I'm not saying TO was a model employee... but as someone who employs a number of people, I can tell you that the Eagles need to have a much stronger case than this if they're planning on not paying him money that he's contractually owed. Depends on the clauses in the contract...My understanding is that there was a clause about the autograph signing and probably other standard clauses that cover some of these situations.
So I guess we can expect to be reading about how the Eagles will be dismissing Hugh Douglas soon? I mean if fighting is justification for suspension, then that only makes sense.
You need to "get real" -- if the Eagles organization sent Douglas in to "mix things up" with TO to bait him into doing something that they could axe him over... don't you think that will make a huge difference to the arbitrator? And you know that the organization sent Douglas in or did he do it on his own? Also, even if Douglas started the argument...TO got out of the whirlpool and put on his "tennis shoes" to get better traction so he could fight Douglas; a premeditated act in preparation for the fight. If Douglas "started the fight" TO would not have had the chance to put on his shoes first.
As long as we're talking about "getting real" -- what do you think would happen if I sent employee #1 to start a fight with employee #2 because I was hoping to fire #2? And then used that fight as justification to fire the #2? Do you think that would fly? I'll tell you what would probably happen, employee #2 would probably sue my arse and win! Again...what evidence do you have that Douglas was sent to start a fight? He may have been sent to "discuss the situation" with Owens but told to start a fight? You'll have a hard time proving that one.
Some people here are living in a fantasy world where everything is cut and dried and TO is some comic book villan to whom the Eagles can do whatever they like just because he's a jerk. Actually I think we are all living in a real world where most of us could get fired for the exact actions that TO is getting fired for.
Real life is much more nuanced. Translation...He's a highly paid professional athlete so he does not have to conduct himself with the same civility as the rest of the world. Sorry but I don't buy it. I’m sorry if some people can't grasp that. We grasp it...we just don't agree with it.
In the mean time, I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't talk down to me like I'm some neanderthal TO apologist who goes around challenging my co-workers to fisticuffs. Speaking of talking down to people... "I'm sorry if some people can't grasp that." isn't that talking down in it's own right. I'd suggest that you might want to practice what you preach.