats right now.

Dak is average...that's the argument. Dak can't elevate (semantics) his team and players around him. He needs a lot of help and Dak Lovers admit to that freely.

Troy brown became troy brown because of Brady....his two greatest seasons was with brady...he is a footnote in NFL history of WRs....Dak had arguably one of the best OL in history of NFL in 2016...he couldn't get it done.. and he was given Cooper one of the best WRs in the league. a top 5 pick. and a top 5 WR in the league....Dak couldn't get it done against the 19th ranked pass defense in the league.

again you just said, that Dak needs help with the defense, with the offense, with the OL, with the running game, with the WRs for him to succeed. he is unable to lift the players around him. its always the other way around.

and once again, Zeke had a sub-par game and we lost.


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Bottom line, you were completely and utterly wrong about QB’s carrying their teams to super bowls and no young QB has ever done it. Not even the best QB ever Tom Brady did it.
I guess you are into moral victories. good for you if that makes you feel better about Dak. seemingly you need that more than I do.

you still haven't uttered a word on why Dak is average?


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with the right coaching and a good head coach dak is good enough its the other part that usually falls short


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This FO is going a fine job and know exactly what they are doing.

You're blind if you can't see the tangible improvements in the last 3 years.

Dak is easily worth top 10 money and he will lead the team to their next SB win soon.

I expect the winning trend of the last 3 years to only get better.

Don't celebrate with this team when it happens if you disagree with what I just wrote.



I presume you know what a 'trend' is

Help explain this positive trend please


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I love how the anti-Dak crowd can never use facts to back up their case. Because they’re so far in the wrong that they’re spinning like a top.

Dak’s numbers and W/L record say it all. Damn good QB already.

If you disagree and think he’s average, here’s a challenge for you: back that up with actual facts. Numbers, stats, whatever.

Leave your weak analysis at home, nobody cares about your joke of an “eye test”.


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I love how the anti-Dak crowd can never use facts to back up their case. Because they’re so far in the wrong that they’re spinning like a top.

Dak’s numbers and W/L record say it all. Damn good QB already.

If you disagree and think he’s average, here’s a challenge for you: back that up with actual facts. Numbers, stats, whatever.

Leave your weak analysis at home, nobody cares about your joke of an “eye test”.
so here we go again.....W/L....did Dak do it all by himself? because apprantley these other QBs that had won/loss records, didn't get it by themselves, they didn't carry their teams....but seemingly Dak gets all the credit for W/L records.... this according to other Dak lovers...you all need to get together and get your spins aligned because it spins in a different direction every post

average because

2016 - 23rd in passing
2017 - 26th in passing
2018 - 23rd in passing

2017 - 3-3 without zeke
2018 - with Zeke performing well, 9-1, when zeke didn't perform well 2-6

that's utter definition of average or maybe even below average....yes, I am sure you are going to point out to his completion percentage as a proof that he is accurate.

but I am sure its the WRs fault, the RBs fault, the coaches fault, the owners fault, section 424 row 24's fault, the butler, the sun shining too bright and the rotation of the earth slowing down, 0.0002% that caused his inaccuracies.


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Good news: Cooper will be on the team moving forward and Dak was a stud with Cooper.

3 winning seasons in 3 years as a starter. Dak’s our guy, like it or not.
I guess you are settling for average. then you should be happy


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Bottom line, you were completely and utterly wrong about QB’s carrying their teams to super bowls and no young QB has ever done it. Not even the best QB ever Tom Brady did it.
bottom line, Brady led his team to a superbowl win. Dak fizzled and couldn't. Brady elevated his team. Dak got elevated. there just wasn't enough top 5 position players on the team to help him get past average.