DC.COM Blog: Source Claims Incident Involving Pacman Overblown

Chocolate Lab;2321241 said:
Do some people seriously not comprehend the difference between Pacman and a rock star or even a "regular person" who goes out at night?

Soooo.... Pacman is not a regular person? What is a regular person? Is Pacman considered a "thug" based upon the fact that he has done some things wrong in the past? I'm just looking for some clarification. Thanks.
The problem isn't going out.

Its making the right decisions once you are out. He has a security detail for that reason.

Yet, people think Jones needs to stay at home at night, in bed at 10:00, etc. No. He just needs to make better decisions when out.
InmanRoshi;2321242 said:
"Those people" would include persons who have a rap sheet that doesn't look like this....

July 13, 2005 Arrested and charged with assault and felony vandalism after a nightclub altercation. This began Pacman Jones NFL rap sheet. He already had a lengthy one from high school and college.

September 5, 2005 Jones was invited to attend the Nashville Sports Council Kickoff Luncheon. Jones went off on a verbal tirade while being told to wait for his car after the event. He then reportedly refused to tip the valet service.

October 2005 State of West Virginia filed a petition stating that Jones had not been contacting his probation officer and that he had not reported his July 2005 arrest. The judge extended the probation for just 90 days.

March 23, 2006 Charged with marijuana possession in Fayetteville, Georgia. He went on to claim that he knew how to beat the NFL's drug test.

August 25, 2006 Arrested for disorderly conduct and public intoxication after being ordered by police to leave a Murfreesboro night club several times. Jones claimed a woman stole his wallet. The woman claimed that Jones spat on her. The judge in the case gave Jones six months probation and told him to stay away from the club.

October 26, 2006 Jones was issued a citation for misdemeanor assault after a female student from Tennessee State University claimed that Jones spit in her face at a Nashville night club.

February 19, 2007 Jones was in the middle of a fight and shooting at a strip club in Las Vegas that left one man paralyzed and two more wounded. The fight broke out after Jones showered strippers on stage with $81,000 dollars. The club owner claims Jones was beating a strippers head against the bar while claiming to kill one of the club's employees.

Jones was also sentenced to one year in prison for a bar fight in Morgantown, West Virginia while in college. The sentence was later suspended in exchange for two years of probation.

April 10, 2007 After an April 3, 2007 meeting with NFL commissioner Roger Goodell, the NFL announced that Jones would be suspended for the entire 2007 season. The terms of the suspension also stated that Jones will not receive pay during this suspension and that it is subject to additional review after the tenth regular season game, pending disposition of pending charges. Jones said he planned to appeal the League's decision.

We all know he has had issues in the past. Nice research there. :rolleyes: I would assume that to be so judgmental you haven't had any issues in your past at all. Have you always lived in a box? Did you aging process skip the 20s? Your house is not made of glass. Correct?
InmanRoshi;2321242 said:
"Those people" would include persons who have a rap sheet that doesn't look like this....
You're just wasting time. It's obvious that some of them don't understand personal responsibility and common sense.

Anyone who has a professional job is always "on call", to one degree or another.
khiladi;2321205 said:
So why would he be suspended if the employer can't force him to stay in the house? I surely grap something and that is the absurdity of your reasoning...

Where has Pac-man performance off-the-field affected the Dallas Cowboys? He is our best player on defense right now... He is showing up to practice and he isn't skipping film-sessions...

He has not been with Dallas that long. His off-the-field antics did effect his time with the Titans. I don't know if this single incident will turn into anything, but it is a possibility that it costs Pacman some game time.

The NFL does not have to institute a curfew or keep players from going out. Of course not every single player or even a vast majority of the players in the NFL have had a run in with the law. And certainly not multiple run ins. Pacman has. At this point he has to do things cleaner and better than other NFL players. Him going out at 10PM and having a drink is not the same as Player "B" going out and doing the same thing. It may just be perception, but he is not going to be viewed as other guys in the league because of his past. He does not get the benefit of the doubt any more. He lost that.

I don't mean that Jerry or the NFL should impose specific limits to what Pacman can do in his free time. I am talking about what Pacman should do himself. He has to build back his reputation and that is not done by getting into an altercation. It may take him staying at home every night for an entire season or something similarly drastic. That is the position he has put himself into because of his past.
Vintage;2321255 said:
The problem isn't going out.

Its making the right decisions once you are out. He has a security detail for that reason.

Yet, people think Jones needs to stay at home at night, in bed at 10:00, etc. No. He just needs to make better decisions when out.

Double Trouble;2321257 said:
You're just wasting time. It's obvious that some of them don't understand personal responsibility and common sense.

