Dak's advancement


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Dak is basically Tebow-lite. Neither one of them could hit the broad side of a barn if their life depended on it.

Saying something like that kills any credibility you may have had. Dak is far far far far far better than Tebow ever was in the NFL.


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Foles, Tannehill, Fitzpatrick, or any other QB that can throw an accurate pass beyond 10 yards. Dak must have attempted less than 10 passes a game when he couldn’t get to 200 yards. 200 yards is a joke for a pro QB and you know good and well that he attempted more than enough to get over 200 yards. Do you read what you post? You are defending a QB that was ranked 21st in the league for most of the season. It is pathetic to defend garbage QB play like Dak shows on the field. You are a Cowboys fan. Have some standards for God’s sake. The Cowboys have had more than enough talent for Dak to reach the Super Bowl. Foles would have made it if he was in Dallas. The Rams game was one game. One game that the defense allowed that many yards. Don’t act like the defense was a weakness all season. What kind of excuse will you have when Dak doesn’t improve with new coaching? You better start making excuses now, because you are gonna need them.

Ryan Tannehill

Nick Foles (garbage on all teams besides PHI)

Ryan Fitzpatrick


Thanks for the laughs!!!

Career yards/pass attempt:

Dak 7.4
Foles 7.1
Tannehill 7.0
Fitzpatrick 6.9

Hahahahahahaahahahah DAK’S SO PATHETIC compared to those studs!!!


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Foles, Tannehill, Fitzpatrick, or any other QB that can throw an accurate pass beyond 10 yards. Dak must have attempted less than 10 passes a game when he couldn’t get to 200 yards. 200 yards is a joke for a pro QB and you know good and well that he attempted more than enough to get over 200 yards. Do you read what you post? You are defending a QB that was ranked 21st in the league for most of the season. It is pathetic to defend garbage QB play like Dak shows on the field. You are a Cowboys fan. Have some standards for God’s sake. The Cowboys have had more than enough talent for Dak to reach the Super Bowl. Foles would have made it if he was in Dallas. The Rams game was one game. One game that the defense allowed that many yards. Don’t act like the defense was a weakness all season. What kind of excuse will you have when Dak doesn’t improve with new coaching? You better start making excuses now, because you are gonna need them.
I’m not done with you, you football genius!

Career Pass TD%:

Dak 4.5
Fitzpatrick 4.4
Foles 4.3
Tannehill 4.2

Career INT%:

Dak 1.7
Foles 2.1
Tannehill 2.6
Fitzpatrick 3.5

Career passer rating:

Dak 96.0
Foles 88.5
Tannehill 87.0
Fitzpatrick 81.1

Those 3 guys are CLEAR UPGRADES though, right???

You can backtrack or you can keep embarrassing yourself.


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
does garrett get any credit?
Jason Garrett absolutely gets credit. I'm actually a fan of his. I seen the great screw up in the playoffs year after year. Sean Payton last season. I've seen Belichick make use mistakes going for it on 4th Down. When it was it necessary. Until Jason loses the locker room I'm on his side


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
really he has carried this team? then why complain about not having a top 10 OL and a WR like cooper, I mean he is carrying this team..... oooorrrrr is it the otherway around? he needs strong supporting cast and he can drive the bus to victory....and there is nothing wrong with that
Dak Prescott can absolutely carry this team. He's proven it more than once when given the opportunity. Only Tom Brady is the exception to your explanation . More than once he's taking the team down to the red zone only to put up three points I put that on play calling more than I do Prescott. Make no mistake about it he's the leader of this team.


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I’m not done with you, you football genius!

Career Pass TD%:

Dak 4.5
Fitzpatrick 4.4
Foles 4.3
Tannehill 4.2

Career INT%:

Dak 1.7
Foles 2.1
Tannehill 2.6
Fitzpatrick 3.5

Career passer rating:

Dak 96.0
Foles 88.5
Tannehill 87.0
Fitzpatrick 81.1

Those 3 guys are CLEAR UPGRADES though, right???

