Dez Bryant arrested (911 Call-Post 847) **closed**

dallasfan4lizife;4622556 said:
Of course, its a given that the army teaches you to be disciplined and self reliant. This is true in almost any aspect of life though; however, there is absolutely noway someone can get a major (unless its like anthropology/communications) if they don't have a good amount of discipline.

Being in my 3rd year, i agree there were plenty of knuckle heads in my general classes early on. But its feast or famine, they either grew up or were weeded out.

I completely disagree! I've been in the US Army for 19 years, and I've seen some crazy stuff. In basic training, there was a guy who had to be taught how to wipe his own backside! Another didn't know how to do laundry, many who couldn't do their own laundry, make their bed and so many more stories like that. The ignorance is amazing sometimes, and got worse during the Iraq War when we started taking anybody with a pulse, including criminals and drug addicts. We have administrative clerks who can't type! Drivers who can't drive! It's insane to say people in the Army are more self reliant than collegians, especially graduates! Wow, what world is this from?!?!?!
RS12;4622565 said:
I expect this to play out that Dez's mom develops amnesia or fails to show cuz she doesnt want to kill the golden goose. It is probably too late for that. As for your comments, you are emabarassing yourself.

You obviously don't know the nature of addiction and people who lie to the police.
casmith07;4622551 said:
I think the prostitute stuff is a little far-fetched, but she's certainly an addict and has had issues in the past with lying to authorities.

I think it sounds like an argument over money. Dez probably doesn't want to supply half-brothers and whoever else with money to blow on drugs or something else, and family members look to him as the NFL player like he owes them something.

Words were said, mom ended up getting shoved, and what better way to then extort some cash than to go to the police with it, and then petition to "settle out of court."

Time for Dez to leave DeSoto in the rear view.

Ding. Right answer. Its looking more and more obvious.
CowboyMcCoy;4622564 said:
So it's Dez's fault his mother is a crackhead, convicted crack dealer, who lies to the police?

NO, it's his fault he slapped her in the face and pulled her hair and somehow she may have been bruised.

Something is wrong here, people who defend this kind of action. :mad:
perrykemp;4622561 said:
Wow. Your callousness shocks me CowboyMcCoy.

It's a genuine callousness and special disliking I have for people who have lied to the police and use drugs like crack. I embrace it. Doing that has gotten me away from situations like the one Dez is currently in.
GoCowboysGo;4622574 said:
NO, it's his fault he slapped her in the face and pulled her hair and somehow she may have been bruised.

Something is wrong here, people who defend this kind of action. :mad:

Again, what credibility does this woman have?

Please do tell.
I know one thing.. alot of people here would be contributing to Dez' next arrest if you said any kind of the crap you're posting in this thread about his mother to his face.

Or should i say, "the crackhead, lying prostitute".

Damn, some of you have no decency.
RoyTheHammer;4622581 said:
I know one thing.. alot of people here would be contributing to Dez' next arrest if you said any kind of the crap you're posting in this thread about his mother to his face.

Or should i say, "the crackhead, lying prostitute".

Damn, some of you have no decency.

...and let's not concern ourselves with the facts. Let's ignore them; let's embrace his mother here. She deserves it.
GoCowboysGo;4622574 said:
NO, it's his fault he slapped her in the face and pulled her hair and somehow she may have been bruised.

Something is wrong here, people who defend this kind of action. :mad:

People aren't defending the actual action, they are defending the 5th, 6th, and 14th amendments as opposed to responding emotionally to accusations that are bound to make one emotional. I don't think anyone that defended the Duke lacrosse team was defending rape, and we all know how that one worked out.
CowboyMcCoy;4622578 said:
Again, what credibility does this woman have?

Please do tell.

If you believe what the DeSoto police said, I believe them. They said he pulled her hair and slapped her in the face.

As big of a man as he is, he has no business hitting a woman, no matter what she said or did. Even if she hit him first! Walk away, he knows people are waiting for him to '*** up to say "we told you so". Just walk away.

He didn't, according to reports quoting the DeSoto police. His fault alone.
Frozen700;4621707 said:

Don't sit here and say "Dez is an idiot" and all your other off the deep end posts.

