Did Dak Regress?


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In his first 27 games Romo had games with ratings of 73, 58, 58, 49, 45, 34, 22.

In his first 27 games Dak has had games with ratings of 82, 79, 69, 68, 60, 30, 45.

Romo had 7079 yards 54 TDs 32 Ints 95.9 rate and rushed for 2 Tds 19-7 record

Dak has 6050 yards 41 TDs 13 Ints 97.3 rate and has rushed for 11 Tds 19-8 record

Pretty similar stats for one guy to be considered by some the best QB in team history and the other guy supposedly a Tebow clone.

You have got to be trolling at this point...

Zeke Elliott vs Jones/Barber

If you don't understand how that makes a difference, you are just a casual fan.


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You have got to be trolling at this point...

Zeke Elliott vs Jones/Barber

If you don't understand how that makes a difference, you are just a casual fan.
I haven't seen Zeke the last few weeks. There's hundreds of variables in that timeline. It was a simple statistical comparison. They look pretty close with very different methods. Take a look at any QB you want in that timeframe and Dak stands up to all of them. I will say I don't trust really anyone about QB evaluation but people touting Manziel 2.0 aren't credible IMO.


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There were far more that he never even threw for whatever the reason. Whether he is afraid of turnovers or just doesn’t see the whole field. He very rarely ever pushes the ball downfield. He is fantastic on a roll out striking downfield but in the pocket, not so much.

He was 4th (8 yards) in yards per attempt last year . Only Ryan (9.3 yards), Brady (8.2 yards) , and Cousins(8.1) were better. He wasn't Dan Fouts but he made plenty of long passes last year.


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I haven't seen Zeke the last few weeks. There's hundreds of variables in that timeline. It was a simple statistical comparison. They look pretty close with very different methods. Take a look at any QB you want in that timeframe and Dak stands up to all of them. I will say I don't trust really anyone about QB evaluation but people touting Manziel 2.0 aren't credible IMO.

Well, add RG3 to that list.

I'm sure his first 27 starts compare favourably to guys like Aaron Rodgers and Tom Brady.

We as fans are worried because we have seen this before. you know, flash in the pan, fools gold, one hit wonders..


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Well, add RG3 to that list.

I'm sure his first 27 starts compare favourably to guys like Aaron Rodgers and Tom Brady.

We as fans are worried because we have seen this before. you know, flash in the pan, fools gold, one hit wonders..
Statistically they do compare to Brady and Rodgers

Rodgers 7506 total yards 55 total TDs 18 int 97.4 rating 12-15 record
Brady 6175 total yards 44 total TDs 23 Ints 89.6 rating 20-7 record
Russ 6378 total yards 50 total TDs 16 Ints 102.1 rating 21-6 record
Dak 6598 total yards 52 total TDs 13 ints 97.6 rating 19-8 record


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You have got to be trolling at this point...

Zeke Elliott vs Jones/Barber

If you don't understand how that makes a difference, you are just a casual fan.

I was a Romo guy and he was royally screwed by JG but let's be fair here.
Zeke is better than Jones/Barber combo but Romo had TO, Terry Glenn, Crayton and young Witten his first 2 years as the starter. They were much better than post 2015 Dez, TWill, Bease and old Witten.


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No one would argue Dak's #s were better last year than early Romo or practically any rookie QB ever for that matter.

The concern is what we are actually seeing this year when conditions are less than optimal. He still has a pretty good Oline and running game. Dak's flaws are showing up consistently. It's a real concern not bashing.


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Prescott is not the same player he was pre-Atlanta.

Prescott without Elliott on field (pre-Atlanta)
131 of 215 (61%) 1574 yd 7.3 ypa 10 td 2 int 95.0

68 of 110 (62%) 593 yd 5.4 ypa 2 td 5 int 63.2
so last year the offensive mvp of the dallas cowboys was really zeke elliott


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so last year the offensive mvp of the dallas cowboys was really zeke elliott
Before the Atlanta game, Prescott's passer rating this season was actually higher when Elliot was not in the game. That's not to say Dak's not feeling the impact of Zeke's absence, but it does indicate that Zeke's absence isn't the main reason Dak has struggled in the last four games, and especially in the three games prior to Washington.


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Before the Atlanta game, Prescott's passer rating this season was actually higher when Elliot was not in the game. That's not to say Dak's not feeling the impact of Zeke's absence, but it does indicate that Zeke's absence isn't the main reason Dak has struggled in the last four games, and especially in the three games prior to Washington.

it defies logic that zeke's absence is not the main reason for dak's struggle.
possible explanations - 1) super small sample 2) the type of stats used does not reflect the plays called because of zeke's absence - for example, defenses play less in the box thus forcing more runs than certain higher percentage passes


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Did Dak get worse, or is the problem the OL or the WRs?

The way people here annointed him a superstar hall of famer, of course he regressed. Teams figured him out. DAK has a long long way to go if he wants to be great im this league. I was never so high on him, i loved his poise and he was very very impressive as a young man. That I loved, but i was never ever comparing him to Tom Brady. It drove me crazy to read all the posts about him being a top 3 QB. DAK is a game manager, system QB. If other facets of the offense is not working well most likely the offense wont be succesful. Now with that being said not saying we cant win with him. We can but only if other things go well. With that being said I just hope i dont have to read another post about him being better than Tom Brady as of just the start of the offseason
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Actually, the “abnormal” was last year...

This year he is manifesting the criticisms pre-draft scouts had on him, among them bad mechanics, not setting his feet properly and getting ansy in the pocket..


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Actually, the “abnormal” was last year, whatever the circumstances, whether it was OL play or Zeke or whatever.

This year he is manifesting the criticisms pre-draft scouts had on him.

People just overreact. Its just normal I guess. But I think the older you get ( as I def am ) I think you learn to not overrate anyone. The things I read about Dak during last season had me shaking my head. Everyone is obbsssed on comparing everyone to everyone. Who cares?? The bottom line is just winning for us. Just win. Dak has crashed down to earth. Maybe its the best thing for him. Im nervous. I just dont think you can teach accuracy. He is not accurate at all. Now with a good running game and all being consistent he can be succesful. But hello this is the Dallas cowboys post Jimmy Johnson. When is this team ever ever consistent?????? So thays why I think Dak is in trouble. I like Dak. I do. I just dont think he is good enough to win games on his own


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The main problem is we benched a QB that finally had the pieces the back him, while breaking his back for this team, for this guy..

That’s the real problem..

And now the story in defense of it is “we are in rebuilding mode” which is not even close to true. We drafted Zeke to play with Romo’s arm and an OL that could block and did the dumbest thing in the world and threw away a two year window of a real chance at a SB with a laser arm that could threaten deep with an elite RB that could threaten to take it to the house on any given play..


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The main problem is we benched a QB that finally had the pieces the back him, while breaking his back for this team, for this guy..

That’s the real problem..

Thats a debate that can on till eternity. I agree with SO much but it makes no sense to debate now. So please people dont make this topic about this


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Basically just compare Zeke and no Zeke now to get your answer

And we still got 100 yard rushers that aren’t Zeke with this OL.. Dak guy sacked in the 20s last year, while Romo got sacked regularly in the 30s...