Twitter: Dak's Efficiency Is Trending The Wrong Way


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There could be a stat/post like this everyday and he's still going to be the QB. It sucks on both sides...


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Can you find a single authority on football that ranks our line outside the top 10? I haven't been able to find one.
ProFootballReference rates them dead last in penalties for the OL.




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The best year Dak has ever played was his rookie year. Zeke was tearing up teams and wearing down defenses opening massive passing opportunities.

Romo was also on the sidelines coaching Dak on what to do and what to look for. Daks interview from that year insisted Romo was telling him what to watch for on certain plays and how defenses play them.

It's only proven year in and year out that leaning on Dak and trying to to win games doesn't favor the team. We play the best when the running game is established.

Dak has limitations as do most quarterbacks however KM is a fn terrible OC. Does him no favors.

We need to being in a new OC that will establish the run game and not abandon it and a quarterback goru to help Dak such as Romo did. Just look at the beginning of the season we played the best ball with the run game going.
It doesn’t matter who the OC is if the players can’t execute.


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You do know the Cowboys lost that game by 6 points right? Maybe we should stop acting as if they were blown out. Of course the 2nd half of the season was a disappointment.. for a lot of reasons.. Dak included.. but not ONLY Dak.. That's really my whole point. This team let Dak down on a number of occasions.. I always go back to the 8 drops against Denver.. Easily costing 6-7 first downs and over 100 yards.. How different would that game have been without those drops? That was the worst game but it was not the only one where they did it. We know when Dak started to "slump." It was after the calf injury.. People who want to call it an excuse are welcome to go ahead and do so.. If Dak comes out and plays 13-14 games at the level he was at before the injury we will have our answer. If he plays 13-14 games at the post calf level we will also have our answer.. and only people who hate Dak will like that one. I prefer to think the pre-injury Dak is the real Dak.. But we'll see. Guys play hurt all the time.. but most of them don't play quite as well. Dak didn't .. so our best chance of getting to the mountain top is to keep him healthy.

Dakota said that he was 100% healthy the last quarter of the season so I’ll take him at his word. The offense as a whole was slumping but the guy that gets 22% of the teams salary cap does get the lions share of the blame……just as he gets the lions share of the credit with success

I’ve made my peace that he’s here to stay for awhile but I still believe that when he and his offense got punched in the mouf by the Broncos, they were de-balled and never recovered……the Niners finished off a rotting corpse that won the NFC East by default.

I hope next year this narrative changes because I’d like to see the Cowboys win more than 1 playoff game in 7 seasons


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Dakota said that he was 100% healthy the last quarter of the season so I’ll take him at his word. The offense as a whole was slumping but the guy that gets 22% of the teams salary cap does get the lions share of the blame……just as he gets the lions share of the credit with success

I’ve made my peace that he’s here to stay for awhile but I still believe that when he and his offense got punched in the mouf by the Broncos, they were de-balled and never recovered……the Niners finished off a rotting corpse that won the NFC East by default.

I hope next year this narrative changes because I’d like to see the Cowboys win more than 1 playoff game in 7 seasons

Except he doesn't get 22% of the salary cap does he.. His cap it was around 17 million in 2021 which was less than 10% if I'm not mistaken. This year it's set to be 34 million which against the projected cap of 222 million would be around 15%? And if they restructure it down to around 21 million as is being reported then it is again less than 10%. If we're going to get mad let's at least get mad about the right things. If you want to believe he was 100% healthy then fine. I don't buy it for a second.. Zeke said HE was healthy for the last 12 games too.. Did you believe him as well?


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Except he doesn't get 22% of the salary cap does he.. His cap it was around 17 million in 2021 which was less than 10% if I'm not mistaken. This year it's set to be 34 million which against the projected cap of 222 million would be around 15%? And if they restructure it down to around 21 million as is being reported then it is again less than 10%. If we're going to get mad let's at least get mad about the right things. If you want to believe he was 100% healthy then fine. I don't buy it for a second.. Zeke said HE was healthy for the last 12 games too.. Did you believe him as well?

the 40 million that he was projected to make would have been 22% but due to restructuring it will be kicked down the road, so you are correct in the short term. So according to this we should be able to resign every player we want AND get some blue chippers in free agency……

the truth is that we’re on the hook for his salary and he’s not currently living up to it with his performance. Like I said before, “if you’re happy with your Dakota, you get to keep you’re Dakota.

changes to the hearts and minds of fans have to come by with success…..not with a 1-3 playoff record


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dak is jason garrett 2.0. a loser who has reached his peak and will never win anything.
I care none for him.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Its your types that keep infusing the Emotion of Hate into the equation.

Through my words I was able to articulate my true sentiment.

Beyond the catch phrase "Hater"
Give me an example of my "hate"

I keep asking...."your types" show me what you are talking about. And "your types" NEVER do. EVER. I even offered money to SHOW US.

"hate"...what do you consider "hate"?

Show me. I'll send you the cash if it's honest unfair unreasonable irrational "hate".

Otherwise shut your mouth and stop lying.


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You still can't tell the truth can you?

You call that "to the left of his thigh?" Seriously.. It's already at calf level and dying before he touches it. The only reason he got a hand on it was that he bent down.

