Dallas Cowboys receiver Dez Bryant sued by state Sen. Royce West

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Are people trying to argue that Bryant or one of his reps not attending a walk through is a benefit to him?


The Boognish
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Are people trying to argue that Bryant or one of his reps not attending a walk through is a benefit to him?

In my younger days I took a realtor to court over a deposit and won on that position so yeah I'm going to argue that.


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I am guessing a judge, if this gets to court, will see it differently. If Bryant caused this damage he's gonna have to pay for it and the argument, "well gee this guy ripped me off in the past so I figured I could stick it to him by trashing his house...." wont fly.

and 60k is not enough of anything to stop Dez from making a statement, if that is what it is


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I'm not going to try to spin this in a way that lessens the impact to Dez's image. Howeverr, in all fairness, let me point out that this is the age of the internet, You Tube, Twitter, etc, etc. People's image can be created or destroyed before an audienbce of millions in just a matter of seconds. Look what happened to poor La 'El Collins.

Anytime one of these famous athletes do something today, their business is public knowledge before they can draw their next breath. It wasn't always that way. In the past, it took years, perhaps decades, to discoverr what jerks our sports heroes really were. Ty Cobb was a hideous human being. He was a big time racist but nobody knew it at the time.

We never knew that much about Hollywood Henderson;'s cocaine addiction until later. Bpb Hayes was constantly in trouble. To put things in perspective, the Cowboys had a wide receiver named Lance Rentzel that was married to a Hollywood star, she was a knockout. However, he preferred to expose himself to girls 10 years old and younger. It took a while for fans to discover this news. By then, he was already traded.\

Dez didn't murder his girlfriend. He didn't stab a teammate with a pair of scissors. He got irresponsible and he'
is still strtuggling with goiong from having absolutely nothing to whatever he wants. He got irresponsible. When I was in my 20's I did some amazingly stupid things. I know better now and Dez will at some point. Let's not blow this up, every other team's fans want to talk about it, Don't give them the satisfaction.

that is why dez should have paid up , if he had this never hits the Internet !
This could cost him alot more than 60,000 down the road.
It doesnt even matter if he lived there, it only matters that many will think he did, and that he must be a pig, and
since these guys get paid big money for endorsements, you dont want something like this coming out.

Best thing would have been to clean it up and do repairs,before he left, so no pictures like that could have been taken.

keep in mind this is a house owned by a senator !! lol good grief do what is smart
whether you think your liable or not.


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You're speculating just like I am speculating, so don't act differently.

Glass house...sledgehammer.


No, no.

Don't lump me in with you. I've not taken any side on the matter.

The difference is you admitted you have (made up your mind).
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So you don't think a lease agreement has any language pertaining to property damage and tenant responsibility? And it appears Bryant chose not to attend the walkthrough.

The only question here is not whether Bryant will have to pay, but how much he'll pay. I agree that it may not be as much as West is suing him for but he'll have to pay. And what Bryant might "save" might be off-set by attorney fees and lost rent if the court finds he's responsible for that.

The thing is he never even knew the document existed (available to the public). He was still trying to tell me the information was "leaked," which of course fueled his motive mongering theories about Wells/West. Lol, nevermind the fact the relevant lease terms were spelled out in the court document that's available to read in the article.


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If he had done that to my house, I would sue him too.

What the hell is wrong with some of you. That isn't how you treat someone else's home.

Dude is a senator no less too. Dez is a freaking moron.

It is the must defend anything Dallas Cowboy mentality that many have.


The Boognish
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No, no.

Don't lump me in with you. I've not taken any side on the matter.

The difference is you admitted you have (made up your mind).

Supports every argument of Wells and West and attack anyone who questions them or supports Dez. Like I said, a politician, makes all of the arguments with obvious bias but then doesn't make the unpopular conclusion.


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Why wouldn't you have a maid if you are an NFL player? There are part time cleaning ladies that will clean/ cook/ wash clothes ect for $200-400 a week 2-3 days a week. It would also improve your quality of life.

Don't get pets unless you have time to care and train them correctly. If you do not have time to potty train you pets, then pay someone to. There are tons of reputable services out there. If you have to leave on the weekends, then send then to pet hotels. They are only $50-100 a night and you can view there activities 24/7.

