Twitter: Dez says Marion Barber is not doing well


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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Driving to work is a risk. Working in the Texas heat is a risk. Drinking tap water is a risk. Heck, being alive comes with all types of risk. So, congratulations to those that have found an occupation that pays them millions. Because a nice size portion of us are risking our lives for less than 80,000 a year.
My wife is a front-line medical worker. She saves lives.
Been there from the beginning of this damnable plague.

She's a freaking hero.

I sit at home and make ten times as much as her.

I'm a nothing.
An entertainer. A court jester, no matter how smart, or pertinent my stuff.

It's wild how the world goes.
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So you don’t reap any benefits? Why do you watch football? Why are you a Cowboy fan?

Sure I enjoy the game but whether I reap benefits has nothing to do with HIS motivation or purpose of playing. He is not doing it for me, he is doing it for him and his family. If every NFL player stopped playing I would find something else just like I do the 8 months the Cowboys don't play.


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Sure I enjoy the game but whether I reap benefits has nothing to do with HIS motivation or purpose of playing. He is not doing it for me, he is doing it for him and his family. If every NFL player stopped playing I would find something else just like I do the 8 months the Cowboys don't play.
I never said it was his purpose or his motivation for playing lol. All I said was he plays for your enjoyment. Whether directly or indirectly....whether compensated or not.....

And if you could quit the NFL then ok. You're in the small minority.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Sports is a trap for most of these guys in the top talent tier of athletes. It is their main focus as a kid growing up and the better they get the more they go down that path where it takes priority over other things like school and a focus on what I can do with my life to be successful outside of the sports realm. Some, but not many, have the correct focus and can balance the 2 but human nature always steers to doing what you love and is fun. The work and time a lot of them put into sports precludes them from getting a good balance with other things.

My son wants to be a bass fishing pro. He can spend the money and try to get in through tournaments or he can go to college and fish in the college fishing series with all tourney expenses paid and get a college degree while doing it. Sure he pays for college but saves in tourney fees. His challenge will be to really focus and learn in college while his dream is out there like a carrot on a stick. It is a tough thing for a kid especially if he does not have the right influences in his life growing up.

Its a "trap" most anyone would love to fall into. The problem is lack of perspective on the part of the athlete. Many take it for granted how fortunate that have been to do what they have done..... and get paid for it. I think fans often fall into that trap too as we debate the poverty of a guy making a mere 2M a year....... an amount of money 99.9% of working people will never save in their lifetime. Point is these are not real problems and no apologies or pity is required. We all have to adapt and deal with the curves life throws us. MB3 made over 16M in his 20's. He is owed nothing.


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46 million? so roughly 15% of all Americans have mental health issues? Some people have serious, real mental health issues. Some just dont deal with life very well and we now call it "Mental health." I struggle trying to distinguish between legit mental health issues and life. So my girlfriend breaks up with me and I get depressed, is that a mental health issue? My job and basically life suck and I hate my life, is that a mental health issue? The guy that talks to himself and fights the air... that is easy to spot.... but what about the rest?


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He's right though. Fans don't care about players when their athleticism goes or their speed see it first hand...the disrespect seen on her when Sean Lee retired.....Tyrone Crawford retired....the same disrespect Dez gets....

Barber bashed his head in for our enjoyment. Every Sunday we tuned in and rooted for him to bash his head in.....all fans care about is winning games...I'm not saying that's how it should or shouldn't be but that's what it is. Dez is just speaking facts.
I dont wish anyone ill will, I hope these guys retire and live a long happy life. But I dont care about them anymore than they care about me. Marion didnt bash his head in for our enjoyment, he bashed his head in for that paycheck. This is also the exact reason I have always said these guys can do all the drugs or hookers they want, as long as they can play on Sunday, its all good to me. They arent coming to spend time with my family. I know this sounds cold, but Dez is 100% right.... the Cowboys are like a movie for me. I enjoy the hell out of the COWBOYS.... im all about the team. As soon as the player can no longer help the team, get rid of them. I know they are real people, thats why I hope they have a great career, make a ton of money and live a great life after football, but in the end, it doesnt matter to me either way. Exactly like the players and their loyalty to our team. That loyalty goes as far as the paycheck goes. Just look at Dak's contract and then talk to me about team "Loyalty."


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I dont wish anyone ill will, I hope these guys retire and live a long happy life. But I dont care about them anymore than they care about me. Marion didnt bash his head in for our enjoyment, he bashed his head in for that paycheck. This is also the exact reason I have always said these guys can do all the drugs or hookers they want, as long as they can play on Sunday, its all good to me. They arent coming to spend time with my family. I know this sounds cold, but Dez is 100% right.... the Cowboys are like a movie for me. I enjoy the hell out of the COWBOYS.... im all about the team. As soon as the player can no longer help the team, get rid of them. I know they are real people, thats why I hope they have a great career, make a ton of money and live a great life after football, but in the end, it doesnt matter to me either way. Exactly like the players and their loyalty to our team. That loyalty goes as far as the paycheck goes. Just look at Dak's contract and then talk to me about team "Loyalty."
I never argued that fans don't care....I know they don't lol. Its evident......soon as players tried to fight against injustice fans claimed "I just want football". Players fighting for the injustices done towards the less fortunate......risking their paychecks for those people. So yeah I know some fans don't care. Never implied all didn't. We know that most fans only love a guy as long as he can jump high and run fast for them for their pleasure.


