RELEASED Dez Bryant has been released


Rising Star
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Watching NFLN is pretty funny.

All we have seen the last season and a half from the sports media is how Dez can no longer separate, he isn't a deep threat any longer and he isn't what he was.

Today, it is Dallas is screwed, they will face 9 men in the box, no one can stretch the field, etc....


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Looking at our WRs now... with Dak? We're so screwed.

I don't understand. It's not like Dez made Dak better. If anything, Dez probably caused Dak a lot of stress. I don't know why so many are surprised by this move. You can't justify paying Dez what he was going to make this year for his production, or lack of. I'm not surprised he's gone, but I must admit I thought he'd be here one more year. The Pats would have launched him 2 years ago. I love Dez, but his antics of the sidelines were getting old. Releasing Dez is not the reason this team will fail this year if it does. I wish him well but it was time to cut bate and let him loose. This was business, not personal...


Well-Known Member
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Watching NFLN is pretty funny.

All we have seen the last season and a half from the sports media is how Dez can no longer separate, he isn't a deep threat any longer and he isn't what he was.

Today, it is Dallas is screwed, they will face 9 men in the box, no one can stretch the field, etc....

Lmao! So so true! Was listening to Deion say that.

It’s the same when ANYBODY leaves Dallas. “They are done! Move on!” Then we move on, then they say “What are they doing!”


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
The Dez release is no surprise. We all know he hasn’t produced at his pay level in 3 years, so this move was pretty much inevitable.

The surprise and sadness of some fans is a normal reaction as a fan. You get attached to players and also tend to overrate what they can do for you. The FO is doing right thing here.
No they are not because Garrett still has a job and dak is still the problem....


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When you read Jerry's statement it's say they came to this crossroad and voices in the organization thought it would best to go in a new direction. Those voices were Garrett, Linehan and Stephen.


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I liked Dez, but I also like change when things are not working. Cut a few more while you're at it. Now what do I do with my Dez jersey that I got 6 years ago and it still has tags on it and it never leaves the closet?

You wait till he signs with us again a few years down the road, which he probably will, for a low ball contract, so he can retire a Cowboy. Then, all is well again.


Well-Known Member
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Watching NFLN is pretty funny.

All we have seen the last season and a half from the sports media is how Dez can no longer separate, he isn't a deep threat any longer and he isn't what he was.

Today, it is Dallas is screwed, they will face 9 men in the box, no one can stretch the field, etc....
maybe they're on this board too.
want us to make the very move they are calling dumb.


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This is the heart of the issue.

Cut whomever you want, but have a plan. Don't realize in April that your #1 receiver needs to go and A rookie, Alan Hurns and Terrance Williams are your options to replace him.

Now we HAVE to spend a premium pick on WR rather than actually being able to see how things fall.
I don't think we have to use a premium pick. Even if we don't, I understand moving on from Bryant I only wish we had gotten a pick for him.


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For how much money?

I'd bet Dez ends up where the tallest stack of Benjamins is.

Yup, and I don't care how many people here think is not about the money to Dez. It's ALWAYS about the money, especially at this point in his life. Even if his next contract looks cheap, there's going to be incentives to jack it up. Don't fool yourselves in to thinking $$ is not the motivator with Dez...


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We had one before today? We haven't had one since 2014.

Maybe, maybe not ... how would we really know, it’s not like our offensive coaches use the players properly ... our offence is bland, and apparantly other teams defensive players find reading our offence easy.