Dez heads to VR to Possibly Sign Deal **merged**

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oh lordy, yes, lets blame teh system, but has anyone looked upon themselves. money changes people, the system just offers the path. Frankly look at Williams, took less money to be here.
I would if he misses games. If he just holds out of camp and signs the tender 1/2 way through I wouldn't care.
So you think Roc Nation are NOT businessman? Have you seen their roster of clients? Have you seen their portfolio? As a business....I think Roc Nation is doing quite well!

I did not say they were not business people, I think they are giving very bad advice and frankly as long as they are getting their money they don't give a damn about these guys. You may be impressed with Jay Z based on his criminal record I think the guy is a thug
Anthony Spencer is no Dez Bryant.

Does anyone really want to argue that point? Or am I just being "emotionally invested"?

No but your stance has already been shown to be wrong. For one, Thomas is in the same boat as Bryant. Hardy is an elite pass rusher and he played under the tag. Houston is an elite LB and he's likely going to play under the tag.

So your comment that great players get signed before the tag kicks in is false. Just admit that.
No I love him on he field however I have always thought he was a bit of a head case that's needs some growing up.
It would absolutely change my opinion about him. And it might cause the owners and players to re-visit how this should be used. Anthony Spencer is EXACTLY the type of situation this was created for. Dez Bryant. A top 2 or 3 player at his position. Who has been underpaid for years. And the owners had EVERY opportunity to walk up to him and give him a they walk up to players that are under performing and ask them to take a paycut or get cut. They chose not to do that. Dez never complained. And now when it is time to make it right....they can't make it right. This is not how this is supposed to work. He is hurt and confused.

This young man has experienced disappointment after disappointment. From his less than ideal upbringing, to the issues with his mom's incarceration, to all the leeches in college who caused him to lose his eligibility, to dropping in the draft, to being asked is his mom is a prostitute, some of his OWN doing. Then making it to the pros....and BALLING out. Being UNDERPAID. Trying so desperate to distance himself from his past...he offered to work for Jordan Brand for FREE. He was simply trying to distance himself from his past. To making the play of the year in the playoffs....then having it STOLEN from him. This young man has been driven to finally get his chance at redemption. And the organization....whom not he thought would help him make it right. Showed him once again...what this is REALLY all about. And if they do not get him signed....and he sits....he once again...will realize that in this better trust yourself and look out for number 1 first....because that is what everyone else does!

His loyalty is being tested. And he is lashing out like a wounded animal. And if this continues to go the way it is going....this will be life changing for him. He will seriously question if they passion he has...towards misplaced

Fans want the players to do it for the love. Owners....10 times out of 10. Do this FIRST and FOREMOST....for the money!

Now this is a person who gets it. Dez has more passion for football than any player I have ever seen. I hope this process doesn't change him. The business side of football hurts the passion players and fans feel for the game.

Jerry Jones may have made some bad choices with contracts in the past, but I always loved how he seemed like a fan first. He didn't beat players and fans over the head with the business side of the NFL. This new direction with Stephen Jones concerns me. Watching them treat Demarco Murray the way they did was just awful. Regardless of how you feel about the money philly paid him, the team didn't handle it the right way. Murray wanted to stay in Dallas very badly. Dez wants to be a cowboy for life also. something just doesn't feel right with all of this.
It IS unfair if Mike Wallace is getting $12M and $30M guaranteed and the 'Boys haven't come close to offering that type of guaranteed $$$$$. He is absolutely RIGHT for seeing past contracts given to lesser players being bigger than what he's being offered. My opinion has changed - for the better.

Except it's been rumored that the Cowboys are above that Wallace number but Bryant wants more than Calvin Johnson. Further Dallas wants some protections in the contract for any off the field problems Dez might encounter.

So then what? So let's say that's the case. How do you blame the Cowboys?
If Dez sits and costs himself almost a million per game, and hurts the team in the process, then he is a fool.

A fool and his money is soon parted. It won't matter if he makes 12 or 16 million per year it will vanish.