Like you never did something in never got into a fight? Lied, Stole ect....just because your life isn't in the lights, does not make you better

Dez is an idiot to get himself into any kind of trouble with the law, even minor. The dude is playing in the NFL with all kinds of great stuff in front of him. To put himself into any sort of situatin, minor or not, that could get him into trouble with that profession is idiotic. There is simply no way around that.

I don't hate the kid, by any means, but I'm very disappointed in this. Regardless of how minor it might turn out to be I'm very disappointed by it.

Hoofbite;4621714 said:
I got a pretty good way of eliminating all scenarios. I don't get into screaming and shouting matches with women and damn sure wouldn't put my hands on one is such a scenario.

Seems to be domestic violence's kryptonite.

Excellent post.
GoCowboysGo;4622567 said:
I completely disagree! I've been in the US Army for 19 years, and I've seen some crazy stuff. In basic training, there was a guy who had to be taught how to wipe his own backside! Another didn't know how to do laundry, many who couldn't do their own laundry, make their bed and so many more stories like that. The ignorance is amazing sometimes, and got worse during the Iraq War when we started taking anybody with a pulse, including criminals and drug addicts. We have administrative clerks who can't type! Drivers who can't drive! It's insane to say people in the Army are more self reliant than collegians, especially graduates! Wow, what world is this from?!?!?!

Mckevon is the one who said army=self reliance, college=hooligans

my reply was refuting this.

I'm not saying they are more self reliant than collegians. I was saying the army tries to teach self-reliance and discipline, but my point was you learn discipline in college or you're weeded out.
GoCowboysGo;4622586 said:
If you believe what the DeSoto police said, I believe them. They said her pulled her hair and slapped her in the face.

As big of a man as he is, he has no business hitting a woman, no matter what she said or did. Even if she hit him first! Walk away, he knows people are waiting for him to '*** up to say "we told you so". Just walk away.

He didn't, according to reports quoting the DeSoto police. His fault alone.

...did you know all a "victim" has to do is make a statement and the perp will get arrested 99% of the time? In this case, the "victim" has already lied to the police in the past.
Let's hear the truth......

We don't know the situation Dez was in.

And before we claim Dez should be in situations like this......think's family......

We all have our issues with family.....some just refuse to associate with theirs...Dez is probably the only stable force in his.

We all knew Dez had some issues in the past.....but he has never been arrested.....

Should Dez just walked away and let someone else deal with the issue at hand? Maybe so.....but this is his Mom....and I don't agree in hitting a women let alone my own Mom.....but we don't know what happened there.......Dez Mom could of attacked Dez and he was trying to restrain her. We just don't know the whole story.
Look the bottom line is this guy truly needs to grow up and if he wants to be a superstar and help his team wins he needs to be fully commited, including mentally... I know people will protect him about this, but in reality things like this HAS to be avoided.. Tme for this man to grow up.. yes he is a man, he is not a child... Time to commit yourself fully, if not goodbye there is no use for him... I could care less how talented he is... I truly truly could care less.. He needs to study and work his *** off, no more excuses this man or this team quite frankly... THis is the real world.. Commit yourself like a man..

Its time Dez, we need you, so grow up please
CowboyMcCoy;4622564 said:
So it's Dez's fault his mother is a crackhead, convicted crack dealer, who lies to the police?

oh so that makes it OK to slap his mother and pull her hair where you're coming from...

I guess it was his mother's fault that Dez got in an altercation at the stadium last year with his girlfriend and had to be seperated by security or that police were called to a restaurant where Dez was fighting with his girlfriend...I guess it was his mother's fault that Dez got in a fight where police were called in January with lil wayne in Miami or the sagging incident at the Mall or that he was sued three times for non payment of rent and 40 pieces of Jewelry he didn't pay for that his sugar daddy jerry paid for...the same guy that doesn't show up in shape to camp, or show up for meetings or know the playbook or run the correct routes, let alone where to line up presnap..and those are just the things we do know about.....what other cowboy on the currect roster has come close to these issues......keep making excuses for this guy, and Jerry the enabler will do nothing to send a message, and thus, there's the problem!! A little tough love is need with regards to Dez, but Jerry won't do that and certainly Dez knows nothing about being a professional football player...
Nation;4622563 said:
I thought this was America people


I personally am not judging his guilty or innocents because I dont have any fact. But judging him on making bad decisions that puts him and the Cowboys in a negative light. Like I said earlier in this thread, I was really excited this offseason by the lack of off field headlines until now.

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