DMN Blog: Campo at the Ranch

Bob Sacamano

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Rack said:
It should, but it doesn't. Not in a good way anyway.

If his track record "spoke volumes" then Jags wouldn't be allowing him to leave.

Jason Garrett had no track record and the Dolphins allowed him to leave

think about it

guess it's back to 5-11 judging by most of the reactions

guys, Campo is not coming back to coach up a rag-tag group of defensive backs, he has some nice pieces to work w/ in the secondary already, and potentially 1 or 2 more talented CBs to work w/ via free agency or draft


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InmanRoshi;1930719 said:
I'm still not convinced we won't see Ernie Zampese brought in some consulting capacity.

... with Wade's complete and total blessing, I'm sure.
Who gives a frick if he is brought in or not? Will that make a tangible difference on how we perform?

Maybe Jack Reilly will observe a few training camp practices and we can freak out about that, too.


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speedkilz88;1930695 said:
Does the name Mike Zimmer ring a bell?:lmao2:

I think Bill genuinely liked Mike Zimmer.

Zimmer didnt like bowles and zimmer was learning on the job under bill.


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Campo went from mega-failure as HC to Browns DC then down to Jags DB coach. Now the Jags don't even want him anymore. But for some reason we ought to bring him here. And some on here think it's a good move. :laugh2:


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windward;1930741 said:
Who gives a frick if he is brought in or not? Will that make a tangible difference on how we perform?

Maybe Jack Reilly will observe a few training camp practices and we can freak out about that, too.

We could make Campo HC and Lacewell GM and you and several others would spin it some how. Some of you make ES posters sound reasonable.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
January 28, 2008
Campo interviews

Former Cowboys head coach Dave Campo left Valley Ranch headquarters around 2 p.m. after interviewing for the team's vacant secondary coaching position. Campo would not say whether he accepted an offer, but said, "it's in their hands now."

Campo, Jacksonville's assistant head coach/secondary, is still under contract with the Jaguars.

"Nothing has been done and I feel very comfortable with Wade (Phillips)," Camp said. Campo also said he did not speak with owner Jerry Jones. He left the facility shortly after returning in a vehicle with Phillips, assistant head coach Jason Garrett, defensive coordinator Brian Stewart and offensive line coach Hudson Houck.

Campo said he will remain in town the rest of the week, visiting his two daughters and grandchildren.

Rick Herrin

Posted at 02:29 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

Bob Sacamano

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Bach;1930749 said:
We could make Campo HC and Lacewell GM and you and several others would spin it some how. Some of you make ES posters sound reasonable.

keep the tears coming

I do find it funny that you want to give the man you mock in your sig, total control of his staff


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Bach;1930744 said:
Campo went from mega-failure as HC to Browns DC then down to Jags DB coach. Now the Jags don't even want him anymore. But for some reason we ought to bring him here. And some on here think it's a good move. :laugh2:
Nice sidestep, he was also the asst head coach in Jacksonville and still had top pass defenses as a db coach in Jax.
Before Gregg Williams was fired, He was also being considered for Jacksonville's DC spot by the way.

Overall, your logic is flawed Just because he went from HC to DC to db coach/asst coach does not mean he would regress again here. Maybe his strengths are best utilized in a db coach role.

It's as simple as that.


Zone Scribe
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windward;1930741 said:
Who gives a frick if he is brought in or not? Will that make a tangible difference on how we perform?

Maybe Jack Reilly will observe a few training camp practices and we can freak out about that, too.

Jerry didn't take one of the greatest teams of all time and turn them into a national joke overnight. It wasn't just one bad hire, one bad draft, one personnel decision. It was a cumuluative effect. 7-8 years of bad decisions in small increments, with some people defending every single move along the way. So, no, one bad or stupid decision won't singlehandedly bring down the entire franchise, but when you step back and take off the blue and silver goggles you begin to see the gradual erosion. Every decision Jerry makes can either bring us closer to where we were in 2001 or futher away. Jerry this offseason seems hellbent on bringing us closer.

I don't know which is more surreal ... briniging back a braintrust that turned the Cowboys into a punchline, or that people are giving a standing ovation while it's happening.

Bob Sacamano

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WoodysGirl;1930751 said:
January 28, 2008
Campo interviews

Former Cowboys head coach Dave Campo left Valley Ranch headquarters around 2 p.m. after interviewing for the team's vacant secondary coaching position. Campo would not say whether he accepted an offer, but said, "it's in their hands now."

Campo, Jacksonville's assistant head coach/secondary, is still under contract with the Jaguars.

"Nothing has been done and I feel very comfortable with Wade (Phillips)," Camp said. Campo also said he did not speak with owner Jerry Jones. He left the facility shortly after returning in a vehicle with Phillips, assistant head coach Jason Garrett, defensive coordinator Brian Stewart and offensive line coach Hudson Houck.

Campo said he will remain in town the rest of the week, visiting his two daughters and grandchildren.

Rick Herrin

Posted at 02:29 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

:eek: Jerry's brain-washed the whole staff!!

up next, 5-11



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Bob Sacamano;1930767 said:
keep the tears coming

I do find it funny that you want to give the man you mock in your sig, total control of his staff

I want the HC to have control over his staff regardless of who it is. Better that than Jerry dictating it for him.


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Bach;1930749 said:
We could make Campo HC and Lacewell GM and you and several others would spin it some how. Some of you make ES posters sound reasonable.
Don't even go there. When you can't make a point you start making ridiculous claims such as this, as if it somehow bolsters your opinion.

