Dak's advancement


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Not sure how you can make this claim. What has this team accomplished recently?
The last three seasons. They have exceeded all expectations so far. Youngest starting team in the league last season went to the second round of the playoffs. That's a huge accomplishment


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
No with the era adjustment Brady was still putrid, yet won.

There is so much fact spinning with you. It's insane and embarrassing.

You can't say Brady made the plays and Dak didnt, when you never watched them lmao.

"Why would you use Brady's 2001 games, and Dak's 2016 and 2018 games". Are you inept LMAO? You were talking about Brady's first SB, why would you want me to use his stats from another playoff run?

Those were the first three playoff games for both Dak and Brady. One far outplayed the other. One you're claiming lead his team, the other you claim fizzled.

You continue to show your hand and dig your hole even deeper.
Tom Brady actually play some of his worst games in the playoffs. But yet the team still comes through. We have the ball last against the Rams we very possibly could have won that game


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
I believe Prescott is 13th overall. That means there's 19 quarterbacks worse than him. Not really it's a stupid statistic. I care about wins and losses. And Prescott has 13 4th quarter comeback wins. More than any other quarterback since he's been in the league


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Too many fans accept average. At no point in the team’s history has the fan’s standards been so low. It is embarrassing to be honest.

I'll ask you this question that Houston was asked and was unable to answer.

Say Dak has only been average for his first three seasons, your solution is to move on from a QB that is an average starter after his first three seasons?


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Too many fans accept average. At no point in the team’s history has the fan’s standards been so low. It is embarrassing to be honest.

It’s embarrassing that so many fans nowadays don’t understand how QB development works in the NFL and that QB’s are still improving well behind their 3rd year in the league.


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Obviously Cowboys management has not given up on the idea of him becoming a decent pocket passer. Many of us have our doubts about that happening but the team wants a full-fledged NFL QB, not an RPO guy.

I wanna sparkly unicorn pony that craps gold and farts diamonds. But I don't have one. So I don't spend like I do.

You gotta live in the world that is, not the one you wished you lived in.

We're gonna guarantee 80 million still just hoping Dak becomes a pocket passer? Bad plan. And wishing it were otherwise doesn't make it a good plan.


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those numbers were pulled from "team passing yards", if you read the thread I said that it was my mistake for pulling the "team stats" instead of individual. but the numbers are valid. with that said, I also mentioned those number are also indicators that are teams with multiple QBs that are better passing team than us.....different debate and discussion there.

regardless, you cutesy attempt to dismiss this, when the individual passing stats still puts Dak as a middle of the pack type QB, which you refuse to acknowledge and tried to dismiss by calling it meaningless and trying to say rating is more objective, which then it was shown his rating was middle of the pack.

you Dak lovers like to Spin, distract, on focus on meaningless semantics.....which doesn't change the fact that Dak is average. his stats are average. his performance is average. his play is average.

I guess you care more about winning an argument and proving that you are right about Dak, than success of the team..... we all have our priorities
Actually, Dak’s passer rating in 2016 was FANTASTIC. As was his passer rating after the Cooper trade last year.

He scores 6 rush TD every season, which is also fantastic.

He has 3 winning seasons in 3 years... which is, again, fantastic.

He might be the best QB in football when the game’s on the line. He’s proven he has the clutch factor time and time again.

Oh, and only an IDIOT could possibly think that “pass yards” is any kind of legitimate way to rank a QB. Be better than that. Efficiency is what matters.


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I said in my post that you have to adjust for the time frame it happened.

Even with those adjustments. Brady didn’t play that well, anything above average.

He most certainly in no way shape or form, come
Close to “carrying” the team.

You used him as an example of carrying a team. He didn’t carry them. Not even close.

So that was wrong.

You’ve still yet to name any other young QB that carried a team......... because you can’t. Because it doesn’t happen. You’re the one doing the spinning. I asked you to provide one example of a young QB carrying a team to a super bowl and you couldn’t do it. Now you are tying to spin Brady’s average performance as “carrying”.

You’re also changing the subject and using “whataboutism” because you couldn’t prove the assertion you made, that you were asked to back up and couldn’t do.
ah, I see youa re still trying to stick to semantics and one word...carrying, as much as I said, the intent was that he elevated the players around him, but you keep going back to that, given you don't seem to have anything else to hang on to.

did Brady elevate the players around him?

and again I said, over and over again. my intent was to say elevate...not carry. but keep going back there since you got nothing else to hang your Dak hat onto....

keep spinning....spin spin spin spin.


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No with the era adjustment Brady was still putrid, yet won.

There is so much fact spinning with you. It's insane and embarrassing.

You can't say Brady made the plays and Dak didnt, when you never watched them lmao.

"Why would you use Brady's 2001 games, and Dak's 2016 and 2018 games". Are you inept LMAO? You were talking about Brady's first SB, why would you want me to use his stats from another playoff run, and obviously I'm going to use those for Dak because they are his only playoff performances. I guess I should have forecasted his next three.

Those were the first three playoff games for both Dak and Brady. One far outplayed the other. One you're claiming lead his team, the other you claim fizzled.

You continue to show your hand and dig your hole even deeper.
I watched the game. I watched him win the games. I watched him hoist the trophy...I also watched Dak, fail against the rams....he was 1/9 on 3rd down conversions. that has nothing to do with the defensive excuses or not having the WRs, etc. ..... you have the opportunity....you make plays.

and in regards to your last comment...you totally missed the point since you are so focused on your spin...... I didn't say why you used 2001 season for brady...that's fine...but you combined 2016, 2018 playoffs for Dak to come to conclusion we have scored 7 more points than brady's playoff run in 2001. my point which if you stopped being so focused on spinning things was....this year in the playoff run, which he went 1-1, we averaged 23 points a game.....in perfect weather. perfect conditions. vs. Brady who played his first playoff game in a snow storm...but I am sure if Dak ever played a game in a snow storm, there would be a headline excuse for him.....

and far from your comment, I am trying to dig you out of the hole you have put yourself in...... stop being blind.....be objective


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Actually, Dak’s passer rating in 2016 was FANTASTIC. As was his passer rating after the Cooper trade last year.