Anyone who has a professional job is always "on call", to one degree or another.

Except... Pacman is a football player. And I'm pretty sure he isn't "on call." And therefore, can go out.
Bleu Star;2321252 said:
Soooo.... Pacman is not a regular person? What is a regular person? Is Pacman considered a "thug" based upon the fact that he has done some things wrong in the past? I'm just looking for some clarification. Thanks.

A "regular person" in this context is anyone who has not signed a contract with a personal conduct provision giving the commissioner of the league the ability to suspend the employee for his conduct, even if that conduct is not illegal.

As IR has said, the personal conduct policy is collectively bargained and every player knows he's bound by it when he signs his contract. If he doesn't like it, he can go work that corporate job you mention where nobody cares if he gets in trouble. It's his choice.
Bleu Star;2321256 said:
We all know he has had issues in the past. Nice research there. :rolleyes: I would assume that to be so judgmental you haven't had any issues in your past at all. Have you always lived in a box? Did you aging process skip the 20s? Your house is not made of glass. Correct?
Unfortunately for Pacman, his past conduct has forced him to live in a glass house now.
Vintage;2321255 said:
The problem isn't going out.

Its making the right decisions once you are out. He has a security detail for that reason.

Yet, people think Jones needs to stay at home at night, in bed at 10:00, etc. No. He just needs to make better decisions when out.

Sometimes when you have a history of making bad decisions when you go out, then it can be a good decision not to go out for a while.
Double Trouble;2321257 said:
You're just wasting time. It's obvious that some of them don't understand personal responsibility and common sense.

Anyone who has a professional job is always "on call", to one degree or another.

Football players get "professional jobs" when their careers end. They're entertainers.
khiladi;2321220 said:
What defines off-field issues? Where is it stipulated in his contract that he cannot get drunk in his own hotel room?

I dunno. Maybe getting arrested at strip clubs or punching out bodyguards and busting hotel property and leavin' without payin' your bill.

The issue here isn't that he drinks. You know that.
WarC;2321272 said:
punching out bodyguards and busting hotel property and leavin' without payin' your bill.

Wow. For all of this there has to be a police report. Can you post a link?
Bleu Star;2321256 said:
We all know he has had issues in the past. Nice research there. :rolleyes: I would assume that to be so judgmental you haven't had any issues in your past at all. Have you always lived in a box? Did you aging process skip the 20s? Your house is not made of glass. Correct?

You asked why PacMan is treated like a special case, and now it's unfair to point out why he's treated like a special case.? You want to know why he's labeled a "thug"? It doesn't have anything to do with his skin color or how he wears his hat, it has to do with the fact that he's constantly getting arrested. Terrence Newman isn't a thug. Jay Ratlif isn't a thug. Marion Barber isn't a thug. PacMan is a thug. Sorry, I can't ignore just that because he wears my favorite color of laundry on a football field like you so easily can.

I enjoyed my college days. Backpacked around the world, and saw a lot of crazy things. Enjoyed my 20's as well. Funny enough ... never had any of those things ever happend to me, much less all of them in the span of two years. Never showered strippers with $81,000. Just a boyscout I guess. And apparently neither have 99.99% of NFL players since there have been thousands of players come and go in the league in the past 5 years, but the list players suspsended for a year boils down to 3 or 4.
It would not bother me if they cut him, or if the commish suspends him again. He knew when he accepted the deal back in to the NFL that his every move would be scrutinized. He let himself get into this situation.

I know our secondary is hurting. I'd rather see Jerry search out the local Dallas grocery stores and find the most fit looking individual he can and give them an opportunity.

What has PacMan done for us? Nothing
Vintage;2321263 said:
Except... Pacman is a football player. And I'm pretty sure he isn't "on call." And therefore, can go out.
If you're Pacman Jones, and Jerry Jones calls you up on Tuesday night and says "get to my office, now", he better go, at least if he values his job. Considering that Jones can fire him without cause in a heartbeat, common sense dictates that Pacman is always on call. Doesn't matter if it's officially Pacman's day off and that he has a "right" to be at the hotel.

That's pretty much the case in any job worth having. If your employer - or if you're self-employed, your client - calls, then you're on call.

I don't think anyone has said Pacman has no right to go out. Simply that common sense dictates that he's a magnet for trouble and going anywhere - especially where alcohol may be involved - is a stupid idea. No matter what right he has.
The irony is missed by many who seem so quick to defend what may or may not have happened with Adam Jones...Flip this situation around if he was a member of the Patriots or Eagles, what would be the overwhelming response from those same individuals? :rolleyes:

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