David Irving suspended 4 games


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This is a bad deal for the team, but it was predictable. There is way too much smoke around David Irving. This will probably not be the last of it.

Moreover, with his past history with his girlfriend, there is a significant probability that she will talk him into getting back together again. That's usually the direction these things usually go, although it may be after he is out of football completely.

This guy is headed for a train wreck. You can see it coming. If he doesn't crash and burn, it will be in spite of the odds.

He has a history of really bad choices. This is just another in the long list of bad choices. Some of you have made excuses for this guy for everything from dating his crazy girlfriend, to bragging about his threesome on Instagram, to being suspended. Some have even stated that it's ok to shirk his responsibilities to the Cowboys because he is being a father.

This should be educational to the "pay the man" idiots who want to stick their heads in the sand and base everything on a splash play here or there.

This is another example of why franchising Lawrence was a good move. You don't pay big money, long term contracts to anyone other than really solid, consistent performing individuals (like Martin appears to be) Lawrence hasn't put one full dominant year together in four years.


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He should be cut and flogged in the parking lot with the limp body of Terrance Williams.


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We wont, Jerry is the head counselor of this rehab, he thinks he can fix these kids and will hold on to them as long as he can.

I agree. This has been a issue that I firmly disagree with Jerry. I have no problem with giving someone a second chance but when they are repeat offenders then to me it is a slap in the face.


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What is wrong with our team and their drug use. Coaches and management need to get more involved. Build clauses into their contracts and bench these ****ers.


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This is a bad deal for the team, but it was predictable. There is way too much smoke around David Irving. This will probably not be the last of it.

Moreover, with his past history with his girlfriend, there is a significant probability that she will talk him into getting back together again. That's usually the direction these things usually go, although it may be after he is out of football completely.

This guy is headed for a train wreck. You can see it coming. If he doesn't crash and burn, it will be in spite of the odds.

He has a history of really bad choices. This is just another in the long list of bad choices. Some of you have made excuses for this guy for everything from dating his crazy girlfriend, to bragging about his threesome on Instagram, to being suspended. Some have even stated that it's ok to shirk his responsibilities to the Cowboys because he is being a father.

This should be educational to the "pay the man" idiots who want to stick their heads in the sand and base everything on a splash play here or there.

This is another example of why franchising Lawrence was a good move. You don't pay big money, long term contracts to anyone other than really solid, consistent performing individuals (like Martin appears to be) Lawrence hasn't put one full dominant year together in four years.
Hehe. “Too much smoke” around Irving. Great accidental pun, my man.


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wow between the weed and the drink the cowboys don't have much of a chance to be winners