If you have a posse, make them get their own place. Why would you want to live with a bunch of dudes anyways? if your posse is broke, get a new posse or I guess ( if necessary) pay for their place.


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I'm not going to try to spin this in a way that lessens the impact to Dez's image. Howeverr, in all fairness, let me point out that this is the age of the internet, You Tube, Twitter, etc, etc. People's image can be created or destroyed before an audienbce of millions in just a matter of seconds. Look what happened to poor La 'El Collins.

Anytime one of these famous athletes do something today, their business is public knowledge before they can draw their next breath. It wasn't always that way. In the past, it took years, perhaps decades, to discoverr what jerks our sports heroes really were. Ty Cobb was a hideous human being. He was a big time racist but nobody knew it at the time.

We never knew that much about Hollywood Henderson;'s cocaine addiction until later. Bpb Hayes was constantly in trouble. To put things in perspective, the Cowboys had a wide receiver named Lance Rentzel that was married to a Hollywood star, she was a knockout. However, he preferred to expose himself to girls 10 years old and younger. It took a while for fans to discover this news. By then, he was already traded.\

Dez didn't murder his girlfriend. He didn't stab a teammate with a pair of scissors. He got irresponsible and he'
is still strtuggling with goiong from having absolutely nothing to whatever he wants. He got irresponsible. When I was in my 20's I did some amazingly stupid things. I know better now and Dez will at some point. Let's not blow this up, every other team's fans want to talk about it, Don't give them the satisfaction.

This, ladies and gentlemen, is the best post in this thread. Read the above, and then read it again. And maybe a third time if you still don't get it.


Village Idiot
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The thing is he never even knew the document existed (available to the public). He was still trying to tell me the information was "leaked," which of course fueled his motive mongering theories about Wells/West. Lol, nevermind the fact the relevant lease terms were spelled out in the court document that's available to read in the article.

Exactly. The lawsuit is written pretty clearly and leases in Texas tend to favor the landlord. Dez is going to need proof that the house was in good condition when he left. West is providing pictures from a scheduled walk through and thorough estimates from contractors.

All of the documents are here:


You can view the exhibits on the second link, at the bottom. There is more than the Scribd link. There's invoices upon invoices from Home Depot, trash removal companies, window companies, paint receipts. Everything is documented.
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Well-Known Member
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Exactly. The lawsuit is written pretty clearly and leases in Texas tend to favor the landlord. Dez is going to need proof that the house was in good condition when he left. West is providing pictures from a scheduled walk through and thorough estimates from contractors.

All of the documents are here:


You can view the exhibits on the second link, at the bottom. There is more than the Scribd link. There's invoices upon invoices from Home Depot, trash removal companies, window companies, paint receipts. Everything is documented.

Thanks for the links! It seems he ( the landlord) has all his ducks in a row. Everything looks above board and documented. His case is strong, no need to settle. He's generous in his 61k demand.


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There is a great deal of back and forth on this issue. Yet what I am wondering is why the past behavior of Dez doesn't enter into this?

There have been multiple issues with this guy and lawsuits, or questionable behavior. Some who dominate the discussion in this thread seem to believe that doesn't matter. Or more precisely, as I have been informed, the press doesn't accurately report any of these things, but chooses the sensational to garner readership.

Certainly the old bromide, 'if it bleeds, it leads,' can apply. But at what point does the repeated misdeeds of this individual become a pattern of immature behavior?

Prior to being drafted, Dez was labeled as immature. His disregard of the rules in his associations with Deion cost him. Well, that might be forgiven, and surely Deion should have known better. But then Deion is for Deion and no one else.

But the almost yearly negative activities that reach the press, along with the monumental immaturity of tweets this man/child makes creates a foundation for the opinion he is simply so very immature, and perhaps a ticking time bomb.

But, there are those who vehemently argue minutia in protecting this player from any salient discussion on him. When you cannot dissuade because of facts, you argue straw man points and change the subject.

And I again have to wonder, if this player were a Commander, Eagle, or Giant, would this board have a diametrically opposed view of him. Of course it would. The apologists for Dez do so in what may be one of the more blatant homeristic defenses since Irvin was caught with cocaine and hookers.

My last comment is this.

There will be an article, news report, or some inside the game documentary in the future which will deal with former players and their financial wreckage since leaving the game.