You can backtrack or you can keep embarrassing yourself.
Good stats the scary part of the stats is that 2 the other 3 are basically career back ups and the 3 looks like he will be at this point. Hopefully Dak's hard work in the off season will show up on the field next season. After 4 years he is what he is good or bad.


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. 200 yards is a joke for a pro QB
Especially when that QB has a running back that defenses are clearly game planning to stop. Thats part of having a good running game so you can suck the defense in and then hit them with big plays over the top. Half these people wonder why Dallas doesnt run play action. Because the defense is already crowding the box! A true franchise QB would have a field day throwing mid to deep passes against these defenses.


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
he needs really strong players around him to succeed. that's the issue. he can't elevate those around him. so far he has a need for a top 10 OL and a top 5 WR and a top RB to be average.

and here we go again....he is 32-16, no mention of Zeke being 32-16. or Cowboys being 32-16....Dak is a winner, by himself at 32-16.

and against the rams, the final score being 30-22, last drive we were down 30-16.....playing against a prevent defense...he had 56 yards on the last drive...and 43 yards on next to last drive ending in no score.....that's almost a 100 yards out of 266 yards came in two meaningless drives against prevent defenses. so the rest of the game he really didn't do anything with 166 yards. he was 1/9 on 3rd down conversion......let that sink in...1/9 passing on 3rd downs. killing drives.

sorry, you are the one who really doesn't get football. you are just in love with Dak and willing to be blind and closed to any other possibilities that he maybe an average QB.

and what any of the Dak Lovers failed to explain. why calling Dak an average middle of the pack QB is a bad thing? why being a bus driver is a bad thing? why try to spin so hard to make him sound like an elite QB?

if you really watched football, you would know what a elite QB looks like.
Totally ridiculous post. He needs strong Supporting Cast what quarterback doesn't LMAO. 13 4th quarter comeback wins. The last three seasons more than any other quarterback. When he has the ball in his hands last expect to win the game. From the first nap until the last snap everything else in between is called football. You must be an Aaron Rodgers fan LMAO Mister Hail Mary media Loverboy.


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Especially when that QB has a running back that defenses are clearly game planning to stop. Thats part of having a good running game so you can suck the defense in and then hit them with big plays over the top. Half these people wonder why Dallas doesnt run play action. Because the defense is already crowding the box! A true franchise QB would have a field day throwing mid to deep passes against these defenses.
When you run the ball as much as the Cowboys. All your quarterback is going to get his 200 250 yards. How many teams last season went over 400 yards in Lost. Prescott has a killer play action.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
I wanna sparkly unicorn pony that craps gold and farts diamonds. But I don't have one. So I don't spend like I do.

You gotta live in the world that is, not the one you wished you lived in.

We're gonna guarantee 80 million still just hoping Dak becomes a pocket passer? Bad plan. And wishing it were otherwise doesn't make it a good plan.

Except now you're way off course, according to you Dak's lack of success was all Linnehan's fault,,, not the Cowboys brass still wanting to polish their unicorn in hopes it will sparkle some day.


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Not sure how you can make this claim. What has this team accomplished recently?
Seriously. Youngest starting team in the league went to the second round of the playoffs. If you don't believe that's an accomplishment. Your expectations are way higher than mine for this team


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Totally ridiculous post. He needs strong Supporting Cast what quarterback doesn't LMAO. 13 4th quarter comeback wins. The last three seasons more than any other quarterback. When he has the ball in his hands last expect to win the game. From the first nap until the last snap everything else in between is called football. You must be an Aaron Rodgers fan LMAO Mister Hail Mary media Loverboy.

Prescott did have the ball in his hands last against the Packers in a Play Off game...well he would have done had he the brains and foresight to not spike the ball on the drive to give Rodgers time to win a game. It's hilarious how people made excuses for him - "he's a rookie" etc. I have never played QB yet when Prescott spiked the ball I punched a wall as I knew there was a chance there would be time on the clock for Rodgers to win the game. So if I knew that then sure as hell anyone playing QB in the National Football League should have known that. Not even a schoolboy error!


