Dez heads to VR to Possibly Sign Deal **merged**

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Yes. Asking for CJ money is beyond ridiculous and if he actually holds out games it will be for nothing but trying to punish the Cowboys for operating under a system that his union agreed to.
Not at all, it's a business, and he needs to do what's best for him and his family. Either way, the guy isn't a $100 million WR, nobody outside of Megatron is. This whole thing has a very Vincent Jackson feel to it.
I'm sick of hearing about the business side of football. I miss the time when it was just a game without all the money and commercials and glitz and lawsuits and PR. I don't think the game is more exciting though the athletes are certainly more talented. So when Dez or JJ say that it is a business, I'm just sad because I remember when it was a game.

Welcome to living in a Capitalist society; starts and ends with the $.
Actually, my take away from all of this is how I feel like the Franchise tag is really unfair.

Dez is the second highest paid player in the league right now under the tag. How is that unfair?

Is it fair that many players simply give up when they get a big contract?
Dez is the second highest paid player in the league right now under the tag. How is that unfair?

Is it fair that many players simply give up when they get a big contract?

I'm with you, I think that the franchise tag is awesome if you're a player. It's one of the few times in your career that your pay will be fully guaranteed.
I would still love the guy, but not quite as much.
A 12.8 million fully guaranteed 1 year franchise deal is worth accepting.
No. I generally side with the player over the owner. Unless Dez is asking for a ridiculous amount that is not feasible (and I don't think he is), then I don't see why the Cowboys cannot get him a long term contract.

Jerry Jones and his entire family tree will never have to worry about going bankrupt. While a lot of NFL players have thrown away their fortune on silly stuff, the fact is that a high percentage of them have gone broke and the fact is that Jerry Jones and his family tree could spend more money on sillier stuff and they will never go broke.

The player has to get what they can. And the only things you deserve in life are the things you earn. And Dez has earned a new contract as far as I'm concerned. He might not deserve Calvin Johnson money, but I have no problem giving him the #2 WR in the league money.

The other issue is that it is a long standing, unwritten rule in the NFL that when a player has outplayed their contract that the team will make a good faith effort to get them a new contract that fits their performance. This is because the team should 'do right by the player' as they can cut the player virtually at any time and save themselves a lot of money.

Again...if they have unreasonable demands I can always understand the team's point of view. Otherwise, I side with the player.


I really don't think people LITTLE Dez has been paid compared to his value/production. I read where Julius Jones....who is entering the last year of his NOT going to hold out because it is unfair to his teammates. HELLO....Julius Jones going into the last year of his deal is scheudled to make 10 million! That is almost what Dez has made in his entire career! Whatever reservations the JOnes had about his potential off field issues.....they sure seemed to be ok with it when he was virtually playing for free! Did the one walk up to him and suggest he was being grossly underpaid? Did Scandrick.....who REALIZES he is the teams best CB....have issue with Brandon Carr making more...and he and Jones family do what was right? I am not advocating Calvin Johnson money. I hope Dez and his camp are not advocating CJ money. But he should be the 2nd highest paid WR in the NFL!
You know who we should really blame for all of this? Not Megatron, the guy is worth every penny he'll get paid, we should be blaming the Dolphins and Mike Wallace. I can see guys like Dez looking at the $12.8 per year that the Cowboys are offering, then looking at Wallace's contract and thinking: "I'm only going to get paid $1.35 million more than Mike Wallace?"
Dez is the second highest paid player in the league right now under the tag. How is that unfair?

Is it fair that many players simply give up when they get a big contract?

I think you mean second highest paid WR?

And it is unfair because he has earned (with 5 years of service) the right to a long term deal with a whole lot more guarantee than 12.8 million dollars. If he tears an ACL making a play for the team, he stands to lose millions of dollars. The franchise tag is designed so that a team can hold onto a player for up to 7 years before that player has the ability to offer his services and negotiate on the open market.

The risk to the player does not match the benefit, especially considering it is the team that benefits.
I think a lot of this has to do with that leverage and how it could be shifted more to all players' advantage. From an agent, player, even NFLPA perspective, they would all love to see one player do what Dez is threatening to do, just to see if they can get an owner to blink and possibly budge on rescinding that tag for the second year. It would set a huge precedent for players going forward because they could all point to Dez getting what he wanted. Condon would look like a genius and players would gain another huge bargaining chip.

I think Dez's threat is very real and he has an insane amount of people in his ear egging him on to do it because of what it could mean to them going forward. If Jerry and Stephen cave on this with Dez, then we can expect this to become very common in future years.

Sure, the players would like to see a player stand up to the owner over this franchise tag. But this is probably not the owner (Stephen Jones) that you want to pick that fight with. Because let's say the Cowboys call his bluff and he sits out and they don't budge and he misses 10 games or more? Dez loses and the players lose.
My view of him will not change, I like Dez and I think he is a good guy. I think he is being given bad advice from his agent and I have concerns over how much influence Rock Nation has over him. Dez is not a business man, he is a football player and I think he has put his trust in the wrong people.

So you think Roc Nation are NOT businessman? Have you seen their roster of clients? Have you seen their portfolio? As a business....I think Roc Nation is doing quite well!
Nope, gotta do what you gotta do. I fully support him vocalizing that he will sit out, however (and I could be very wrong) I think he loves football too much to do so for an extended time. We've had hall of famers come through here that I don't believe had half the love of football and pride in this franchise that Dez has. Unfortunately the Jones boys probably think this too and that's why Stephen feels so comfortable doing his best Patriots impression. Hopefully their arses get stung

Not sure how anyone could support him going public with his threat to sit out.

If you support Bryant, you'd want him to shut up because now he's painted himself into a corner. So if the Cowboys call his bluff and he comes back for the first game, he shows his stance was a fraud. And then that would also be a nice fat juicy reason for the Cowboys to not even bother talking long term deal at year end. Just tag him again. What's he going to do? Threaten to sit out? LOL.

I hope Bryant tweeted that on his own and not as a directive from Roc or his agents. Because if they thought it was a good idea to tweet that out as some form of pressure on the Jones', he's got some dumb people around him.
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