Did Dak Regress?


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Plenty. How many elite players did Brady have on offense his last two super bowls?

So, other than the greatest QB of all time with the best HC of all time, it's common for QBs to win without elite players? Even on defense?
Brady had a great defense in his first SB. Most teams with with at least one side of the ball being dominant.


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So, other than the greatest QB of all time with the best HC of all time, it's common for QBs to win without elite players? Even on defense?
Brady had a great defense in his first SB. Most teams with with at least one side of the ball being dominant.
I don’t think that anyone doubts or denies that football is the ultimate team game... I don’t think most Dak critics lay the loss directly at his feet either. I think a lot of us see that there are things that he really does not do well and having all day to throw because of teams fearing your run game opens up the offense.

I think that most of us make the point that this offensive line and current running game is solid. Solid is usually as good as any one unit gets in this league. Romo,Rivers,Brady, Rodgers, Brees, etc have all elevated some solid teams and solid players to better than that.

I would say that for a lot of Romo’s career, he had a below average offensive line. He even had some average receiving corps and some really bad defenses. Even has had no run game at times

Brady has had some very pedestrian receiving corps and elevated them.

Every team has weaknesses. Our defense is ours’. No doubts about it. I also think our QB doesn’t help them out. The 2014 team was so good because even though Murray wasn’t as good as Zeke, Romo moved the ball and converted 3rd downs. The team could strike in so many ways.

I think our chief complaint about Dak is that he is no threat of pushing the ball down the field.


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I agree Dak has a lot to work on, especially when it comes to moving the ball downfield. But I don't think our line has played well most of the season. They've been shaky all season to me, starting from game 1, and they've only done well on a handful of games. For Dak to go from playing behind last year's line to this one is a major adjustment he's got to learn how to make. He wouldn't have dreamed of getting sacked 8 times in one game last year.

I may be wrong, but I thought someone posted that Dak has been sacked more at this point in his career than Romo had by this point in his. I'm sure some of that can be blamed on Dak's lack of pocket awareness, but I'm sure a good chunk of those sacks have happened in the last 4-5 games.


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Nah. Just got exposed. Not an issue, as long as we have a great running game. I just don't think you'll ever see him be better than the Washington game. Zeke is MVP of offense and it's not close. At some point I thought it was, but I was dead wrong.


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This concerns me. It should concern everyone else as well.

Whether it's suspension or injury the RB position lacks reliability. If Dak needs an All Pro in the backfield at all times even if his backups produce roughly equivalent rate statistics that's a problem.

If you can turn a MVP and OROY candidate into a bottom tier QB by doubling one slot receiver....that's a problem.

Dak is young and I suspect he'll bounce back from this stretch of poor play....but in a short career every game is very useful in how it is predictive. I.E. When you've played just 1 game...game 2 means a lot. When you've played 200 games...game 201 doesn't mean as much. We're early enough in Dak's career we cannot just dismiss this play as a fluke.

It's not Dak that needs an All pro in the backfield. More like, JG needs All pro in almost every position to win with his Tecmo Bowl scheme. Can't win without Romo, can't win without Lee, can't win without Zeke, Tyron, etc...etc..


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Dak needs to work on being consistent

His high level play has been elite(best in the league) this season. His lows have been bottom 5. He needs to find a happy medium of consistency


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Nah. Just got exposed. Not an issue, as long as we have a great running game. I just don't think you'll ever see him be better than the Washington game. Zeke is MVP of offense and it's not close. At some point I thought it was, but I was dead wrong.

I hope not. The first quarter was an abomination.


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The primary job of a QB is to make his players better. Brady makes Chris Hogan look like an all pro in the AFC Championship.
Manning made Brandon Stokely an all pro.

Romo made Dez a top 3 WR because he could throw it where he could dominate with his leaping ability. Dak doesn’t make our WRs better.

New WRs aren’t problem. Teams just know you don’t have to worry about Dak beating you deep so corners and safeties can help more in run support


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I dont think he has regressed,he just hasnt got better at the little things which make a great QB.


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In his first 27 games Romo had games with ratings of 73, 58, 58, 49, 45, 34, 22.

In his first 27 games Dak has had games with ratings of 82, 79, 69, 68, 60, 30, 45.

Romo had 7079 yards 54 TDs 32 Ints 95.9 rate and rushed for 2 Tds 19-7 record

Dak has 6050 yards 41 TDs 13 Ints 97.3 rate and has rushed for 11 Tds 19-8 record

Pretty similar stats for one guy to be considered by some the best QB in team history and the other guy supposedly a Tebow clone.


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Did Dak get worse, or is the problem the OL or the WRs?

The OL magnified Dak inability to read defense (when they are not contributing most resources to stopping run). The WRs have never been open and required skillful accuracy from Aikman & Romo. Notice how the WR didn't look open when Weeden & Cassel were throwing the ball. Dak is rated as one most inaccurate QBs this year and Cowboys are breaking club scoring records in a bad way. So yes to answer your question Dak has regressed. Most QB in their 2nd year take step forward or step backward - its defining year for them. So for me the question has moved past has Dak regressed or if he is franchise. Now the more relevant question is...what do they Cowboys do so they can compete with Wentz for next 7-10 years (make run for Brees, draft QB high in draft, etc).


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Made some too.
There were far more that he never even threw for whatever the reason. Whether he is afraid of turnovers or just doesn’t see the whole field. He very rarely ever pushes the ball downfield. He is fantastic on a roll out striking downfield but in the pocket, not so much.


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I wanna see how he performs in this last quarter of the season.

Regressed is a strong word, but at the very least he has struggled mightily the past 4-5 games.

He’s grounding quick screen passes, sailing balls in the flat and not seeing patterns develop past 8-10 yards.

I don’t know else to describe it but it looks like he has the yips the same way golfers can struggle. He looks spooked out there.