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Prescott did have the ball in his hands last against the Packers in a Play Off game...well he would have done had he the brains and foresight to not spike the ball on the drive to give Rodgers time to win a game. It's hilarious how people made excuses for him - "he's a rookie" etc. I have never played QB yet when Prescott spiked the ball I punched a wall as I knew there was a chance there would be time on the clock for Rodgers to win the game. So if I knew that then sure as hell anyone playing QB in the National Football League should have known that. Not even a schoolboy error!
To be fair, I think the spike was called in from the sidelines. That was just one of the many obstacles of the stupidity of trying to win a Super Bowl with a rookie QB... with a veteran QB Garrett wouldn’t have needed to intervene or the QB would have just ignored him since they run the show.
Since Dak is a lousy thrower of the football, one can only hope he has improved in these “intangible” areas. This is why Dak slobberers always babble about fake and meaningless “stats” like QB wins, prime time wins, game winning drives, and rushing TDS... to deflect from the fact that he’s been mediocre as a passer for some time now.


There are no Dak haters just Cowboy lovers!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Dak Prescott can absolutely carry this team. He's proven it more than once when given the opportunity. Only Tom Brady is the exception to your explanation . More than once he's taking the team down to the red zone only to put up three points I put that on play calling more than I do Prescott. Make no mistake about it he's the leader of this team.

We're 5-3 after a great win against the good Chiefs team 2017 then Zeke gets suspended for 6 games and Dak carried the team as follows here-below.....

  • 10

  • 11

  • 12

  • 13
    Commanders 14COWBOYS 38

  • 14

  • 15
At least he beat up a DEAD Giants and Skins team.......:huh:
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I think most every person on this board was pleasantly surprised Dak's rookie year when I think he surpassed even the most enthusiastic expectations. Since that time many of you have soured on him, and some are even rooting for him to fail.

I have my own concerns about Dak, but a I don't really believe that the coaching staff has done him any favors. I think Jerry and Stephen may also believe that as well.

Let's say Jerry, Steven McClay and Co. are right about Dak and reward him with what many here would consider to be an above market contract for Dak, (top 10 contract) but not really top 5 pay.

Many here would cringe at that number and I think that's understandable. But maybe Jerry and Co. are more in tune to reality than many believe them to be.

We all KNOW Linehan SUCKED. What if Dak gets some really good coaching, gets put in the position to succeed and he performs far above his rookie campaign level in terms of his play and winning. What would that be worth?

I really believe that Jerry and Stephen will not fire Garrett no matter what. But I have reconsidered that position. What IF Jerry and Stephen and McClay are pushing all their chips on Dak and saying we are not going to piss off Dak's career the same as we did with Romo. Maybe Garrett really IS on the hot seat.

I believe you will see Dak improve frantically this year, as all of the pieces are starting to come together. 1. He has a healthy, deep, talented OL. 2. He has a #1 receiver in Cooper an up and comer in Gallup and more talent in Cobb than he has ever had before.

The weak link on offense is RB2. That should be addressed in the draft. We also could use a real tight end (Ertz type). If we get that, and some innovative play calling this offense could SOAR.

The defense might take a step back this year if Tank departs via a trade, but I think it will be at least average. The team, as comprised will be good. The draft should, in theory, make us a little bit better.

I expect a trade to happen somewhere along the way, and they tend to be out of the blue and not what we expect. I'm optimistic about this year.
I think most every person on this board was pleasantly surprised Dak's rookie year when I think he surpassed even the most enthusiastic expectations. Since that time many of you have soured on him, and some are even rooting for him to fail.

I have my own concerns about Dak, but a I don't really believe that the coaching staff has done him any favors. I think Jerry and Stephen may also believe that as well.

Let's say Jerry, Steven McClay and Co. are right about Dak and reward him with what many here would consider to be an above market contract for Dak, (top 10 contract) but not really top 5 pay.

