Twitter: Dez says Marion Barber is not doing well


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Its not just "star" talent lol. There are 53 players on a roster and about 8 of them are stars......the guy on the bench you never even heard of or know is putting his body on the line for you......
Again silly. He is not at all doing it for me or any other fan. He is doing something that he loves that pays really well and knows that it will take a toll on his body long term. He is trading current earnings for future uncertainty with health. People do it every day in occupations around the world!


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Again silly. He is not at all doing it for me or any other fan. He is doing something that he loves that pays really well and knows that it will take a toll on his body long term. He is trading current earnings for future uncertainty with health. People do it every day in occupations around the world!
So you don’t reap any benefits? Why do you watch football? Why are you a Cowboy fan?


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That's life really. I mean, this is everybody. I mean, once I am at a point where I can no longer be productive or essentially better then the next guy, business will show me the door. That's coming for all of us, which is why any job that provides a retirement or long term care is so valued by so many. It's also why jobs like that force people to accept lots of things they shouldn't. People are deathly afraid of losing those jobs, for the most part, so they do anything. Its a vicious cycle but that's life right?

The difference is that for the average person, it happens over a longer period of time. For Athletes, it happens quicker because the window is shorter and the money is bigger.
I guess my larger point was that he was so much more effective as part of a tandem. I wish Jerry would have just left it like that but youre point is valid


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Because they love football. Not because they love the fans, they may love adoration and notoriety but they don't do it for you.. That's just silly

Because most of them would be PE coaches or stocking shelves at Walmart, if not for football.


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Very true. Being mental health plays a large part with the country's homeless dilemma.The federal government works to protect the rights of individuals with mental health disorders in a variety of settings, including the workplace, schools, and in treatment.

It sets privacy standards, prohibits abuse, and fights discrimination to promote civil liberties and inclusion. All in which "family and friends" are incompetent/unqualified to do.
This is interesting. So if I want to be the starting QB for the Dallas Cowboys, but have zero ability to do so, I should hire a lawyer? I want to be included and not discriminated against despite my inability to be effective in the roll. I may have had a challenge early in life. Does that count and what attorney do you recommend to execute the litigation?


Beyond tired of Jerry
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It is the responsibility of family and friends in my opinion, not the country.

The symptoms of mental illness often alienate family and friends because they don't understand why the person is behaving badly. I saw numerous cases where the family simply cut them off entirely. These same symptoms often make the person unemployable, so they have no support or insurance. Most of the clients we served would've had no care at all without Medicaid paying for their services, because we couldn't treat them for free and pay our employees - no money, no mission.

Amazingly, in the rare cases where a client took their own life suddenly their loving family jumped back in the picture...with a lawyer. It was disgusting to watch.


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He needs friends and family support and has to want help. They make a lot of good medicines today and is a lot of help out there. I saw a picture of him a while back and he hasn’t looked good for years. I wondered if he got caught up in drugs. Or was taken advantage of or if he blew threw his money. If I remember he did pretty well as far as his pay. The NFL has a lot of help available. I pray for him.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Its not just "star" talent lol. There are 53 players on a roster and about 8 of them are stars......the guy on the bench you never even heard of or know is putting his body on the line for you......
I have to disagree. Does it plumber "do it for you". No...he does it because that is his chosen profession.

You do it because you love the game. You have CHOSEN to do it.

You could say cops, soldiers, 1st responders, drs nurses...."do it for you"....but only to a limited certain point. They do it for themselves FIRST AND FOREMOST. A choice.

I can't think of one player who gives a flying tuck about me.


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Because most of them would be PE coaches or stocking shelves at Walmart, if not for football.
Sports is a trap for most of these guys in the top talent tier of athletes. It is their main focus as a kid growing up and the better they get the more they go down that path where it takes priority over other things like school and a focus on what I can do with my life to be successful outside of the sports realm. Some, but not many, have the correct focus and can balance the 2 but human nature always steers to doing what you love and is fun. The work and time a lot of them put into sports precludes them from getting a good balance with other things.

My son wants to be a bass fishing pro. He can spend the money and try to get in through tournaments or he can go to college and fish in the college fishing series with all tourney expenses paid and get a college degree while doing it. Sure he pays for college but saves in tourney fees. His challenge will be to really focus and learn in college while his dream is out there like a carrot on a stick. It is a tough thing for a kid especially if he does not have the right influences in his life growing up.


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I have to disagree. Does it plumber "do it for you". No...he does it because that is his chosen profession.

You do it because you love the game. You have CHOSEN to do it.

You could say cops, soldiers, 1st responders, drs nurses...."do it for you"....but only to a limited certain point. They do it for themselves FIRST AND FOREMOST. A choice.

I can't think of one player who gives a flying tuck about me.
I don't recall saying they care about you...I'm saying they do it for your entertainment. Police get compensated too that still doesn't erase the fact they are here to serve and protect you.


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Its not just "star" talent lol. There are 53 players on a roster and about 8 of them are stars......the guy on the bench you never even heard of or know is putting his body on the line for you......
LOL, not for me. For millions of dollars, fame, girls, and a lifestyle. It isn't about us.


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Life is full of risk and reward. I have said before I love watching football. It is an incredible clash of human will involving the most physically gifted people on the plant but I would never let my kids play that would be just stupid.


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LOL, not for me. For millions of dollars, fame, girls, and a lifestyle. It isn't about us.
I always felt like Joseph Randal has a little extra burst out there knowing this old guy in his jammies in the basement was watching.


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Driving to work is a risk. Working in the Texas heat is a risk. Drinking tap water is a risk. Heck, being alive comes with all types of risk. So, congratulations to those that have found an occupation that pays them millions. Because a nice size portion of us are risking our lives for less than 80,000 a year.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I don't recall saying they care about you...I'm saying they do it for your entertainment. Police get compensated too that still doesn't erase the fact they are here to serve and protect you.
They are. And most police do care very much.

I still say MBIII doesn't "do it for me".

We'll just have to disagree here.


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Barber has struggled with mental health at least since he stopped playing, and maybe well before that. Whether it's football injury-related or he's just always been that way is something only his family knows. He was very quiet off the field here and very demonstrative on it.

He's one of my all-time favorite Cowboys.

I don't like how Dez says "we are just a stat and moments to most people." Yes, Dez, that's somewhat true. But what are we to you? Help him, Dez. He's your friend, and that's what friends do. We've all had to do the same for friends over our years. Famous athletes are no different.

Hope his circle is working on this day and night to help Marion find his way.

What makes you think he may not be helping him?

CT Dal Fan

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I wish nothing but the best for Marion Barber. One of my all time favorite Cowboys. I remember back in 2007 I would wear his jersey as a Sunday ritual and for the longest time Dallas was unbeaten when I wore it.