DMN Blog: Campo at the Ranch


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spotted at ***** Last Resort in a back table

JJ, Campo, Lacewell, Zampese, Coslett. Garret and Coach Avezzano


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InmanRoshi;1930797 said:
It turned out exactly where we were a year ago. Poor showing down the stretch and not winning playoff games. Stagnant.

The path we're headed for this offseason seems to be a familiar one ... he one where the head coach has his legs undercut away from him, and reassembing a braintrust of proven failures.
This team performed better in the regular season. Improved by four games. That is not the definiton of stagnant. They lost in the wild card round in 06, in the divisional round in 07. It is progress, albeit small progress.

Even if you refuse to acknowledge it.

Bob Sacamano

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windward;1930789 said:
There's no tangible evidence that this is what is taking place here. I'd wait until next season before we see anything substantial that could prove this either way.

Bringing in Ernie Zampese as a consultant would not make one damn difference one way or the other, though.

it's like abandoning ship because the boat is listing 1 degree w/ 1 inch of water inside

ah, screw him, let him drown in his self-pity


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I'm on record,

I just don't want to see Campo on our sidelines this season. PERIOD


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InmanRoshi;1930797 said:
It turned out exactly where we were a year ago. Poor showing down the stretch and not winning playoff games. Stagnant.

The path we're headed for this offseason seems to be a familiar one ... he one where the head coach has his legs undercut away from him, and reassembing a braintrust of familiar but proven failures.

You're jumping the gun because this is what you believe will happen. The path doesn't suggest it. These are decent hires, made out of necessity because half the staff fled to Miami. I am aware of how it "feels", but that's not much to go on. Can you criticize Houck or Campo on the merits of the job they were/might be hired to do? I don't think we can, they are good at what they do.

So other than the fact that it "feels" like Jerry is doing Jerry things (as in bad Jerry things), and the very word "Campo" has terrible connotations, there's really nothing to suggest that Jerry is regressing. The draft will tell us alot regarding that. If we get crazy, I might sway to anti-Jerry sentiment. If we continue the smart course that we took last offseason, when Jerry operated without the strong hand of Bill Parcells, then I think people need to step away from their Jerry ledge for awhile, and enjoy their efforts to put a champion on the field.


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Nors;1930810 said:
I'm on record,

I just don't want to see Campo on our sidelines this season. PERIOD
Even if he does a good job, right?

It's amazing that people are so blinded by their hatred of Campo that even if he is successful here they will still not want him here.


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Bob Sacamano;1930795 said:
:laugh2: you're a friggin' joke, dude

transparent as well

so it doesn't matter if the HC is a goof-ball w/ a poor track record, just as long as Jerry keeps his hands off his team


I'm a joke? Really? I see you have to resort to namecalling because you have nothing else.

As for Wade, he's a great DC, but not imo a great HC. But yeah, I do prefer the HC to at have control of his staff.

Don't know why this is such a tough concept to understand.

I didn't think Gailey was a great HC. But it only made matters worse when he didn't have control over his staff. He was totally undermined because those assistants knew they answered to Jerry, not to him. Just like most of the players went straight to Jerry, and Jerry let it happen. That's what happens when you don't give your HC the proper authority he deserves.

Bob Sacamano

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InmanRoshi;1930797 said:
It turned out exactly where we were a year ago. Poor showing down the stretch and not winning playoff games. Stagnant.

The path we're headed for this offseason seems to be a familiar one ... one where the head coach has his legs undercut away from him, and reassembing a braintrust of familiar but proven failures.

this is beyond laughable, that's more on the players and coaches, not the owner

btw, most of the staff were Bill Parcells' guys, the only guy Jerry brought in that was his was Garrett, so what if Jerry has 3 of his guys on the staff, big whoop


NFL Historian
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superpunk;1930811 said:
You're jumping the gun because this is what you believe will happen. The path doesn't suggest it. These are decent hires, made out of necessity because half the staff fled to Miami. I am aware of how it "feels", but that's not much to go on. Can you criticize Houck or Campo on the merits of the job they were/might be hired to do? I don't think we can, they are good at what they do.

So other than the fact that it "feels" like Jerry is doing Jerry things (as in bad Jerry things), and the very word "Campo" has terrible connotations, there's really nothing to suggest that Jerry is regressing. The draft will tell us alot regarding that. If we get crazy, I might sway to anti-Jerry sentiment. If we continue the smart course that we took last offseason, when Jerry operated without the strong hand of Bill Parcells, then I think people need to step away from their Jerry ledge for awhile, and enjoy their efforts to put a champion on the field.
Very well stated. That's been my stance all along, not defend Jerry Jones come hell or highwater.

I refuse to bash Jerry when he has done nothing in my view to deserve such bashing.