Many here would cringe at that number and I think that's understandable. But maybe Jerry and Co. are more in tune to reality than many believe them to be.

We all KNOW Linehan SUCKED. What if Dak gets some really good coaching, gets put in the position to succeed and he performs far above his rookie campaign level in terms of his play and winning. What would that be worth?

I really believe that Jerry and Stephen will not fire Garrett no matter what. But I have reconsidered that position. What IF Jerry and Stephen and McClay are pushing all their chips on Dak and saying we are not going to piss off Dak's career the same as we did with Romo. Maybe Garrett really IS on the hot seat.

I believe you will see Dak improve frantically this year, as all of the pieces are starting to come together. 1. He has a healthy, deep, talented OL. 2. He has a #1 receiver in Cooper an up and comer in Gallup and more talent in Cobb than he has ever had before.

The weak link on offense is RB2. That should be addressed in the draft. We also could use a real tight end (Ertz type). If we get that, and some innovative play calling this offense could SOAR.

The defense might take a step back this year if Tank departs via a trade, but I think it will be at least average. The team, as comprised will be good. The draft should, in theory, make us a little bit better.

I expect a trade to happen somewhere along the way, and they tend to be out of the blue and not what we expect. I'm optimistic about this year.

I agree 100%. How many times have we been called the paper champions and have not won anything. On paper the cowboys have all kinds of talent, but couldn't get it done in the games. To me that is on the coaching staff. The front

has kept its players happy and kept the talent for as long as they should have. The in game coaching and preparation just isn't there.


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Prescott did have the ball in his hands last against the Packers in a Play Off game...well he would have done had he the brains and foresight to not spike the ball on the drive to give Rodgers time to win a game. It's hilarious how people made excuses for him - "he's a rookie" etc. I have never played QB yet when Prescott spiked the ball I punched a wall as I knew there was a chance there would be time on the clock for Rodgers to win the game. So if I knew that then sure as hell anyone playing QB in the National Football League should have known that. Not even a schoolboy error!
Actually Prescott didn't have the ball last in the Packers game. And that was exactly the right thing to do spike the ball. You trying to score a touchdown


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
We're 5-3 after a great win against the good Chiefs team 2017 then Zeke gets suspended for 6 games and Dak carried the team as follows here-below.....

  • 10

  • 11

  • 12

  • 13
    Commanders 14COWBOYS 38

  • 14

  • 15
At least he beat up a DEAD Giants and Skins team.......:huh:
You realize he got better as he gains more confidence. And that's the point. Getting better


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Prescott did have the ball in his hands last against the Packers in a Play Off game...well he would have done had he the brains and foresight to not spike the ball on the drive to give Rodgers time to win a game. It's hilarious how people made excuses for him - "he's a rookie" etc. I have never played QB yet when Prescott spiked the ball I punched a wall as I knew there was a chance there would be time on the clock for Rodgers to win the game. So if I knew that then sure as hell anyone playing QB in the National Football League should have known that. Not even a schoolboy error!
So you kind of believe playing scared is the right way to go. I remember losing to New England in New England because they were free to turn Tony Romo lose. Late in the game and we lost. You play this game to win.


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Except now you're way off course, according to you Dak's lack of success was all Linnehan's fault,,, not the Cowboys brass still wanting to polish their unicorn in hopes it will sparkle some day.
Prescott's lack of success. I think it's just the opposite. 13 4th quarter comeback wins could more wins the last three season in Primetime games than any other quarterback took the youngest starting team in the league to the second round of the playoffs. Nope I think the kid is a winner


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Especially when that QB has a running back that defenses are clearly game planning to stop. Thats part of having a good running game so you can suck the defense in and then hit them with big plays over the top. Half these people wonder why Dallas doesnt run play action. Because the defense is already crowding the box! A true franchise QB would have a field day throwing mid to deep passes against these defenses.
“A field day”, oh you mean like a 96 career QB rating and a 32-16 record?
Our coaching staff has an approval rating of like 5% and Dak still wins 2/3 of his games. HE SUX THO DURRRR