DeMarco Murray on the Herd


Kellen Moore baby
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I think most of us knew his Game Day Mgmt skills weren’t his strength.
high time we get a coach in here where it is. every sb winning coach in the last 15 years had the aforementioned skills.

this isn't the early 90s, 80s anymore, DHB, where JJohnson neck grabbing motivation gets the job done.

different generation, with these new kids coming in


learn x's and o's. it's all strategic now, or at least heavily weighted in that direction. more so than ever before

<*** slap *** slap *** slap> just doesn't do it.

<look at me> in the coaches room just doesn't do it

have to bring the knowledge, have to outsmart the enemy

With that, you earn that same kind of respect from the staff and players that Jason searches for -- like a crack addict looking for that last rock


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Up until 09, I didn't believe guys on a website could draft better than an NFL org. Then I saw it.

It’s always easier playing Monday Morning QB and second guessing. That’s what we do on a fan forum. That 09 draft was horrid. There’s been other very questionable drafts but that one defintely stands out .

Overall the drafts have been better with Garrett while still taking too many risk which has slowed process on defense.

Garrett appears to me like a walk around GM for Jethro and Son. And he appears to hold the team together thru all of the distractions from totally collapsing which is a huge obstacle under Jerry .


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high time we get a coach in here where it is. every sb winning coach in the last 15 years had the aforementioned skills.

this isn't the early 90s, 80s anymore, DHB, where JJohnson neck grabbing motivation gets the job done.

different generation, with these new kids coming in


learn x's and o's. it's all strategic now, or at least heavily weighted in that direction. more so than ever before

<*** slap *** slap *** slap> just doesn't do it.

<look at me> in the coaches room just doesn't do it

have to bring the knowledge, have to outsmart the enemy

With that, you earn that same kind of respect from the staff and players that Jason searches for -- like a crack addict looking for that last rock
Agreed.. but is that a viable option with Jerry’s personal agendas ?

In professional sports coaching is over rated except for assembling the talent. It’s mostly a talent driven league in NFL as well.


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It's not exactly rocket science. What skills could be missing? He's seen great coaching first hand. He's been around football his whole life, was once an OC and a backup QB… and we're still talking about him learning Xs and Os? lol


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Look how much an All Pro OL and RB has done for this team.

Imagine if we had a DL as talented as OL and a QB as talented as RB. We’d be playing for championships.


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You need to work on your listening skills.

Even Garrett himself has admitted to the mistakes he has made in game decisions. He has improved as Murray pointed out.

And then of course there was the first part of the discourse where he points out how Garrett is a great motivator and his players play hard for him. It's an underrated skill and I find it interesting how many men around here fail to grasp how hard motivating others day after day actually is. Look at what happened to Wade Phillips.

LOL Jimmy Johnson did pretty well in motivating.

I think Demarco is sayiing that to sound unbiased and impartial. He wanted to sound respectful also.

Heck, he even said that Chip Kelly was a great guy, great coach.


The Boognish
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LOL Jimmy Johnson did pretty well in motivating.

I think Demarco is sayiing that to sound unbiased and impartial. He wanted to sound respectful also.

Heck, he even said that Chip Kelly was a great guy, great coach.

He did not use emotional generalizations like good or great in his overall evaluation. He talked about player development, motivations and in game adjustments. Not the same thing.


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He did not use emotional generalizations like good or great in his overall evaluation. He talked about player development, motivations and in game adjustments. Not the same thing.

I just thought that Murray came off very well with his interview. He didn't go overboard with being too critical of Garrett, Chip Kelly and the Cowboys.

He seems to be the anti-Bryant. When asked if he should be bitter at the Cowboys for not giving him a deal he said that he understands where the Cowboys were coming from and its all about business.

I was pleasantly surprised for Murray. He came off as smart, professional and level headed. Unlike Dez.


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Look how much an All Pro OL and RB has done for this team.

Imagine if we had a DL as talented as OL and a QB as talented as RB. We’d be playing for championships.
I would hope so as that would be the most stacked team in the league.


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I just thought that Murray came off very well with his interview. He didn't go overboard with being too critical of Garrett, Chip Kelly and the Cowboys.

He seems to be the anti-Bryant. When asked if he should be bitter at the Cowboys for not giving him a deal he said that he understands where the Cowboys were coming from and its all about business.

I was pleasantly surprised for Murray. He came off as smart, professional and level headed. Unlike Dez.

You could tell in 2015 how each one went about going for the 2nd contract. Murray still hung out with Garrett, Tony Witten(IIRC) and desperately wanted to stay but get paid what he thought he was worth. Didn't have outbursts on twitter and kept it low key.
Dez got the FT and threatened all offseason going off on twitter about sitting out etc.

Not much has changed. Except both aren't employed in the NFL anymore.


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Early on, I hated to read his, he has attained enough experience to belong in a contributor category.


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he was worse about Dez
i got the feeling he blamed Garrett for not running the ball (ie. give it to Murray) more late in the game than anything
he also said hes a great motivator which is the opposite of what many say

easy to take it as him saying Garrett sux, if thats your agenda (he never implied that, think he wouldve if he thought it)
most know Garretts flaws

No, a large swath of fans who want Garrett gone espouse exactly what Murray said. He's a flawed coach and it's unlikely he'll ever be able to overcome those flaws and take the Cowboys to beyond where he's taken them thus far.


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A few guys on NFLN last night said, they think Garrett is the right guy. Brought up the 8-8 seasons, and the injury riddled season, but now has the back to back winning 17 naysayers will chime in there...LOL...
They think he is the right guy moving forward with this young team. They actually made a lot of good points.

I am not saying I agree with them. Just saying what they said.

Sure............. if we were talking Year 3 with Garrett.

It's going to be year 8. At what point do all the "he's a really good motivator", "he's good for a young team", etc. start to become falsehoods or unimportant niceties about him? They have to at some point.

PA Cowboy Fan

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Sure............. if we were talking Year 3 with Garrett.

It's going to be year 8. At what point do all the "he's a really good motivator", "he's good for a young team", etc. start to become falsehoods or unimportant niceties about him? They have to at some point.
Well he's on his second young team. It's a process.;)