Dez Bryant arrested (911 Call-Post 847) **closed**

juck;4622510 said:
Dez will be an all pro this season. Charges will be dropped. No suspensions. He will be balling against NYG in game 1.
yep, probably won't even remember this in two weeks when training camp starts.
erod;4622505 said:
Oh, good lord. Is that what you think college is about? Not even remotely close.

College is about learning self-reliance, discipline, and accountability, because you're busting your butt at all hours and not getting paid BY YOUR OWN CHOICE. Plus, you're expanding your horizons educationally, socially, and otherwise. College builds character.

Money and career are a common result and certainly make it worthwhile later, but that can be accomplished without a degree for some people. The money comes from the fundamental changes and growth that the college experience provides.

I can generally tell a BIG difference between a college graduate and a non-graduate just in the general way someone carries and presents themself, particularly in job interviews. Night and day. They might be naive and dumb to the real-life aspects of the job, but they have the presence and tools to adapt very quickly because of the college gauntlet they chose to take on.

That is absolutely not true for a lot of college grads. I daresay it's not true for half. I've met more self reliance and discipline embodied in members of the Army than the majority of the knuckleheads I knew in college.
ilovejerry;4622413 said:
He never got suspended,

Are you high?

This thread sure helps separate the wheat from the chaff 'round these parts.

To those whose primary concern is some woman's beatdown might impair your football enjoyment, shame on you.
HoustonFrog;4622410 said:
Listen. I'm the youngest of 5. We fought all the time..loudly. But at no point in my lifetime did my Mother get shoved and police never had to get involved. You can make excuses but this is the type of situation that just doesn't find normal fighting families. There are no excuses. You leave. He had too much on the line. I know as an attorney not to speculate and that all facts must come out here. But in general, I have found it a little offensive that so many have tried to make this out to be so minor instead of worrying about why a woman got hit. Even on accident, it comes down to a person getting hit so hard that cops were called.

Quote of the day! Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
juck;4622510 said:
Dez will be an all pro this season. Charges will be dropped. No suspensions. He will be balling against NYG in game 1.

Just a question to this post...Do you ever take your homer glasses off ?

And the reason the "law" is able to decide whether charges should be brought forward, is because of more potential harm to the victim. You think that is stupid ? Really ?
SkinsandTerps;4622524 said:
Just a question to this post...Do you ever take your homer glasses off ?

And the reason the "law" is able to decide whether charges should be brought forward, is because of more potential harm to the victim. You think that is stupid ? Really ?
For a scratch or bruise? What if his mom says it wasnt him?Either way u think Dez should go to jail for a push in an arguement?
Rebecca Lopez ‏@rlopezwfaa

Desoto police say Dez bryant assaulted his mother. Slapped her across the face and pulled her hair.
If the witness does not appear, the case will be dismissed- if it is even filed in the first place.
I guess with the "law" my sig is proof Nolan should have spent a year in jail. haha
Teague31;4622530 said:
If the witness does not appear, the case will be dismissed- if it is even filed in the first place.
Exactly the law doesnt help anyone.
Zordon;4622516 said:
yep, probably won't even remember this in two weeks when training camp starts.

You can believe they will remember at VR. Clock is ticking on Dez.
Lets not forget we are talking about a crackhead hooker. Chances are she is not innocent in this.
M'Kevon;4622485 said:
And it doesn't need to be about drugs. What Dez went through to get this far in life would break alot of people. It's one thing to need to change friends or hang out with other people. It's quite another when its family.

Absolutely not. I don't associate with my family because of their drug/alcohol abuse. It killed my little girl. You do what you gotta do in life to make yourself better, even if it means disassociating with your family who has a drug problem. It's no joke. It literally wrecks others, and even kills.
slapping his own mother and pulling her hair. its bad enoug if that happens to his girlfriend or any other woman. but your own mother? cant you just walk away even if she slapped you first? you dont hit your own mother you clown. i rather he got busted with a nuclear bomb in his trunk
juck;4622534 said:
Lets not forget we are talking about a crackhead hooker. Chances are she is not innocent in this.

Yeah! It's his mother's fault! Not his!

BigWillie;4622527 said:
Rebecca Lopez ‏@rlopezwfaa

Desoto police say Dez bryant assaulted his mother. Slapped her across the face and pulled her hair.

Sounds like he wouldn't give her crack money and she got upset. She has put him through enough already. The guy is literally just a kid. But let's blame him for an altercation with his crackhead mother.
juck;4622502 said:
So u think its smart for the law to be able to press charges if the victim doesnt want to? For a mionor scratch or bruise this guy could spend a year in jail? Cmon thats absurd

This is not just in Texas. Not sure how many states are like this but I know for a fact that Colorado is also this way.
The mother of Dez Bryant, at the center of the recent controversy surrounding the new Cowboys receiver, has had two convictions in the past two years.

The Dallas Morning News reported, based on a review of records in the Lufkin, Texas, area, that Angela Bryant pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of supplying false information to a police officer in May 2008 and then pleaded guilty to a drug charge in July 2009. She had been arrested for possessing and selling crack cocaine.

Bryant served 18 months in jail after a 1997 arrest for selling crack cocaine.

On Monday, Angela Bryant told AOL FanHouse that she deserved an apology from Dolphins GM Jeff Ireland, who asked her son in a pre-draft interview if she had been a prostitute. Angela Bryant said she was "angry" about what had happened to her son.

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