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46 million? so roughly 15% of all Americans have mental health issues? Some people have serious, real mental health issues. Some just dont deal with life very well and we now call it "Mental health." I struggle trying to distinguish between legit mental health issues and life. So my girlfriend breaks up with me and I get depressed, is that a mental health issue? My job and basically life suck and I hate my life, is that a mental health issue? The guy that talks to himself and fights the air... that is easy to spot.... but what about the rest?
That's the problem exactly.

If everyone has mental health issues, then no one has mental health issues. It's too all-encompassing.

Doctors give out anti-depressants like candy. I once had a doctor whom I'd never met before give me a prescription for them after a 5-minute discussion about my back issues. I told him it was depressing and frustrating not to be able to do the things I was used to doing at that time, and bam, prescription in hand. I never filled it.

They need to grade the types of mental health problems, but they won't. Too much money to be made and too many political points to score.

And in the end, too many people with real problems don't get treated properly.


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I never argued that fans don't care....I know they don't lol. Its evident......soon as players tried to fight against injustice fans claimed "I just want football". Players fighting for the injustices done towards the less fortunate......risking their paychecks for those people. So yeah I know some fans don't care. Never implied all didn't. We know that most fans only love a guy as long as he can jump high and run fast for them for their pleasure.


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Its a "trap" most anyone would love to fall into. The problem is lack of perspective on the part of the athlete. Many take it for granted how fortunate that have been to do what they have done..... and get paid for it. I think fans often fall into that trap too as we debate the poverty of a guy making a mere 2M a year....... an amount of money 99.9% of working people will never save in their lifetime. Point is these are not real problems and no apologies or pity is required. We all have to adapt and deal with the curves life throws us. MB3 made over 16M in his 20's. He is owed nothing.
I meant trap as in for those that don't make it as a pro. The ones who did got the cheese before the metal bar came down on their neck!


Regular Joe....
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46 million? so roughly 15% of all Americans have mental health issues? Some people have serious, real mental health issues. Some just dont deal with life very well and we now call it "Mental health." I struggle trying to distinguish between legit mental health issues and life. So my girlfriend breaks up with me and I get depressed, is that a mental health issue? My job and basically life suck and I hate my life, is that a mental health issue? The guy that talks to himself and fights the air... that is easy to spot.... but what about the rest?

This is true. Can't save the world and those who advocate that are asking a lot, really too much IMO, from the average person who is just trying to work a job, support themselves or their families and try to put a little away for when that time comes for them. Most of these folks are not mentally impaired, they are having issue dealing with life. Everybody has to learn to deal with life. It's not for everyone else to make it better. That's the hard truth and to be honest, it's not all that hard. Lots of people have it much, much harder. Lots of people have the same problems or worse with no benefit of big money or advocates with access to the press etc. All they have is their own lives and it's left to each of us to deal with it. Sorry, I like MBIII but lets face it, many people have it much worse, I agree.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I meant trap as in for those that don't make it as a pro. The ones who did got the cheese before the metal bar came down on their neck!

Its a shame our society glorifies athletes to the point of mentally or emotionally handicapping many of them. I just don't have a lot of empathy for someone that can't play a sport and move on with their life when they can't play anymore.


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That's life really. I mean, this is everybody. I mean, once I am at a point where I can no longer be productive or essentially better then the next guy, business will show me the door. That's coming for all of us, which is why any job that provides a retirement or long term care is so valued by so many. It's also why jobs like that force people to accept lots of things they shouldn't. People are deathly afraid of losing those jobs, for the most part, so they do anything. Its a vicious cycle but that's life right?

The difference is that for the average person, it happens over a longer period of time. For Athletes, it happens quicker because the window is shorter and the money is bigger.

Good post


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This is true. Can't save the world and those who advocate that are asking a lot, really too much IMO, from the average person who is just trying to work a job, support themselves or their families and try to put a little away for when that time comes for them. Most of these folks are not mentally impaired, they are having issue dealing with life. Everybody has to learn to deal with life. It's not for everyone else to make it better. That's the hard truth and to be honest, it's not all that hard. Lots of people have it much, much harder. Lots of people have the same problems or worse with no benefit of big money or advocates with access to the press etc. All they have is their own lives and it's left to each of us to deal with it. Sorry, I like MBIII but lets face it, many people have it much worse, I agree.

I work at an AltEd HS. Im pretty tough on the kids and one kid told me I stress out way too easily. I laughed at him. I said to him, "Man, Ive had bombs going off close enough to me to make my ten implode from shock waves. I got up nightly to the sound of blaring alarms to put on chemical suits to protect from biological attacks, and you think I am stressed over anything that happens in this school?" I said this while laughing, because it is pretty rare for me to ever stress out.

Others?? they stress out each day the sun rises. I laugh my rear off over all these "Service dogs," we now see on planes and at grocery stores. Those people need "Emotional support," to go buy their broccoli. And we wonder why we have so many "Mental health," issues in this country.


Landry Hat
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My wife is a front-line medical worker. She saves lives.
Been there from the beginning of this damnable plague.

She's a freaking hero.

I sit at home and make ten times as much as her.

I'm a nothing.
An entertainer. A court jester, no matter how smart, or pertinent my stuff.

It's wild how the world goes.
My granddaughter is going to become a nurse Has been working in a nursing home since she was 16 even got covid there She is also a hero.