He scores 6 rush TD every season, which is also fantastic.

He has 3 winning seasons in 3 years... which is, again, fantastic.

He might be the best QB in football when the game’s on the line. He’s proven he has the clutch factor time and time again.

Oh, and only an IDIOT could possibly think that “pass yards” is any kind of legitimate way to rank a QB. Be better than that. Efficiency is what matters.
so Dak won all those games by himself.....if Dak is so good, why were all Dak Lovers crying for Cooper (or a top 5 WR)....I mean , dak is so dang good he should just get all the credit for every win and all the losses is somebody else's fault...oh wait, that's what you Dak lovers are saying anyway.....never mind..

he wasn't so clutch against the rams going 1/10 on 3rd down conversions.....unless this is acceptable to you Dak lovers and in that case...woo hooo


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As a matter of fact, the only thing he was able to possibly prove with his argument, is that Dak in his first 3 seasons, wasn’t as good as Tom Brady in his first 3 seasons.

So he was arguing that Dak wasn’t as good in his first 3 seasons, as the greatest QB of all time. Yet, somehow his brain thought that was a valid reason for needing to replace Dak.

Obviously the cowboys just need to draft themselves a Tom Brady in the upcoming draft. The answer is so simple and clear now.
Dak isn't good compared to a lot of QBs.... he is middle of the pack. I can name 10 others right now...its not that hard.

and I never said replace him....he is what we got....but I don't have to foam at the mouth like some of you over average QB.... that's your choice.


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this is what you call a full spin....those 11 games don't fit the narrative of my view of dak, so I am going to disqualify those games so I can try and prove my point....

and the sad thing is even in those other games...he has been average......unless you give him a top 5 OL, top 5WR, top 2 RB, top TE, a good defense to protect him when he sucks for low scoring wins....give him that and he is a top 10 except for those bad games that he has, and we will discount those.....


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Prescott has carried this team more than once. Two seasons ago he went head over heels in the endzone I forgot who he was playing against. Ever since then he took over the leadership of this team. Make no mistake about it this is his team
really he has carried this team? then why complain about not having a top 10 OL and a WR like cooper, I mean he is carrying this team..... oooorrrrr is it the otherway around? he needs strong supporting cast and he can drive the bus to victory....and there is nothing wrong with that


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I'll ask you this question that Houston was asked and was unable to answer.

Say Dak has only been average for his first three seasons, your solution is to move on from a QB that is an average starter after his first three seasons?
Considering that Dak has the exact same faults that he has had since his freshman year of college, yes. I would have already been making plans to replace him after last season. He has reached his ceiling and he struggled to pass for over 200 yards a game for most of the season. He was the 21st rated QB for most of the year. Fans are overlooking all of the close games that the team had last season. Many of those games would have been blowouts with better QB play. Even with this run oriented offense, an accurate passer is needed. Dak is a great kid with many good qualities, but he lacks the qualities needed to be a decent pro QB. To make matters worse, fans embrace mediocrity from the QB position.


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It’s embarrassing that so many fans nowadays don’t understand how QB development works in the NFL and that QB’s are still improving well behind their 3rd year in the league.
and some win superbowls in their first 4 years, or 3 years.....but I agree, we should give Dak 12 years to improve....that should be about enough for us to know what we got with him


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so Dak won all those games by himself.....if Dak is so good, why were all Dak Lovers crying for Cooper (or a top 5 WR)....I mean , dak is so dang good he should just get all the credit for every win and all the losses is somebody else's fault...oh wait, that's what you Dak lovers are saying anyway.....never mind..

he wasn't so clutch against the rams going 1/10 on 3rd down conversions.....unless this is acceptable to you Dak lovers and in that case...woo hooo
I didn’t say he should “get all the credit”, nor did anyone ever suggest that he doesn’t need talent around him to succeed. NO QB succeeds without a good supporting cast.

But if you want to pin it all on him, he’s 32-16.

LOL the passing game led by Dak was the ONLY successful unit vs the Rams. Zeke was bottled up and the defense was atrocious. You don’t know jack about football.


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It’s embarrassing that so many fans nowadays don’t understand how QB development works in the NFL and that QB’s are still improving well behind their 3rd year in the league.
Dak is at his ceiling. He is playing with the same faults and short-comings that he has had since college. He is not an accurate QB and he never will be. He was the 21st rated QB for much of this last season. Dallas has had a history of great QBs. Dak will never be among them. He had great coaches in college, but no coach has improved his accuracy or his poor pocket presence. Dallas has a lot of talent , but it takes tons of talent to win with an inaccurate QB. I have watched the kid since high school. He has never been accurate on his downfield passes and he never will be. I can’t believe the fan base tolerates it.


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I didn’t say he should “get all the credit”, nor did anyone ever suggest that he doesn’t need talent around him to succeed. NO QB succeeds without a good supporting cast.

But if you want to pin it all on him, he’s 32-16.

LOL the passing game led by Dak was the ONLY successful unit vs the Rams. Zeke was bottled up and the defense was atrocious. You don’t know jack about football.
There is several QBs that would thrive with the talent Dak has around him. Dak has some good qualities, but the main qualities needed to be a good passer in the NFL is not among them. Files would have took the team to the Super Bowl last year. Matter of fact, there are several QBs that would thrive playing QB in Dallas and those QBs would not struggle to pass for more than 200 yards in a game.