Twitter: Dez goes off on reporters in lockerroom after practice

I don't think you've ever proven anyone wrong on here, I'm very objective on anything concerning the Cowboys and a homer is incapable of proving me wrong on anything with this team.

That's not what I said. Whenever a negative Dez story comes out, you're sure to follow, joyfully attacking him and clutching your pearls in indignation. Pretty much all those stories have turned out to be false, thus proving you wrong. Yet here you are again, buying a different turd from the same salesman and trying to get everyone here to try a bite. You're unwarranted and inaccurate attack on me does nothing to restore your credibility in the case of this particular player.
It's just sad that the media can't focus on football and the game being played. I have no problem with Dez going off on reporters and calling them out for misreporting and being unprofessional. They try to twist anything into something it's not. The media is acting intentionally antagonistic in their questioning and opinion pieces. Unfortunately that's an accepted approach these days because it drives a reaction more than straight reporting of the facts. We just need to add one more level of true journalist to track and check the media tendencies. There is no one holding them accountable for facts or calling them out on their stylistic approaches. It's kind of like politics. You have one truth and many different variation on the delivery of the story, without a fact checker you would have trouble knowing what to believe.
That's not what I said. Whenever a negative Dez story comes out, you're sure to follow, joyfully attacking him and clutching your pearls in indignation. Pretty much all those stories have turned out to be false, thus proving you wrong. Yet here you are again, buying a different turd from the same salesman and trying to get everyone here to try a bite. You're unwarranted and inaccurate attack on me does nothing to restore your credibility in the case of this particular player.

If you follow my posts, I'm objective about Dez. I also commented on the positive Dez thread a couple of times, but you have your agenda set to if anyone talks negatively about a Cowboy player, you go and put your superfan cape on and attack anyone who dares say anything that's not rainbows and sunshine around here. You really think I care what you or anyone else on here thinks of my credibility? The answer to that question is no. Now go away and find something to do.
If you follow my posts, I'm objective about Dez. I also commented on the positive Dez thread a couple of times, but you have your agenda set to if anyone talks negatively about a Cowboy player, you go and put your superfan cape on and attack anyone who dares say anything that's not rainbows and sunshine around here. Now go away and find something to do.

Questioning your objectivity isn't an attack. Misrepresenting my suggestion that you're suffering from confirmation bias based on you repeatedly falling into the same trap isn't either.
Questioning your objectivity isn't an attack. Misrepresenting my suggestion that you're suffering from confirmation bias based on you repeatedly falling into the same trap isn't either.

Jason Garrett: "Dez Bryant didn’t handle that the right way"

I guess the head coach is wrong on this issue about Dez too right?
That's why I don't think players should go on twitter especially after a loss. Nothing good comes out of it.

We're entering a dangerous world. So many people now are on social media, and information travels with lightning speed, and you can't put the toothpaste back in the tube.

To the immature mind (and just think about the truly unhinged and demented), this is a toxic reality. People are left to deal with things said about them alone, both true and untrue, without proper context or tone, and with no certainty about source or purpose.

It's not good.
Jason Garrett: "Dez Bryant didn’t handle that the right way"

I guess the head coach is wrong on this issue about Dez too right?

Well this head coach is usually wrong about a lot of things
My whole point for posting on this topic was to dispel the notion that JJT called Dez or Devin Street of all people, the N word. It didn't happen, and the fact that so many people on here are blindly standing with Dez on this shows once again that many on here have absolutely no objectivity with this team or the players on this team.

I hear you there, I'm not even going into what was said or not. I don't care. If JJT called him cupcake and Dez didnt like it and yelled at him, that's fine with me. JJT is meaningless to this team. If he was transferred to cover the WBNA tomorrow, no one would blink an eye except his family.

No one is "objective" on here. I won't even attempt to say I am. Yet you've called Dez (who is one of the most exciting players this franchise has had in the last 10 years) an idiot, mental midget, clown, and other disparaging things on this thread, so I hate to say but you are far from objective on this one, sir.
Ah the old journalistic "anonymous source" in this case "Cowboys officials." This is just journalists banding together to protect their own little group of dweebs no one cares about. Who would side with the media on anything anymore? They do nothing for the team. If Dez wants to scream at a reporter who's in his personal space asking annoying questions, who cares?


If a reporter called a player a racial slur, it would be a huge story and there isn't a reporter out there who wouldn't then report it, especially if it was a reporter of a rival paper. To try to argue that every reporter, out of some bizarre sense of media brotherhood, would cover up the story is bizarre. Further, to suggest that the Cowboys, regardless of the employee, would be a part of that cover up is even more bizarre.
I hear you there, I'm not even going into what was said or not. I don't care. If JJT called him cupcake and Dez didnt like it and yelled at him, that's fine with me. JJT is meaningless to this team. If he was transferred to cover the WBNA tomorrow, no one would blink an eye except his family.

No one is "objective" on here. I won't even attempt to say I am. Yet you've called Dez (who is one of the most exciting players this franchise has had in the last 10 years) an idiot, mental midget, clown, and other disparaging things on this thread, so I hate to say but you are far from objective on this one, sir.

He is all of those things, and this whole circus that he created yesterday just proves it. I've also called him the best WR in the league and a beast and everything else that you would qualify as positive, but because I call him a few names that he brought on himself, you say I'm not objective? You have no idea what you're talking about and you can't stand when a player with a star on his helmet gets called out. Well I'm going to, so get over it.
Guess what?

Dez isn't going to be cut over this.

And he would not have been cut under Jimmy or Parcells or Belichick or Bill Walsh or whomever.

And that really irks reporters because it's 'unfair' that a talented player can act like that and get away with it.

But, life isn't fair.

It's all tit-for-tat with the reporters because they hate themselves for having their miserable job that doesn't pay well and requires them to find freelance work.

I will support the guy that gets attacked for no good reason and fights back. It may not sound fair, but life isn't fair.

Just like it isn't fair that I should expect reporters to actually do the job they are sent to do and not reporting rumors, not lip reading videos and not referring to players using the n-word.

Oh wait, that's completely fair on my part. And that's why I don't pay for their stuff and don't read their stuff and that's why ESPN is on a rapid decline and will just fire those reporters in a few years. And then they can whine how that isn't fair that they lost their job because the Disney stock is down.


You are missing my point.
No one said he would be cut or that he should somehow be reprimanded for his actions, at least never suggested that. So kill that strawman right now.
Dez can do whatever he wants to do. If he wants to go crazy on reporters, have at it. If he believes he's justified given how they've treated him, have at it. But in the end, you can't complain about the media making you out to be crazy who flies off the handle, when in fact, the way you respond to them is do just that............ fly off the handle. How do you not see that?
I am not in no way defending the media or specifically those few in the media who are just terrible at their jobs. But guess what? They are going to suck and still report crappy things even after you read them the riot act. So at some point, don't you just wise up and decide that as much as you want to rip them apart, the best way to combat this is try to not give them any ammunition?
When was the last time, outside of a perjury situation, that the media actually had conflict with one another?

In every line of work there's conflict with one another, just like the media loves to report the conflict between players and coaches and owners.

Yet, never a word about media members conflicting with each other. It's Omerta in print.


You see conflict in the media all the time.

I live in Philadelphia and there are rifts in the media between beat reporters, columnists, radio hosts, etc. Two of the local radio hosts got in a pissing match at an Eagles practice a month ago. A few of the beat reporters have had public rifts. When a reporter from a NJ paper floated a story that the Eagles wanted to cut Desean Jackson because of off the field issues, some of the other beats ripped him.
It's just sad that the media can't focus on football and the game being played. I have no problem with Dez going off on reporters and calling them out for misreporting and being unprofessional. They try to twist anything into something it's not. The media is acting intentionally antagonistic in their questioning and opinion pieces. Unfortunately that's an accepted approach these days because it drives a reaction more than straight reporting of the facts. We just need to add one more level of true journalist to track and check the media tendencies. There is no one holding them accountable for facts or calling them out on their stylistic approaches. It's kind of like politics. You have one truth and many different variation on the delivery of the story, without a fact checker you would have trouble knowing what to believe.