Star Power
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This GM undermining the HC's authority is total nonsense. Last time I checked, the GM is above the HC on the authority scale. You can't undermine someone's authority when you're already above him.


The Cult of Jib
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superpunk;1930811 said:
You're jumping the gun because this is what you believe will happen. The path doesn't suggest it. These are decent hires, made out of necessity because half the staff fled to Miami. I am aware of how it "feels", but that's not much to go on. Can you criticize Houck or Campo on the merits of the job they were/might be hired to do? I don't think we can, they are good at what they do.

So other than the fact that it "feels" like Jerry is doing Jerry things (as in bad Jerry things), and the very word "Campo" has terrible connotations, there's really nothing to suggest that Jerry is regressing. The draft will tell us alot regarding that. If we get crazy, I might sway to anti-Jerry sentiment. If we continue the smart course that we took last offseason, when Jerry operated without the strong hand of Bill Parcells, then I think people need to step away from their Jerry ledge for awhile, and enjoy their efforts to put a champion on the field.

Bob Sacamano;1930817 said:
this is beyond laughable, that's more on the players and coaches, not the owner

btw, most of the staff was Bill Parcells' guys, the only guy Jerry brought in that was his was Garrett, so what if Jerry has of his guys on the staff, big whoop

Quoted for troof.


Cowboy Fan
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Bach;1930749 said:
We could make Campo HC and Lacewell GM and you and several others would spin it some how. Some of you make ES posters sound reasonable.

And in your unrelenting hate toward Jerry you cannot even see how ridiculous you sound.

Nothing but shrill.


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theebs;1930742 said:
I think Bill genuinely liked Mike Zimmer.

Zimmer didnt like bowles and zimmer was learning on the job under bill.
Oh, so maybe a coach would actually go with one of "Jerry's guys" when he couldn't get anyone of "his own guys". So why can't this be the case now? Wade going with Campo (who has a pretty darn good rep as a db coach) when "his guy" wasn't available.(Emmit Thomas)

It seems some think that Bill never gave in to Jerry, but Wade is getting walked all over by Jerry.

Bob Sacamano

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Bach;1930815 said:
I'm a joke? Really? I see you have to resort to namecalling because you have nothing else.

just making an observation, thought you should know that you're nothing but a punch-line on here

Bach said:
As for Wade, he's a great DC, but not imo a great HC. But yeah, I do prefer the HC to at have control of his staff.

Don't know why this is such a tough concept to understand.

it's not a tough concept, it's ridiculous

Bach said:
I didn't think Gailey was a great HC. But it only made matters worse when he didn't have control over his staff. He was totally undermined because those assistants knew they answered to Jerry, not to him. Just like most of the players went straight to Jerry, and Jerry let it happen. That's what happens when you don't give your HC the proper authority he deserves.

the struggles under Gailey were that our team just wasn't that good

but if you think the key to winning in the NFL is the HC having proper authority, even though he may be an idiot, then more power to you, building a competent team and managing the salary cap way supercede a HC's control


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SultanOfSix;1930822 said:
This GM undermining the HC's authority is total nonsense. Last time I checked, the GM is above the HC on the authority scale. You can't undermine someone's authority when you're already above him.

Uh. Yes you can.


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windward;1930821 said:
Very well stated. That's been my stance all along, not defend Jerry Jones come hell or highwater.

I refuse to bash Jerry when he has done nothing in my view to deserve such bashing.

He didn't hire Norv.

We performed admirably in the draft last season. Getting a good pass rushing player, and an extra first rounder.

We signed two free agents who made the pro bowl.

Things are working out fine, so far. The results on the field haven't met expectations, but I don't fault administration for that. That's the coaches and players fault, with a little help from some refs who didn't understand the rule book.

If we had hired Norv, I'd have lost my mind. So far, Jerry's given me nothing to complain about, aside from the fact that the sight of Dave Campo makes me physically ill, and he might be interviewing with Phillips (not Jerry) for a positional coaching job.


The Cult of Jib
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Bach;1930828 said:
Uh. Yes you can.

I want a detailed plan of what you'd like to see accomplished in free agency and the draft.

That way, if some of that stuff actually unfolds, I have a reference point to make sure you aren't complaining about Jerry just for the sake of complaining about Jerry.


Bob Sacamano

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SultanOfSix;1930822 said:
This GM undermining the HC's authority is total nonsense. Last time I checked, the GM is above the HC on the authority scale. You can't undermine someone's authority when you're already above him.


it's just the typical board idiots getting their rocks off, they thrive on the mere appearance of discord


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Rack;1930156 said:
So we're going from one of the better secondary coaches in the NFL, Todd Bowles, to this...


Can someone explain to me what happened with Dennis Thurman?!

Who said Bowles is one of the better coaches :) ....what did he do for us last year.....Campo was a pretty darn good coach and DC