Dez getting in fights misguided leadership? Another Dez thread **merged**

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This is a Cowboys forum, that is why I am talking about Dez. Remember?

But how about this..........I think it is stupid for any leaders of any teams to be getting into fights every week. Especially if they are really important part of their teams success and they are on the sidelines because of injury.

Does that make you feel better?
Exactly how many total consecutive weeks has Bryant gotten into fights? now I live a sheltered life eh? :lmao:

Again you show that you cant handle it.

handle what stupid comment by you? LOL you think to much of yourself. You can have any opinion you want, why would I care? You bring the subject up and when people respond you don't like it or where we all to agree with your grand views?
Think again, he stabbed a guy in the neck...

He was dealing with a much bigger guy who made the first physical contact by shoving Irvin. Irvin shoved back and McIver punched Irvin in the mouth and that's when Irvin grabbed the scissors and stabbed him. What would you have done if a 6' 5" 318 pound offensive lineman had just punched you in the mouth?
handle what stupid comment by you? LOL you think to much of yourself. You can have any opinion you want, why would I care? You bring the subject up and when people respond you don't like it or where we all to agree with your grand views?

Nah, I dont mind other opinions at all. And I certainly dont throw out the insults like you do. Its like winding up a little toy and watching him spin around and throw a tantrum.
Meek too? :lmao:

You are the one being offended by big old mean football players getting into altercations during practice. It is not some office environment it is a physical game played by physical men. Maybe you could go tell Dez and the rest of the players around the league when it is appropriate and not appropriate to get into fights? Given how baseball players clear the dugout during their game you maybe should discuss their anger issues as well. lol
How many people have you insulted because you dont think their avatar is up to par? LOL
Yes coaches could so then why don't they? It is nothing new to the game at this level or any other level of the game. Could injury happen? sure

Coaches like the aggression but these joint practice brawls that spill out near the stands with fans getting involved are getting out of hand. Something has to be done before a player or fan is seriously injured. There has to be some consequences when brawls occur to deter players from continuing to go at it. When it becomes a free for all someone could get seriously injured and it's going to lead to another big story that's going to rock the NFL and bring into question why there's no repercussions with these fights.
He was dealing with a much bigger guy who made the first physical contact by shoving Irvin. Irvin shoved back and McIver punched Irvin in the mouth and that's when Irvin grabbed the scissors and stabbed him. What would you have done if a 6' 5" 318 pound offensive lineman had just punched you in the mouth?

Definitely not stab someone in the neck. He obviously put himself in that situation to begin with. We don't deal with cocaine, court cases or fur coats with Dez, people like you just overreact because its on twitter immediately after it happens. There are bigger fish to fry and I actually applaud him for standing up for his teammates. Until he gets suspended for doing it in a game its a non-issue. End of discussion.
You are the one being offended by big old mean football players getting into altercations during practice. It is not some office environment it is a physical game played by physical men. Maybe you could go tell Dez and the rest of the players around the league when it is appropriate and not appropriate to get into fights? Given how baseball players clear the dugout during their game you maybe should discuss their anger issues as well. lol

I feel so Meek compared to you. :lmao2:

As always, nice jawing with you. Im off to New York. Enjoy.
Definitely not stab someone in the neck. He obviously put himself in that situation to begin with. We don't deal with cocaine, court cases or fur coats with Dez, people like you just overreact because its on twitter immediately after it happens. There are bigger fish to fry and I actually applaud him for standing up for his teammates. Until he gets suspended for doing it in a game its a non-issue. End of discussion.

Or until he breaks his hand, aggravates his hamstring, or gets sucker punched and breaks a jaw its a non issue right?
Coaches like the aggression but these joint practice brawls that spill out near the stands with fans getting involved are getting out of hand. Something has to be done before a player or fan is seriously injured. There has to be some consequences when brawls occur to deter players from continuing to go at it. When it becomes a free for all someone could get seriously injured and it's going to lead to another big story that's going to rock the NFL and bring into question why there's no repercussions with these fights.

I agree about it spilling into where the fans were, that can create a different situation where fans get involved and end up getting hurt. But heck I saw Jimmy Johnson laughing when the Raiders were at St Edwards and a fight broke out. You train these guys to be aggressive to attack and then they are to and then expect they will turn the other cheek. I will even agree with CowboyRoy, they are immature these are grown men playing a game for a living, of course the vast majority are immature. Never holding down a real job they play a game, it is a physical game but it is a game none the less.
He was dealing with a much bigger guy who made the first physical contact by shoving Irvin. Irvin shoved back and McIver punched Irvin in the mouth and that's when Irvin grabbed the scissors and stabbed him. What would you have done if a 6' 5" 318 pound offensive lineman had just punched you in the mouth?

So you found a way to justify stabbing someone in the neck but crucify a guy defending his teammates?
He was dealing with a much bigger guy who made the first physical contact by shoving Irvin. Irvin shoved back and McIver punched Irvin in the mouth and that's when Irvin grabbed the scissors and stabbed him. What would you have done if a 6' 5" 318 pound offensive lineman had just punched you in the mouth?

Not stab my teammate in the neck ....... and guess what ....... Dez would not have stabbed his teammate in the neck also.
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