I suggest Dez will be a familiar face in this article, report, or documentary, if not the focus of it.

Within eight years, and perhaps as few as four years after leaving the NFL, Dez will be flat broke. He has no marketable skills like other players. His life choices will preclude him being involved with TV or radio in regard to the NFL.

Where there is smoke there is fire. If it quacks like a duck...ect.

But more importantly, there have been so many who have exhibited much more intelligence that ultimately mismanaged their money and are now among the great unwashed. Dez is almost like a walking cliche in regard to the disaster coming for this young man.

And this MAY lead to Dez getting arrested and a much more dire life than what he leads now, due to poor decision making and a real lack of critical thinking in regard to what tomorrow brings.


Village Idiot
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Thanks for the links! It seems he ( the landlord) has all his ducks in a row. Everything looks above board and documented. His case is strong, no need to settle. He's generous in his 61k demand.

Yeah, it seems like he just wants a fair amount. This reminds me of when Dez was getting sued by jewelers across the city from lack of payment. He needs to get a better financial advisor.


Reaction score
There is a great deal of back and forth on this issue. Yet what I am wondering is why the past behavior of Dez doesn't enter into this?

There have been multiple issues with this guy and lawsuits, or questionable behavior. Some who dominate the discussion in this thread seem to believe that doesn't matter. Or more precisely, as I have been informed, the press doesn't accurately report any of these things, but chooses the sensational to garner readership.

Certainly the old bromide, 'if it bleeds, it leads,' can apply. But at what point does the repeated misdeeds of this individual become a pattern of immature behavior?

Prior to being drafted, Dez was labeled as immature. His disregard of the rules in his associations with Deion cost him. Well, that might be forgiven, and surely Deion should have known better. But then Deion is for Deion and no one else.

But the almost yearly negative activities that reach the press, along with the monumental immaturity of tweets this man/child makes creates a foundation for the opinion he is simply so very immature, and perhaps a ticking time bomb.

But, there are those who vehemently argue minutia in protecting this player from any salient discussion on him. When you cannot dissuade because of facts, you argue straw man points and change the subject.

And I again have to wonder, if this player were a Commander, Eagle, or Giant, would this board have a diametrically opposed view of him. Of course it would. The apologists for Dez do so in what may be one of the more blatant homeristic defenses since Irvin was caught with cocaine and hookers.

My last comment is this.

There will be an article, news report, or some inside the game documentary in the future which will deal with former players and their financial wreckage since leaving the game.

I suggest Dez will be a familiar face in this article, report, or documentary, if not the focus of it.

Within eight years, and perhaps as few as four years after leaving the NFL, Dez will be flat broke. He has no marketable skills like other players. His life choices will preclude him being involved with TV or radio in regard to the NFL.

Where there is smoke there is fire. If it quacks like a duck...ect.

But more importantly, there have been so many who have exhibited much more intelligence that ultimately mismanaged their money and are now among the great unwashed. Dez is almost like a walking cliche in regard to the disaster coming for this young man.

And this MAY lead to Dez getting arrested and a much more dire life than what he leads now, due to poor decision making and a real lack of critical thinking in regard to what tomorrow brings.

So Dez is going to be flat broke and arrested within 4 years of retirement because of some stained carpet in his rented party house....judgement runs strong with this one.....


Well-Known Member
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So Dez is going to be flat broke and arrested within 4 years of retirement because of some stained carpet in his rented party house....judgement runs strong with this one.....

Reading comprehension is a basic necessity. If all you gleaned was stained carpet, then you night want to read it again.


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Reading comprehension is a basic necessity. If all you gleaned was stained carpet, then you night want to read it again.

Please list your grievances again

I can only remember meeting with Deion in college
Buying some jewelry with sagging pants
Getting into an argument with his mom when a hat was thrown
Getting accused of being on a Walmart video
Having a pet monkey
Leaving a rental house dirty

Makes Michael Irvin look like a choir boy


The Boognish
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Yeah, it seems like he just wants a fair amount. This reminds me of when Dez was getting sued by jewelers across the city from lack of payment. He needs to get a better financial advisor.

West and Wells were his financial adviser during that time. They had a board of directors situation regarding Dez's financials with a corporate entity and all that. They would not authorize the payments.
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