Now if you wanna bang on him for not making a very good receiver you would have a point.. but at least be honest about these plays. They were bad snaps.. and there were a lot of them this season. Fortunately for us Dak saved most of them from turning into disaster. But he didn't save all of them. Such is life.

And I don't care what they rule them as. What I care about is some moron on the internet citing them as proof that a player has poor ball security. The scoring is flawed.. admit it and move on. I care about turnovers.. Attempting to pass these plays off as equivalent to turnovers is intellectually dishonest and what I take exception to. Half of these crappy snaps Dak picked up and turned into positive plays.. but because YOU want them to be bad plays we're just supposed to ignore that.

I see a lot of QB's able to handle THAT one. You'll need to do better.

Dak has thrown wide open passes as bad as that.

I have seen hiked balls skip across the lawn. I;ve also seen Dak trip over the feet of Biadasz getting steam I do get your point. There is certainly blame to go around.

But Dak as the DEFACTO and claimed LEADER....gets the lion's share of the blame. If there is a problem with the handoff, it's as much his responsibility to fix it as anyone else.

"LEADER"...doesn't just buy new Nikes and pat butts. It's not an easy job.


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just watched a slow mo replay from that point of view. it was never close to his thigh. that image is spot on.
Well post it then sheesh....

oih said well...

P.S. not saying it isn't as you say....but show us what you saw for god sakes. JEEZE!


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Here's one of the HORRIBLE fumbles.

Another (TD)

Here is another that was incorrectly ruled a fumble. Sure, the ball was hit but you cannot tell whether or not the ball was moving as it crossed the plane of the GL. Ruled a fumble on review.

Dak's fault...that the Center was bull rushed into him in 2.4 seconds.

Well here's a real Dak fumble and you zeke haters check out that BAD AX block by zeke HOLY SHT!



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Except he doesn't get 22% of the salary cap does he.. His cap it was around 17 million in 2021 which was less than 10% if I'm not mistaken. This year it's set to be 34 million which against the projected cap of 222 million would be around 15%? And if they restructure it down to around 21 million as is being reported then it is again less than 10%. If we're going to get mad let's at least get mad about the right things. If you want to believe he was 100% healthy then fine. I don't buy it for a second.. Zeke said HE was healthy for the last 12 games too.. Did you believe him as well?

Either you take him at his word, because at this point he had no reason to lie about it, ,or he's a liar because at this point there's no reason to lie. There's no misdirection or tactics involved. He straight up said his injury wasn't the issue. If he's a liar, that calls into account his character.

I understand lying in the season to fool other teams. I don't think he'd lie for no reason. So I'll take him at his word. That means his issue was mental. That's okay as long as he works to overcome whatever it was bugging him.

The dude straight up said the injury was not the issue and you're STILL making the injury excuse for him. You're calling him a liar. Just stop. You're embarrassing yourself.


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And top 10 paid like top 2 is a huge drag on the team.
Yep.. but that’s a common theme on this franchise.

Holding Prescott responsible for taking Jethro’s money is not an argument I feel comfortable with.

If we didn’t think he was worth it we should have left him walk.

Critique Dak for over valuing himself but not for asking for it. The fool is in who was suckered in and then has tried to hype it up . Jethro mismanaged Dak like he has others.


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Except he doesn't get 22% of the salary cap does he.. His cap it was around 17 million in 2021 which was less than 10% if I'm not mistaken. This year it's set to be 34 million which against the projected cap of 222 million would be around 15%? And if they restructure it down to around 21 million as is being reported then it is again less than 10%. If we're going to get mad let's at least get mad about the right things. If you want to believe he was 100% healthy then fine. I don't buy it for a second.. Zeke said HE was healthy for the last 12 games too.. Did you believe him as well?
The problem with your logic is zeke never said the injury wasn;t the issue. Dak did say it wasn;t the issue.

Try again?


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No, but he’s huge part of the problem.No, it’s not all him though.
Of course it's not just Dak. But do we REALLY have to roll through ALL the other issues before we get to Dak's?

We have to have caveats and excuses....first. then we can get to Dak. Come on.

If you feel other people need criticized too...then make the threads. THIS Dak's.


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So are those that call people Dak haters when that person offers any criticism whatsoever even if they typically support Dak.

I'm betting that Dak busts his butt in the off-season to improve and DOES get better and overcomes that slump he was in that he admitted to. There are those that say after 6 seasons you are what you are. They're wrong. Good QB's always improve their game and we'll see that from Dak too because he's a good QB. I think Dak would do even better without Moore...but it's unlikely we'll get a playcaller that actually calls plays that focuses on our QB's strengths.

But using terms like "Dak hater" just makes someone look like a name-calling supporter incapable of analyzing flaws in his game that he needs to work on.
Awww... nice try taking the referee approach.

But like the referee in Dakota slide you appear incapable of keeping up the depths of Stupidty Dak Haters have gone in their ever Shifting Goal Posts aka Analyzing flaws by Eye Test.

Dakota has earned, surpassed or has been on par with every QB Metric required to be a Franchise QB in the NFL Today. Anyone who bought Stafford tokens HODL for 12 Years through 3 playoff Losses look like geniuses:lmao2:

Dak Haters recently presented us Wentz as the Gold Standard.

Old school Eye Test wouldn't recognize New School Leadership.

Dak Hater deserves the name-calling equivalent to
"Dak can't read a defense":muttley: