Dallas Cowboys receiver Dez Bryant sued by state Sen. Royce West

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You do realize that you're making a less supportable hypothesis without evidence? Gmoney's assumption that the provided evidence is unlikely to reach 60k in damages is somehow worse than your assumption that these pictures don't tell the whole story?
And that people who have been committed to harming Dez's image since he removed their money stream might just be doing so again? Heck of a coincidence.

And then your correction includes a half billion dollar mistake?

I am making no hypothesis. In fact, I've said that you likely have a situation where Bryant likely is responsible for some damages and West used that to try to upgrade parts of his house and in the end they will settle for a number lower than $60K but also much higher than the couple of thousand bucks people here seem to think the damage cost really is.

And again, if we want to use coincidences as part of our analysis............. Bryant has had a history of making dumb and poor decisions in his off the field life as well and shown a lack of responsibility and maturity. Why is the Wells/West relationship more applicable here than the fact Bryant also seems to not exactly use his head a lot off the field?

And I made no mistake in terms of money. $600M in some financial circles is "thousands". $600MM would have been millions.

M stands for "milli" which is the Latin for thousands. MM would then be milli milli, which would be one thousand thousands. 1000 times 1000 is 1 million. Hence why in financial circles M is thousands and MM is millions.
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I don't think you are looking at it objectively at all. I think you are looking at it with your Cowboys goggles on.

For someone who is apparently looking at this objectively, you've spent a lot of time building a pro-Dez case from snippets of information at our disposal. The reality is you have no idea what the extent of the damage is but have argued you do based on a handful of photos and the belief West is involved in some push back against Bryant due to his relationship with Wells.

If that's calling being objective............. whew.

And LOL at trying to correlate the debts Bryant had early in his 20s with regular youth debt (like student loans or credit card debt) is hilarious. Bryant was alleged to owe $600M in loans and jewelry costs. Your normal 24 year old doesn't even sniff a debt like that.

Haha, you sound mad. I repeatedly said there could be that amount in damages, but given your propensity for using "lol", I'm guessing you dont read too good.

I didn't build a case. The case built itself from the facts presented. All I did was think logically.

If you want to make your own assumption ignoring the facts we have and litigation 101, go ahead. Embrace that naivety.

I really don't care. More power to you.


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Haha, you sound mad. I repeatedly said there could be that amount in damages, but given your propensity for using "lol", I'm guessing you dont read too good.

I didn't build a case. The case built itself from the facts presented. All I did was think logically.

If you want to make your own assumption ignoring the facts we have and litigation 191, go ahead. Embrace that naivety.

I really don't care. More power to you.

I am not mad at all. Actually quite amused.

Not all the facts have been presented. That is the point.

You've built a case on a snippet of photos, made assumptions from those photos, haven't seen the full complaint or the invoices or any of the other data that likely would be introduced if this went to court. The complaint lists more damage than the sample of photos shown.

Maybe West went in there with some buddies and trashed his own house. Maybe Bryant did it all. Maybe it's only $500 worth of real damage. Maybe it's $61M in real damage. We don't know and can't tell from what we can glean from a newspaper report. That's the point.

My guess, and this is only a guess, that the damages aren't $61M but also are well above the few thousand you seem to think. And we probably will never know as I would guess both would want to settle this before it gets to court.


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And I made no mistake in terms of money. $600M in some financial circles is "thousands". $600MM would have been millions.

M stands for "milli" which is the Latin for thousands. MM would then be milli milli, which would be one thousand thousands. 1000 times 1000 is 1 million. Hence why in financial circles M is thousands and MM is millions.

Narcissist much? Have at it Matlock.


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You mean when you were avoiding admitting your mistake?

Why would I admit a mistake when I didn't make one. I just explained to you what M versus MM means. If you don't believe, Google can point you in the right direction.

But yeah, you got me. I really believed Dez Bryant owed $600 million dollars to a jeweler. LOL.


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It's confusing as hell. From 'mille,' I'm sure.

As I said above, that's exactly what it's from. Milli is thousands and one thousand thousands would be a million, hence M for thousands, MM for millions.


Fattening up
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As I said above, that's exactly what it's from. Milli is thousands and one thousand thousands would be a million, hence M for thousands, MM for millions.

If I've heard that excuse once, I've heard it a mille times.


The Boognish
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I am not mad at all. Actually quite amused.

Not all the facts have been presented. That is the point.

You've built a case on a snippet of photos, made assumptions from those photos, haven't seen the full complaint or the invoices or any of the other data that likely would be introduced if this went to court. The complaint lists more damage than the sample of photos shown.

Maybe West went in there with some buddies and trashed his own house. Maybe Bryant did it all. Maybe it's only $500 worth of real damage. Maybe it's $61M in real damage. We don't know and can't tell from what we can glean from a newspaper report. That's the point.

My guess, and this is only a guess, that the damages aren't $61M but also are well above the few thousand you seem to think. And we probably will never know as I would guess both would want to settle this before it gets to court.

Doubling down on the extra evidence theory I see. He made a case based on the evidence presented to this point as opposed to wishcasting.


The Boognish
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Holy hell.

Consumer Reports listed Behr as their top paint. You must be one of those ninnies that thinks because something is more expensive it automatically is better using cliches like "you get what you pay for" as justification. I only go to SW or one of the specialty stores for a particular color.

Seeing that it's a rental, you don't put in strange colors so as to have the broadest appeal.


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Doubling down on the extra evidence theory I see. He made a case based on the evidence presented to this point as opposed to wishcasting.

Sometimes, I think you are purposely obtuse just to try to get rises out of people.


The Boognish
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I also would think that a millionaire wouldn't try to rip off a jeweler and not pay back loans but unfortunately Dez did that too.

Again, who knows what the real story is here, but the belief that it's impossible a rich NFL player could do something like this is kind of bizarre.......... especially a guy with Dez's track record.

Wells and West had a board of directors situation set up where they could vote where his money went. They didn't approve the purchase. Read the article I posted earlier rather than wishcast please.


The Boognish
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Sometimes, I think you are purposely obtuse just to try to get rises out of people.

Sometimes I think you don't have a real response so you try to posture with this nonsense. Gmoney is saying the exact same thing.


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Consumer Reports listed Behr as their top paint. You must be one of those ninnies that thinks because something is more expensive it automatically is better using cliches like "you get what you pay for" as justification. I only go to SW or one of the specialty stores for a particular color.

Seeing that it's a rental, you don't put in strange colors so as to have the broadest appeal.

FYI - Behr has as many color choices as SW or BM. You shouldn't need to go to a specialty store if you are content with Behr.

As someone who has renovated residential properties and worked with contractors, you'd be hard pressed to find a good, high quality paint contractor that thinks Behr is as good as BM or SW or other higher end paints. And before you think they push the more expensive paints because it makes them more money, the margins on the paints is pretty standard across the board.

Behr isn't a bad product especially at it's price point. But you won't see it used a lot in higher end homes by quality painters. Tends to be thinner than other paints often requiring more coats and you get far more inconsistency in the paints from can to can than you would using a higher end paint.


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Wells and West had a board of directors situation set up where they could vote where his money went. They didn't approve the purchase. Read the article I posted earlier rather than wishcast please.

This would be a fantastic point if I was defending Wells or West. But I am not.

Just pointing out that while you guys are so quick to point out the foibles and flaws of West/Wells that Bryant is no saint here himself and has issues in the past where he's shown lack of maturity and responsibility.


Well-Known Member
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Sometimes I think you don't have a real response so you try to posture with this nonsense. Gmoney is saying the exact same thing.

I've given my responses. They clearly are too nuanced for you to actually understand them.
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