He may not realize it when he does NY photo shoots with Jay Z but his life is at a crossroads.
So, you're saying Dez should NOT receive more than Mike Wallace got based of what Seattle (whom Dallas beat) and NE did? Ok.....................

The post right below yours says the Cowboys are reportedly over the $12.8MM annual tag number but not near the Calvin Johnson numbers.

So yes, it appears the Cowboys have a deal on the table bigger than Wallace's.
I think you mean second highest paid WR?

And it is unfair because he has earned (with 5 years of service) the right to a long term deal with a whole lot more guarantee than 12.8 million dollars. If he tears an ACL making a play for the team, he stands to lose millions of dollars. The franchise tag is designed so that a team can hold onto a player for up to 7 years before that player has the ability to offer his services and negotiate on the open market.

The risk to the player does not match the benefit, especially considering it is the team that benefits.

And I get that part of it CR.

But there are two things that I think have to be considered... The first being that if there were no salary cap, there would be no discussion because it would have already been solved.

The second part is that if players don't like the franchise tag thing, then don't vote "yes" when the CBA needs to be renewed.

This isn't a case of the Jones' family being "cheap". It's a case of them trying to be fiscally responsible under the constraints of the cap and the CBA... which heavens knows they haven't been in the past and it has cost this franchise greatly.
It takes away all leverage for a player and puts them at risk for a long term deal. If a player is good enough for a tag, that means the market values them for a lot more than that guarantee. The tag is used to create leverage for ownership.

Full stop.

Dez would get more in guarantee money in two years(30 million) under the francsize tag than he would signing a long term deal..

It IS unfair if Mike Wallace is getting $12M and $30M guaranteed and the 'Boys haven't come close to offering that type of guaranteed $$$$$. He is absolutely RIGHT for seeing past contracts given to lesser players being bigger than what he's being offered. My opinion has changed - for the better.

two years under franchise tag, Dez would be guaranteed 30 log term deal he signs guarantees him that.....
After 3 pl CST today, there's nothing that can be agreed too, He either plays for the 12.8, doesn't play which means NO MONEY or signs a long term deal......Dez holding out 10 games accomplishes what, that's 10 game checks he never gets back so he's not going to hold out,,and he'd only get paid for the 6 games he played....

Not true- after 3 today he can not agree to a LONG term deal- but they can sign a 1 year deal for more than the tag amount to settle the difference
No because I understand the business if football.

This just sucks to be happening in a year with legitimate Super Bowl aspirations.
No he's just trying to get taken care of and based on his play and play for years to come he believes he is worth that much to this team. Drew Pearson was on the radio yesterday and he said Dez has witnessed so many people around him get taken care of and now it's his time.
yes. I already think less of him for threatening it.

an overly emotional crybaby with athletic skills is how I have him pegged at this point
Please name those decisions........................

Let's see. Should we start as far back as the mistakes he made in college? Or how about the fact that the police have been called to his house 6 times in the last year and half.

I like Dez. I want him to sign a long term deal today and be a Cowboy for the next 5+ years. We are a better team with him than without him IMO.

But I certainly cannot rip the Cowboys if they want some protections in the contract that allows them to recoup money if Bryant gets out of line off the field or something happens in his personal life that affects his time on the field.
I really don't think people LITTLE Dez has been paid compared to his value/production. I read where Julius Jones....who is entering the last year of his NOT going to hold out because it is unfair to his teammates. HELLO....Julius Jones going into the last year of his deal is scheudled to make 10 million! That is almost what Dez has made in his entire career! Whatever reservations the JOnes had about his potential off field issues.....they sure seemed to be ok with it when he was virtually playing for free! Did the one walk up to him and suggest he was being grossly underpaid? Did Scandrick.....who REALIZES he is the teams best CB....have issue with Brandon Carr making more...and he and Jones family do what was right? I am not advocating Calvin Johnson money. I hope Dez and his camp are not advocating CJ money. But he should be the 2nd highest paid WR in the NFL!

And Bryant will make $13MM this year, $3MM more than Julio Jones' $10MM.

This is the system that the players agreed to play in. If they don't like it, find another profession. You can't agree to be part of a system and then start *****ing that the system doesn't work for you. It's insane.
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