Unfortunately, sensationalism has replaced journalism. Some on here think that because some of us attack the media and their lack of credibility, that we're "homers" and side with Dez on everything (I guess, by their own logic, that then makes them a "hater").
IMO, there are two separate issues here:
1. The "Dez" issue...he needs to learn to keep his mouth shut (easy for me to say when I'm not the one being libeled and slandered), and
2. The click-seeking sensationalist media. IMO, the media, because of the far reaching stage that they have, have both an ethical and professional responsibility to refrain from throwing reports out there that are half truths or false, altogether. But that's not how they operate any more. Now, the goal is to be the first to throw something out there, accuracy be damned.
I personally think both parties (Dez and the media) have some fault in this, but most of the burden is on the sensationalist media. JMO
He is all of those things, and this whole circus that he created yesterday just proves it. I've also called him the best WR in the league and a beast and everything else that you would qualify as positive, but because I call him a few names that he brought on himself, you say I'm not objective? You have no idea what you're talking about and you can't stand when a player with a star on his helmet gets called out. Well I'm going to, so get over it.

Going after my mental capacity isn't going to prove your objectivity. I won't take the bait, we will just have to disagree on most of this.

My main point is JJT is allowed to be in that locker room, it's not a right. Dez can yell at him for whatever perceived slight he heard or question asked, as adults are allowed to do when someone comes into their private space and questions their performance without having the slightest idea what it's like to actually be in their shoes. If the business next to me invited me in and I walked in there and began repeatedly asking why they were screwing up and not making more money, I wouldn't be too surprised to get yelled at.

I respect Dez's passion, it makes him the player he is, and he can yell at JJT every single day for all I care.
Going after my mental capacity isn't going to prove your objectivity. I won't take the bait, we will just have to disagree on most of this.

My main point is JJT is allowed to be in that locker room, it's not a right. Dez can yell at him for whatever perceived slight he heard or question asked, as adults are allowed to do when someone comes into their private space and questions their performance without having the slightest idea what it's like to actually be in their shoes. If the business next to me invited me in and I walked in there and began repeatedly asking why they were screwing up and not making more money, I wouldn't be too surprised to get yelled at.

I respect Dez's passion, it makes him the player he is, and he can yell at JJT every single day for all I care.

Yep. JJT sucks and I don't feel sorry for him at all. Dez can yell at him all he wants.

And Dez's issue isn't about objectivity, anyway. It's about accuracy. And he's got a good point when it comes to that. Hard to defend a reporters right to get a story wrong with a straight face.
Going after my mental capacity isn't going to prove your objectivity. I won't take the bait, we will just have to disagree on most of this.

My main point is JJT is allowed to be in that locker room, it's not a right. Dez can yell at him for whatever perceived slight he heard or question asked, as adults are allowed to do when someone comes into their private space and questions their performance without having the slightest idea what it's like to actually be in their shoes. If the business next to me invited me in and I walked in there and began repeatedly asking why they were screwing up and not making more money, I wouldn't be too surprised to get yelled at.

I respect Dez's passion, it makes him the player he is, and he can yell at JJT every single day for all I care.

Who cares? I never said Dez couldn't yell at whoever, he can yell at the President for all I care, he's the one making himself look like a fool for doing so.

If a reporter called a player a racial slur, it would be a huge story and there isn't a reporter out there who wouldn't then report it, especially if it was a reporter of a rival paper. To try to argue that every reporter, out of some bizarre sense of media brotherhood, would cover up the story is bizarre. Further, to suggest that the Cowboys, regardless of the employee, would be a part of that cover up is even more bizarre.

I'm still waiting for a reporter to call out Skip Bayless for calling Troy Aikman Gay in a book he wrote just so he can sell his book. Aikman is still pissed about that.
My thoughts on this. Who cares? Dez is misunderstood often and I could care less that he went off on those guys. I could care less if any player went off on them. I don't watch ESPN anymore, just games on Sundays. That's all I care about.

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