I never wanted Campo as a HC here because I ddi not want to hire someone with no HC experience at any level, which was not the best circumstances when we had a broken down old team his first year and an extremely young talent-deprived team his second. His third year showed he definitely could not hack it. I was as thrilled as anyone when we replaced him with Parcells.

and nobody here is advocating Campo for HC btw. I would hope you think hiring Campo as a db coach is significantly different than hiring him as HC, but apparently I was mistaken.


The Cult of Jib
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waaaaaaaa-it a minute WG

"Nothing has been done and I feel very comfortable with Wade (Phillips)," Camp said. Campo also said he did not speak with owner Jerry Jones. He left the facility shortly after returning in a vehicle with Phillips, assistant head coach Jason Garrett, defensive coordinator Brian Stewart and offensive line coach Hudson Houck.

How is that possible? How did he not speak with Jerruh?

Maybe Wade is the one who wanted to interview him....

Bob Sacamano

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InmanRoshi;1930773 said:
Jerry didn't take one of the greatest teams of all time and turn them into a national joke overnight. It wasn't just one bad hire, one bad draft, one personnel decision. It was a cumuluative effect. 7-8 years of bad decisions in small increments, with some people defending every single move along the way. So, no, one bad or stupid decision won't singlehandedly bring down the entire franchise, but when you step back and take off the blue and silver goggles you begin to see the gradual erosion. Every decision Jerry makes can either bring us closer to where we were in 2001 or futher away. Jerry this offseason seems hellbent on bringing us closer.

why? because he hired a failed HC to coach dbacks?


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InmanRoshi;1930773 said:
Jerry didn't take one of the greatest teams of all time and turn them into a national joke overnight. It wasn't just one bad hire, one bad draft, one personnel decision. It was a cumuluative effect. 7-8 years of bad decisions in small increments, with some people defending every single move along the way. So, no, one bad or stupid decision won't singlehandedly bring down the entire franchise, but when you step back and take off the blue and silver goggles you begin to see the gradual erosion. Every decision Jerry makes can either bring us closer to where we were in 2001 or futher away. Jerry this offseason seems hellbent on bringing us closer.
There's no tangible evidence that this is what is taking place here. I'd wait until next season before we see anything substantial that could prove this either way.

Bringing in Ernie Zampese as a consultant would not make one damn difference one way or the other, though.


The Cult of Jib
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InmanRoshi;1930773 said:
Jerry didn't take one of the greatest teams of all time and turn them into a national joke overnight. It wasn't just one bad hire, one bad draft, one personnel decision. It was a cumuluative effect. 7-8 years of bad decisions in small increments, with some people defending every single move along the way. So, no, one bad or stupid decision won't singlehandedly bring down the entire franchise, but when you step back and take off the blue and silver goggles you begin to see the gradual erosion. Every decision Jerry makes can either bring us closer to where we were in 2001 or futher away. Jerry this offseason seems hellbent on bringing us closer.

I forget, so please help me...

How did Leonard Davis work out?
Ken Hamlin?
The trade down?
Hiring Garrett as OC?
Hiring Phillips as HC?
Guaranteeing more money to Ellis so Ellis would play?

So.....which direction are we headed in, exactly?

Bob Sacamano

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Bach;1930782 said:
I want the HC to have control over his staff regardless of who it is. Better that than Jerry dictating it for him.

:laugh2: you're a friggin' joke, dude

transparent as well

so it doesn't matter if the HC is a goof-ball w/ a poor track record, just as long as Jerry keeps his hands off his team



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WoodysGirl;1930751 said:
January 28, 2008
Campo interviews

Former Cowboys head coach Dave Campo left Valley Ranch headquarters around 2 p.m. after interviewing for the team's vacant secondary coaching position. Campo would not say whether he accepted an offer, but said, "it's in their hands now."

Campo, Jacksonville's assistant head coach/secondary, is still under contract with the Jaguars.

"Nothing has been done and I feel very comfortable with Wade (Phillips)," Camp said. Campo also said he did not speak with owner Jerry Jones. He left the facility shortly after returning in a vehicle with Phillips, assistant head coach Jason Garrett, defensive coordinator Brian Stewart and offensive line coach Hudson Houck.

Campo said he will remain in town the rest of the week, visiting his two daughters and grandchildren.

Rick Herrin

Posted at 02:29 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
This won't do at all. How can we have accusations of Jerry meddling when he does not even talk to Jerry at Valley Ranch, today.

Sounds almost like Wade interviewed him. Which is hard to believe considering he has no control over his staff.


Zone Scribe
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Vintage;1930790 said:
I forget, so please help me...

How did Leonard Davis work out?
Ken Hamlin?
The trade down?
Hiring Garrett as OC?
Hiring Phillips as HC?
Guaranteeing more money to Ellis so Ellis would play?

It turned out exactly where we were a year ago. Poor showing down the stretch and not winning playoff games. Stagnant.

The path we're headed for this offseason seems to be a familiar one ... one where the head coach has his legs undercut away from him, and reassembing a braintrust of familiar but proven failures.


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Vintage;1930784 said:
waaaaaaaa-it a minute WG

How is that possible? How did he not speak with Jerruh?

Maybe Wade is the one who wanted to interview him....

Jerry is orchestrating this whole thing to destroy the Cowboys again. :rolleyes: