Dak's arms

I would have asked about “Been shot once”, can only imagine.
I did, the Cabela's reference, like I've told cern countless times over the years, there will come the day When Animals Shoot Back. And they don't have the code of not shooting ducks on the water, some mammals will sneak up on your butt and shoot you in the sleeping bag.
I get banned over a month and see ppl like this guy run rampant. It's absurd the trash the mods let go on this site. It's so blatant.
After your 7 day for swearing there was an announcement about it. Then you see it in every thread since then mostly by zone supporters and they get likes from mods. So I guess if you support the zone you get away with anything and mods kiss your nuts.
Dak's inaccurate because of his eyes and feet, not his arm.

He doesn't throw with touch because he doesn't throw with anticipation, that's got nothing to do with bulk. Being too bulky would certainly limit range of motion and flexibility, but he's not at that point.
This is true. When throwing an overhand fastball, if you try to throw it too hard and with a very strong grip, the baseball will have a tendency to sail upwards on you.
If the ball sails upward it's because you released it on that plane/angle. Otherwise, gravity makes such an occurrence impossible.
Dak's inaccurate because of his eyes and feet, not his arm.

He doesn't throw with touch because he doesn't throw with anticipation, that's got nothing to do with bulk. Being too bulky would certainly limit range of motion and flexibility, but he's not at that point.
Yup. Dak can make all the throws. It's a matter of brains (reading defenses, anticipating) and trusting what your eyes are telling you they see.
I don't think he's too bulky, but I definitely think he tries to strong arm too many throws. With his poor mechanics and lack of anticipation, when he strong arms they almost always miss by a wide margin.
Good eye, Coach!

Pay attention to pics of the football coming off of Dak's hand this season. Zoom in. Watch how Dak's fingers look rigid, and his finger tips are slightly bent inward. All signs of higher increased arm/hand strength being exerted when throwing and releasing the pass. That's probably why a lot of his throws are ending out high or trecking at an upwards projection. He's even thrown some wobblers. All signs of rigidness in his throwing arm, plus increased hand grip on the football during release.


This can be fixed with a much lighter weights workout where he can better define his arms but not get so bulked. It very likely is the cause of some of his bad throws. Half the time he gets away with an accurate and well placed throw. Other times those throws sail on him or get thrown inaccurately.
These are intricacies and nuances of talent to training to scheme to on field production required in a Coaching staff.

See Kris Richard with Byron Jones.

I don't know if Dak will get over the hump but I do know I don't want this offensive coaching staff as assembled choosing our next QB should Dak tank
It is true, that bulking up too much can affect accuracy. I bodybuild and notice it when shooting hoops. I used to sink everything. Like a madman, also pitched in college and was just downright accurate with anything. Even darts. Once I bulked up, I was not near as accurate. QB's do not fair well with accuracy by lifting heavy weights. They might take hits better, but gun slingers do not have massive muscular arms.
Dak's inaccurate because of his eyes and feet, not his arm.

He doesn't throw with touch because he doesn't throw with anticipation, that's got nothing to do with bulk. Being too bulky would certainly limit range of motion and flexibility, but he's not at that point.
Whilst I mostly agree with you as to why Dak struggles with anticipation and accuracy, but we also agree how he builds his body in off-season translates into on field production.

I think he's added 5-7lbs muscle to his frame anticipating Read/option and QB keeper plays. Size to play that style is required or you'll get broken see Griffin.

Dak is NOT freakishly talented enough to maintain mechanics with change to size.

In 2016 Dak made every throw in the route tree. He trusted Witten in the middle and down harsh marks/ seams.

Dak missed an anticipated dig route to Jarwin..

Offense needs an overhaul..NFC championship would reduce to fine tuneup
Sorry, Cern, not true.
Actually what cern said is true. Your release determines a lot of the accuracy. A higher release tends to make the ball sail. Some people when they try to ‘strong arm’ a throw tend to release high, causing the ball to sail. The point and angle at which the ball is released determines a ton of the accuracy. They teach elbow angles a lot
When did the laws of gravity change. It is a fundamental law of physics. There is simply no spin or rotation you can impart to the ball that would make it rise from a horizontal release from the hand.
Sorry but you're wrong. I don't have time to explain it to you. YouTube it yourself.
After your 7 day for swearing there was an announcement about it. Then you see it in every thread since then mostly by zone supporters and they get likes from mods. So I guess if you support the zone you get away with anything and mods kiss your nuts.
Lol I know. I reported the post and it's still up.

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